yctuga / BINF8211

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HW2 #2

Open yctuga opened 3 years ago

yctuga commented 3 years ago


SBATCH --job-name=hw2_RNAseqMapping

SBATCH --partition=batch

SBATCH --ntasks=1

SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4

SBATCH --time=24:00:00

SBATCH --mem=20G

SBATCH --output=log.%j

SBATCH --mail-user=yct@uga.edu

SBATCH --mail-type=ALL

define directory

data='/home/yct/BINF8211/HW2/data' result='/home/yct/BINF8211/HW2/result' hisat_source='/home/yct/BINF8211/HW2/source'

module load

module load HISAT2/2.1.0-foss-2019b module load SAMtools/1.10-GCC-8.3.0

build index

hisat2-build -p 16 $hisat_souce/hg38.fa $hisat_source/hg38


hisat2 -p 4 -x $hisat_source/hg38 \ -1 $data/PE1.fastq.gz \ -2 $data/PE2.fastq.gz \ -S $result/PE_2_hg38.sam \ --rna-strandness RF -q

sort bam file

samtools view -bS $restult/PE_2_hg38.sam > $result/PE_2_hg38.bam


samtools sort $result/PE_2_hg38.bam $result/PE_2hg38_sorted

mkdir $result/tmp

samtools sort -T $result/tmp/ -o $result/PE_2_hg38_sorted.bam $result/PE_2_hg38.bam

yctuga commented 3 years ago

Q1: shell script titled as file hw2


6141255 reads; of these: 6141255 (100.00%) were paired; of these: 387828 (6.32%) aligned concordantly 0 times 4203059 (68.44%) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time 1550368 (25.25%) aligned concordantly >1 times

387828 pairs aligned concordantly 0 times; of these:
  4888 (1.26%) aligned discordantly 1 time
382940 pairs aligned 0 times concordantly or discordantly; of these:
  765880 mates make up the pairs; of these:
    522696 (68.25%) aligned 0 times
    162176 (21.18%) aligned exactly 1 time
    81008 (10.58%) aligned >1 times

95.74% overall alignment rate


$ cat PE_2_hg38.sam |grep -v ^@ |awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"}{print $1, $2%16}' |uniq |awk '{print $2}' |sort |uniq -c


13194 1 148062 13 5753427 3 226572 5 226572 9

based on the flag information, 11759814 reads are mapped 131942 + 57534272 + 226572 = 11759814 522696 reads are not mapped 148062*2 + 226572 = 522696

count split-mapped reads $ cat PE_2_hg38.sam |grep -v ^@ |awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}{if ($6 ~ /[0-9]*N/){print $1}}' |uniq |sort |uniq |wc -l

1740403 are split-mapped reads