ycoady / UVic-Software-Evolution

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Lab 10: Final project links! #17

Open ycoady opened 9 years ago

ycoady commented 9 years ago

Post a link to your final project repo HERE!

Be sure to include the following:

knowlesc commented 9 years ago


PolloDiablo commented 9 years ago

Project Repo: https://github.com/PolloDiablo/SENG-371-Project-1 ReadME for part 2: https://github.com/PolloDiablo/SENG-371-Project-1/blob/master/Project%202%20Plan.md

Question: How to help developers analyze user discussion on forums (Reddit)?

Methodology: Use Reddit API to gather data about user Reddit posts related to bugs/crashes/issues. Look at this data in two ways:

  1. Real-time monitoring of the forums to detect popular posts concerning bugs. Notify the developer via email if a bug is trending.
  2. Provide graphs which showcase the long-term trends of keywords in the user discussion.

The rest of these things will be done when our project is done.

Jeremy Kroeker Brayden Arthur

BrodyHolden commented 9 years ago


Andrew Hobden @Hoverbear and Brody Holden @BrodyHolden

paulmoon commented 9 years ago

Jian Guan @guand, Jonathan Lam @lamj1234, Paul Moon @paulmoon


mitchellri commented 9 years ago

Because we extended our part 1 project in to project 2, tou can find documentation for part 1 and part 2 in the following repository: https://github.com/mrivettuvic/SENG-371

Mitchell Rivett, Tyler Potter

DigitalCoffee commented 9 years ago


Devin Corrigall & Andrew Hansen.

Bleech94 commented 9 years ago


Brandon Leech & Jorin Weatherston

gregnr commented 9 years ago

Our Project 2 report can be found here:


Parker Atkins, Rabjot Aujla, Greg Richardson, Jordan Heemskerk

fraserd commented 9 years ago

Here is the link to our project github, which contains all required elements: EvolutionHub

Authors: Erika Burdon (@eburdon) and Fraser DeLisle (@fraserd)