yds12 / guarakapa

Password manager for the terminal.
MIT License
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Clarity about dependencies #14

Open yds12 opened 2 years ago

yds12 commented 2 years ago

In some Linux distros, copying the password to the clipboard does not work even after installing openssl, libxcb-shape and libxcb-xfixes. We need to find out exactly what are the relevant libraries that need to be present (beyond X itself).

yds12 commented 2 years ago

Thanks to cargo-deb, the generated .deb package already shows the exact dependencies on Debian systems:

Depends: libxcb-shape0, libc6 (>= 2.18), libxcb-xfixes0, libxcb1 (>= 1.6), libxcb-render0, libgcc1 (>= 1:4.2), libssl1.1 (>= 1.1.0)

With ldd we get some more information:

linux-vdso, libxcb, libxcb-render, libxcb-shape, libxcb-xfixes, libssl, libcrypto, libgcc_s, librt, libpthread, libm, libdl, libc, libXau, libXdmcp, libbsd
yds12 commented 2 years ago

What is left before closing this issue is to document these dependencies in the README.