ycm-core / lsp-examples

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Reported error for comment after an indented let=<< #33

Closed Aster89 closed 1 year ago

Aster89 commented 1 year ago

Well, I too hurriedly posted this issue on Vim, https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/11642, but in reality it belongs here. Below is a copy of the text.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open a vimscript file and fill it with the following content:
    fun SomeFun()
    let text =<< trim END
    Some text
    " a comment
  2. Observe the syntax coloring of "
  3. Hit EscapeGAEnterEnter.
  4. See the error.

Here's a screencast:


Note there's nothing after the closing END and there's as much space before as before let. This is consistent with let {var-name} =<< [trim] [eval] {endmarker}'s documentation, specifically

The last line should end only with the {endmarker} string without any other character.


The marker must line up with "let".

Expected behaviour

Correct syntax coloring and no error.

Version of Vim

9.0 patch 1-910


Operating system: up-to-date Archlinux Terminal: URxvt Value of $TERM: rxvt-unicode-256color Shell: Bash

Logs and stack traces

No response

puremourning commented 1 year ago

this repo is just a way to install some language servers, it does not have any actual functionality so can't possibly be the cause of whatever your issue is.