yearn / budget

yearn budget requests and audits
MIT License
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yExporter #2 #146

Open 0xBasically opened 11 months ago

0xBasically commented 11 months ago


This is a budget request for maintaining all exporter-related tasks. The exporter is a service that powers, calculates APYs for all our networks, serves data for various internal and external frontends, and is used to visualize current and historical partner, treasury, and transaction data.



As of today, Crebsy and BobTheBuilder are taking care of most of the maintenance and new feature implementation to Exporter's codebase. 0xBasic is reviewing PRs, maintaining and improving grafana dashboards while CSdata1 works on integrating statistics and machine learning models into the Exporter. We will integrate new Yearn products thus push metrics users want to see to Yearn.Vision, and by cleaning the codebase get Exporter to a point where it can move into maintance only mode by the end of the year. Next to these development tasks, we'll serve and monitor the APIs that feed yDaemon, the partner scripts, and other existing and future frontends.



:information_source: This budget request is for a period of 3 months and will be evaluated at the end of the period.

This budget request will allow us to get Exporter to a state where we can go into "maintance mode". This is a state where we dont add new features but the current feature set should suffice and alow us to maintain it with mostly fixes and small improvements when needed. Thus lowering total costs while keeping everything working as normal: exporters, apis, monitoring. We expect this to cut costs to 15k per month moving forward.

Public Group

YFI Exporter (public) bridged to discord


Past budget request


New tasks





Monthly breakdown:

Type Description DAI YFI
HOSTING 3x server 390 0
NODES 5x networks 500 0
DEV crebsy 7000 0.75
DEV BobTheBuilder 7000 0.75
DEV 0xBasic 7000 0.75
DATA ANALYST CSdata1 1500 0.20
======= ============= ======== =======
TOTAL 23390 2.45
TOTAL AMOUNT Month DAI YFI Description
July 500 0 NODES
August 16390 1.70 HOSTING, NODES, DEVS, (cresby time off)
September 23390 2.45 HOSTING, NODES, DEVS
October 23390 2.45 HOSTING, NODES, DEVS
========= ====== ==== ===========
63670 6.6


63670 DAI + 6.6 YFI

Wallet address




0xBasically commented 10 months ago

Updated maintenance mode costs for clarity