ydb-platform / ydb

YDB is an open source Distributed SQL Database that combines high availability and scalability with strong consistency and ACID transactions
Apache License 2.0
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Lowest development speed! #9877

Open makorne opened 1 month ago

makorne commented 1 month ago

No single char in three months, this is the obviously the lowest development speed!

Maybe everything is already done???

But there are NO even ordinary things for modern databases such as pools and migrations! Even the simplest u8 and u16 types don't work! I don't file issue just because it's useless, your official ydb Rust SDK IS DEAD! Nothing has been done with 33 errors for 3 months!

Screenshot from 2024-09-28 13-39-26

The most important dependency Tonic made by programmers for free has already reached version 12.2! But the maintainer is too lazy even to update it from the long-outdated 8.0 version! There are practically no tests! Even the work of u8 and u16 is not tested!

YdbStatusError(YdbStatusError { message: "Operation { id: \"\", ready: true, status: BadRequest, issues: [IssueMessage { position: None, message: \"contrib/ydb/core/kqp/session_actor/kqp_session_actor.cpp:768: Invalid value representation for type: Uint8, expected value case: 3, but current: 2\", end_position: None, issue_code: 0, severity: 1, issues: [] }], result: Some(Any { type_url: \"type.googleapis.com/Ydb.Table.ExecuteQueryResult\", value: [18, 28, 10, 26, 48, 49, 106, 56, 118, 107, 52, 100, 56, 112, 49, 103, 51, 113, 116, 120, 49, 113, 118, 118, 53, 100, 97, 113, 110, 52] }), metadata: None, cost_info: None }", operation_status: 400010, issues: [YdbIssue { issue_code: 0, message: "contrib/ydb/core/kqp/session_actor/kqp_session_actor.cpp:768: Invalid value representation for type: Uint8, expected value case: 3, but current: 2", issues: [], severity: Error }] })

There are also minimal examples and new are have not been added for 5 month!

For two years, even the Roadmap has not been created, when and what is planned! Because nothing is planned! 😔 I wrote to him about this very lowest development speed a few months ago, he closed it and did not do anything! He infects even those who actively participated in the development with his laziness!

Is YDB a commercial project? Why do you pay the laziest paid programmer for your rust sdk? In three months, your OFFICIAL Rust SDK project hasn't written a single char! Naturally, even free programmers are way ahead of you in provided desired features.

Why can't you find at least one normal programmer for maintain Rust SDK? In the rest of your projects, updates are usually daily!

Screenshot from 2024-09-28 13-39-03

rekby commented 2 weeks ago

Hello. Thanks for your feedback, it is important for us.

Rust SDK supported now and it hasn't known bugs.

Even the simplest u8 and u16 types don't work!

The u8/u16 problem was fixed few days ago by community https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb-rs-sdk/pull/211 by https://github.com/MikhailNazarov (contributor from community).

Nothing has been done with 33 errors for 3 months!

33 Issues from screenshots are ways for improve of the sdk, not bugs.

I wrote to him about this very lowest development speed a few months ago, he closed it and did not do anything! He infects even those who actively participated in the development with his laziness!

Do you have any PR without review?

Is YDB a commercial project? Why do you pay the laziest paid programmer for your rust sdk? In three months, your OFFICIAL Rust SDK project hasn't written a single char! Naturally, even free programmers are way ahead of you in provided desired features.

Describe your project in details please: how do you use the YDB, what problems do you have from the SDK, what features do you need?