yearn / budget

yearn budget requests and audits
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Maintain Written Content and Scale Yearn Knowledge Base #112

Closed MarcoWorms closed 1 year ago

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago


This is a request to extend #103, with some changes on scope and grant amount requested.

The scope of the proposal is:


The plan, as I've been doing for an year now and reported weekly in #69, #90, and #103, is to keep adding content to the docs and crafting new articles to onboard new users and highlight the main benefits of using Yearn, and also maintain documentation up-to-date for current and new products (ycrv, ybal, v3 vaults, vault factory).

I am always open to reasses the direction of what our content efforts should be aiming for!

And now I also want to add a new scope here: scale yearn knowledge base, which I intent to start with yGenius:

yGenius and LLMs

LLMs are here and I've been using them a lot to help making content. I believe that there is value in maintaining a sort of yearn index, currently using gpt_index, for the yearn eco so LLMs can know more about all the docs, code, articles, onchain/offchain data, support history, and beyond. Today yearn ecosystem has a lot of spread knowledge, hopefully this initiative helps anyone consume it more conveniently.

We released a first version + source here:

Automating process around updating the index, figuring out the sources to include, and properly indexing/labeling them is the effort I want to iterate on the next months. Here is a snapshot of today's index state, which has much space to improve just by properly adding existing data on it.

Here is an image with the current health of the index, and I'm exploring ways to fix the yellow circles (which means data is in index but bot is having difficulty to reach it)

*In a sepparate effort I started DocuDroid which is not much yearn related but I do use it to review written content I make for yearn.




Marco Worms: technical writer, web2 dev, ygenius project manager


A grant for me to continue writing articles, adding new content to the docs site, and maintaining yearn's LLM index. I will be able to fulltime these and won't need to do external freelances anymore with the new amount requested, which will help me focus.

Other Costs: OpenAI API costs, will paste one-week data here when we have it, but for projection it cost 10U$/day to allow people to make 1000 daily requests (always paid on-demand per-request) (I can pay this by myself and ask refund on end of month)


Monthly: $7500 DAI + $2500 YFI (YFI can be veYFI locked for max duration)

Wallet address




fakenickels commented 1 year ago

+1 well deserved!

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago
MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago
MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago

I have some stuff to do in the weekend that I should've done this week but will just lay down here all the current things:

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago
MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago

gngn! I am coming back from my ethdenver/US staying and should start pushing things faster! atm this week I worked on:

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago
MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago

ongoing drafts:

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago

on the documentation side, both ypriceapi and the v3 docs I'm working on I'm testing flows using autogenerated docs by gpt4 and doing a final retouch, because of the 8k tokens API most relevant context + query + answer fits within the same query and I think it can help us makes good docs much faster, for example ypriceAPI is generated on top of the API openapi.json spec and it was able to make examples for many languages, v3 docs followed a similar pattern but I used contract ABI, and the fun thing was that after doing a first review with schlag I was able to just throw all his feedback into gpt4 to fix the text wherever needed and it seems to have worked very well

the yip toolkit was also generated by pasting the relevant code from the repos for validator and generator into gpt4 đŸ‘€

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago

will write a more extensive report soon on all ongoing things, but just registering some stuff:

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago