Closed cafuni closed 7 years ago
Really have an issue with this and not enthused that it hasn't been acknowledged yet.
Scaling it keeps it blurry and I can't see any way even with the native QR Code generation to get a large image.
@cafuni I was able to get around this by adding a wrapper method that checks the type of barcode. If it is a QR Code, I use the following method:
private class func createQRCode(string: String, correctionLevel: InputCorrectionLevel = .Medium, sizeToFill: CGSize? = nil) -> UIImage? {
let data = string.dataUsingEncoding(NSISOLatin1StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false)
guard let filter = CIFilter(name: "CIQRCodeGenerator") else {
return nil
filter.setValue(data, forKey: "inputMessage")
filter.setValue(correctionLevel.rawValue, forKey: "inputCorrectionLevel")
guard let outputImage = filter.outputImage else {
return nil
if (sizeToFill != nil) {
let imageSize = outputImage.extent.size
let scaleX = sizeToFill!.width / imageSize.width
let scaleY = sizeToFill!.height / imageSize.height
let newImage = outputImage.imageByApplyingTransform(CGAffineTransformMakeScale(scaleX, scaleY))
return UIImage(CIImage: newImage)
return UIImage(CIImage: outputImage)
Hopefully, the author will support something like this going forward in order to get a proper size and scale the CIImage appropriately.
Have you tried to change the scale to larger value?
self.imageDisplayed.image = RSAbstractCodeGenerator.resizeImage(image!, scale: 10.0)
This works, but it only goes by scale. That's not as efficient when I'm trying to fill the bounds of something to the best capability and don't necessarily know what scale is too much to fill, or if the imageView itself is flexible.
I ended up doing something like this:
let smallerFillLength = (sizeToFill!.height < sizeToFill!.width) ? sizeToFill!.height : sizeToFill!.width
let largerCodeImageLength = (codeImage.size.height > codeImage.size.width) ? codeImage.size.height : codeImage.size.width
let fillScale = smallerFillLength / largerCodeImageLength
return RSAbstractCodeGenerator.resizeImage(codeImage, scale: fillScale)
Where sizeToFill
is a CGSize I can pass in, typically the size of the imageView
or bounding area I want to get.
I use the smallest of all the bounding lengths and the largest of the code image length since it should be a square.
Any better way to achieve this?
@bdrelling Your solution is great, I can provide one static function later to achieve this, one of the parameters should be contentMode (UIViewContentMode), what do you think?
I've added one helper method to resize image, you may take a look @bdrelling @cafuni
public class func resizeImage(source:UIImage, targetSize:CGSize, contentMode:UIViewContentMode) -> UIImage
@yeahdongcn I will take a look at this soon. Thanks for the response!
Any ideas about the new resize method? @bdrelling @cafuni
the QRCode appears very small...
let image: UIImage? = gen.generateCode(contents, machineReadableCodeObjectType: AVMetadataObjectTypeQRCode) if let image = image { self.barcodeView.image = RSAbstractCodeGenerator.resizeImage(image, scale: 1.0) }