ycoady / UVic-Software-Evolution

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Lab 8: Project Stories, Values, Estimates and Risks #15

Open ycoady opened 9 years ago

ycoady commented 9 years ago

Each team member in the group should make a detailed project plan using the advice here: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/674450/Agile-software-development-steps-to-work-with-Requ

The team should assess (really need to check the spelling in that article!) the plans, pick one, and STICK WITH IT!

Track your progress, note any "sins" and be ready to revisit this plan over the next two labs!

knowlesc commented 9 years ago

Project Repository: https://github.com/knowlesc/seng371project2 Colin Knowles and Ryan McDonald

Hoverbear commented 9 years ago

Our issue: https://github.com/Hoverbear/transit/issues/6 @hoverbear (Andrew Hobden), @brodyholden (Brody Holden)

paulmoon commented 9 years ago

Our detailed project plan: https://github.com/guand/seng371-project2/blob/master/README.md

PolloDiablo commented 9 years ago

Our plan is here: https://github.com/PolloDiablo/SENG-371-Project-1/blob/master/Project%202%20Plan.md

Jeremy Kroeker Brayden Arthur

sarahannnicholson commented 9 years ago

Task Breakdown and Estimations

Task Importance Effort
Streamline the process 8 7
There should be 1 file created at runtime (the output.csv) 6 7
Run gitstats in quiet mode 9 8
Prompt user for git info, repo link etc .. instead of following the readme 5 5
Inform user of current script status during runtime 3 4
Incorporate matplotlib into script 10 5
Increase performance 7 10
Look into non-python repositories 6 9

Sprint 1 Plan (March 10th - March 24th)

Sprint 2 Plan (March 24th - April 7th)

Sprint 3 Plan (April 7th - April 21st)

Scrum Meeting Times

Team Member Roles

Task Chris Richard Sarah
Non-python repositories X X X
Incorporate matplotlib X
1 file created X X
gitstats alternatives X X X
Streamline the process X X X
Prompt user for info X
Increase performance X X
Inform user script status X
Run gitstats in quiet mode X
eburdon commented 9 years ago

@eburdon and @fraserd

Our repo

Project plan

KRollans commented 9 years ago

Evan Hildebrandt, Jason Syrotuck, Keith Rollans https://github.com/Jsyro/seng371/issues/4

mitchellri commented 9 years ago

Mitchell Rivett, Tyler Potter Repository

DigitalCoffee commented 9 years ago

Andrew Hansen and Devin Corrigall Repo : Basic Info + Milestones Issue : Tasks + Estimations

gregnr commented 9 years ago

Parker Atkins, Rabjot Aujla, Greg Richardson, Jordan Heemskerk


Our milestones for project 2 (extending project 1) are recorded in this wiki page. For the current status of each item, you can check the milestone section of our issue page.