ycq091044 / SafeDrug

IJCAI2021: Code for SafeDrug, MIMIC data processing, Medical code mapping
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Cannot run ddi_mask_H.py in data prepocessing #4

Closed Thomaswbt closed 2 years ago

Thomaswbt commented 2 years ago

@ycq091044 Hi Yang: When I try to preprocess the MIMIC-III data with your preprocessing codes, I found that there is an error in line 8 of ddi_mask_H.py, showing idx2drug.pkl not found. Is idx2drug.pkl generated by get_SMILES.py? But when I try to run get_SMILES.py, an error in line 10 occurred with hint "DataFrame" object has no attribute 'ATC4'. It seems that 'ndc2atc' has attribute 'ATC5' instead of 'ATC4'. Also in line 14 of "get_SMILES.py", it seems that atc2ndc doesn't have atttibute 'NDC'. Is there anything wrong about the data processing files, or am I getting wrong at the data processing procedures. Thanks in advance!

ycq091044 commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

For the first question.

For the second question.

Thomaswbt commented 2 years ago

The processing procedure seems to work after updating the file name, thanks a lot.