yderidde / bindstyle-ember-helper

An ember.js extension to easily bind css style attributes
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Incompatible with 1.8.1 #17

Open hinok opened 9 years ago

hinok commented 9 years ago

Hey, I just started new project with help of ember-cli 0.1.7 and default version installed by cli is 1.8.1 and Handlebars 1.3.0.

bindstyle-ember-helper doesn't work with that setup but works perfectly with ember 1.9 and Handlebars 2.0.0.

I think that information in README.md could really help and avoid confusion.

drewbaker commented 9 years ago

I tried to port it here, but it doesn't work. Close I think though!

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper('bindStyle', bindStyleHelper);

function bindStyleHelper(options) {
    var fmt = Ember.String.fmt;
    var attrs = options.hash;

    Ember.assert("You must specify at least one hash argument to bindStyle", !!Ember.keys(attrs).length);

    var view = options.data.view;
    var ret = [];
    var style = [];

    // Generate a unique id for this element. This will be added as a
    // data attribute to the element so it can be looked up when
    // the bound property changes.
    var dataId = Ember.uuid();

    var attrKeys = Ember.keys(attrs).filter(function(item, index, self) {
        return (item.indexOf("unit") == -1) && (item !== "static");

    // For each attribute passed, create an observer and emit the
    // current value of the property as an attribute.
    attrKeys.forEach(function(attr) {
          var property = attrs[attr];

          Ember.assert(fmt("You must provide an expression as the value of bound attribute." +
                         " You specified: %@=%@", [attr, property]), typeof property === 'string');

          var propertyUnit = attrs[attr+"-unit"] || attrs["unit"] || '';

          var lazyValue = view.getStream(property);
          var value = lazyValue.value();

          Ember.assert(fmt("Attributes must be numbers, strings or booleans, not %@", [value]), value == null || typeof value === 'number' || typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'boolean');

          lazyValue.subscribe(view._wrapAsScheduled(function applyAttributeBindings() {
              var result = lazyValue.value();

              Ember.assert(fmt("Attributes must be numbers, strings or booleans, not %@", [result]),
                           result === null || result === undefined || typeof result === 'number' ||
                             typeof result === 'string' || typeof result === 'boolean');

              var elem = view.$("[data-bindattr-" + dataId + "='" + dataId + "']");

              Ember.assert("An style binding was triggered when the element was not in the DOM", elem && elem.length !== 0);

              elem.css(attr, result + "" + propertyUnit);

          if (attr === 'background-image' && typeof value === 'string' && value.substr(0, 4) !== 'url(') {
              value = 'url(' + value + ')';

          style.push(attr+':'+value+propertyUnit+';'+(attrs["static"] || ''));
    }, this);

    // Add the unique identifier
    ret.push('style="' + style.join(' ') + '" data-bindAttr-' + dataId + '="' + dataId + '"');
    return new Ember.Handlebars.SafeString(ret.join(' '));