ycps / vrep-env

V-REP integrated with OpenAI Gym
47 stars 18 forks source link

License #1

Closed Lauchturm closed 6 years ago

Lauchturm commented 6 years ago

Hi Yuri, your repo looks like I could use it very well for my bachelor thesis, but without a specified license I am not allowed to use or modify it. Thus you would help me a lot if you could add a license to the repo.

I found https://choosealicense.com/ to be very helpful in that decision.

If you prefer so, I could also create a pull request adding the license.

Best regards, Julian

ycps commented 6 years ago

Hi Julian, thanks for the feedback. I have added the MIT License to the repo. Feel free to contact me regarding this project or send a pull request in the repo. Cheers, Yuri

Lauchturm commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much! If I find anything that needs to be changed or added, I will gladly send a PR