ydb-platform / ydb

YDB is an open source Distributed SQL Database that combines high availability and scalability with strong consistency and ACID transactions
Apache License 2.0
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YDB сервер (докер) не запускается #142

Open TomskDiver opened 1 year ago

TomskDiver commented 1 year ago

Имеется Ubuntu 18.04 Запускаю сервер в виде докер контейнера как в инструкции:

docker run -d --rm --name ydb-local -h localhost \
  -p 2135:2135 -p 8765:8765 -p 2136:2136 \
  -v $(pwd)/ydb_certs:/ydb_certs -v $(pwd)/ydb_data:/ydb_data \
  -e GRPC_TLS_PORT=2135 -e GRPC_PORT=2136 -e MON_PORT=8765 \

Контейнер стартует и не падает. Файлики в папках создал. Но вот ни один из указанных портов не слушается. Смотрю лог контейнера, а там:

Starting periodic command scheduler: cron.
rsyslogd: pidfile '/run/rsyslogd.pid' and pid 18 already exist.
If you want to run multiple instances of rsyslog, you need to specify
different pid files for them (-i option).
rsyslogd: run failed with error -3000 (see rsyslog.h or try https://www.rsyslog.com/e/3000 to learn what that number means)
Starting enhanced syslogd: rsyslogd already started.

Проверяю соединение так:

# ydb -e grpc://localhost:2136 -d /local scheme ls
<main>: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses
<main>: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:2136
<main>: Error: Endpoint list is empty for database /local, cluster endpoint localhost:2136.

rsyslogd у меня запущен:

# cat /run/rsyslogd.pid
# ps aux | grep rsyslog
syslog   14451  0.7  0.0 435196  6156 ?        Ssl   2022  77:36 /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n

UPD. Наверное дело не в rsysylogd.

# ps aux | grep ydb
root     30935  0.0  0.0   2476   512 ?        Ss   14:50   0:00 sh ./initialize_local_ydb
root     31097  6.4  0.5 2891288 324912 ?      Sl   14:50   3:07 /ydbd server --node=1 --ca=/ydb_certs/ca.pem --grpcs-port=2135 --yaml-config=/ydb_data/kikimr_configs/config.yaml --log-file-name=/ydb_data/node_1/logfile_yera__xc.log --grpc-port=2136 --mon-port=8765 --ic-port=19001 --cms-config-cache-file=/ydb_data/node_1/cms_config_cache_gcwt73sf

Просто не может инициализироваться? Вот лог: logfile_yera__xc.log

# cat logfile_yera__xc.log | grep ERROR
2023-01-02T11:54:31.576658Z :KQP_PROXY ERROR: Cannot start publishing usage, tenants: 0, empty
2023-01-02T11:54:31.576687Z :KQP_PROXY ERROR: Cannot start publishing usage, tenants: 1, empty
2023-01-02T11:54:32.059035Z :KQP_GATEWAY ERROR: Unexpected error on scheme request, TxId: 281474976715657, ProxyStatus: ExecError, SchemeShardReason: database doesn't have storage pools at all to create tablet channels to storage pool binding by profile id
# cat logfile_yera__xc.log | grep CRIT
2023-01-02T11:54:31.576701Z :KQP_PROXY CRIT: Unexpected whiteboard info: pool size is smaller than user pool id, pool size: 0, user pool id: 1
2023-01-02T11:54:31.576719Z :KQP_PROXY CRIT: Unexpected whiteboard info: pool size is smaller than user pool id, pool size: 0, user pool id: 1
2023-01-02T11:54:31.576726Z :KQP_PROXY CRIT: Unexpected whiteboard info: pool size is smaller than user pool id, pool size: 0, user pool id: 1
2023-01-02T11:54:31.576729Z :KQP_PROXY CRIT: Unexpected whiteboard info: pool size is smaller than user pool id, pool size: 0, user pool id: 1
EvilBorsch commented 4 months ago

Такая же проблема((