Open nvamelichev opened 10 months ago
Prototyping in
Bug: FieldValue.ofObj()
does recognize the custom value type but does not call the preconvert()
anywhere. This leads to ClassCastException
at query-building time (db.myTable().query().where("customValueTypedField").eq(...)
This was not detected because my test custom-value type implemented Number
and/or was String-like and implemented a sane toString()
Failing test:
public void failingTest() {
var ve = new VersionedEntity(new VersionedEntity.Id("heyhey"), new Version(100_500L));
db.tx(() -> db.versionedEntities().insert(ve));
// Throws ClassCastException on eq() call
assertThat(db.tx(() -> db.versionedEntities().query()
Entity and cvt:
public record VersionedEntity(
Id id,
Version version
) implements RecordEntity<VersionedEntity> {
public record Id(String value) implements Entity.Id<VersionedEntity> {
columnValueType = FieldValueType.INTEGER,
columnClass = Long.class,
converter = Version.Converter.class
public record Version(long value) {
public static final class Converter implements ValueConverter<Version, Long> {
public @NonNull Long toColumn(@NonNull JavaField field, Version v) {
return v.value();
public @NonNull Version toJava(@NonNull JavaField field, @NonNull Long value) {
return new Version(value);
Now we have meta-annotation support for @Column
and @CustomValueType
annotations (#50).
You can e.g. write @StringColumn UUID myColumn
in an entity and this is equivalent to @Column(customValueType=@CustomValueType(columnClass=String.class, converter=StringValueConverter.class)) UUID myColumn
. Same is possible for annotating types with predefined @CustomValueType
annotation, see e.g. @StringValueType
:tada: As of YOJ 2.2.10, custom value conversion logic is considered fairly well-tested and is OK performance wise, but API changes are still likely.
:tada: As of YOJ 2.5.x, the custom value conversion logic has stabilized; further API changes are unlikely.
Custom conversion APIs will (most likely) stop being @ExperimentalApi
in YOJ 3.0.0.
Add converter logic & annotations to make your custom types convertible to a basic repertoire of YOJ types hard-coded in
.Note that at this time there is no attempt to make such types fully workable for complex scenarios, e.g. in-memory listing with filtering.