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yearn budget requests and audits
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Xopowo Budget Request 2024-01-25 #188

Open saltyfacu opened 5 months ago

saltyfacu commented 5 months ago

Xopowo's overall commitment remains the same as in #168. In short: Xopowo is focused on supporting existing Yearn projects while innovating and shipping new ones.


tldr The last quarter saw a big push on new launches like v3, yPrisma, and Juiced Vaults. Giving each Yearn project it's own visual brand with bespoke UI design is certainly more labour intensive but we feel definitely worth the effort (with the response to the recent Juiced launch being particularily encouraging for this strategy) and we're excited to share the yPrisma UI refresh soon.

Next quarter we are excited to build Gimme which we see as a big opportunity for Yearn and strategically significant on multiple fronts.

This push on Gimme will be balanced with the scope below:

Current scope

Revenue generating




The Plan

As always, the Xopowo team remains committed to both maintaining and improving Yearn's current front ends while also looking to create products that bring new users to Yearn through innovative approaches and new functionality. Ensuring a great product experience for current users while seeking new ones. We therefore propose that the Xopowo team continues maintaining Yearn's website, in addition to creating new projects.

Additionally, the team is going to be searching for additional opportunities for product development, partnerships and integrations with other projects and protocols. This may involve grants or funding opportunities from external sources to Yearn - which will bring value back to Yearn through integrations and complementary functions that enhance the user experience.

In the future, the Xopowo Team may seek to reduce its dependence on grants from Yearn and move towards a revenue-sharing scheme. The team believes that this approach will help align its incentives with Yearn's interests while also promoting sustainable growth.




We propose a dual approach to funding contributions toward the development and maintenance of our projects. Firstly, we plan to distribute a grant to each person working on a project.

Secondly, we will use bounties to fund isolated contributions or contributions linked to projects in maintenance mode. This approach will enable us to incentivize individual contributors, ensuring the continued success and growth of our projects.

Our breakdown: Description Token Amount
Contributors DAI 95000
Infra DAI 2000


Wallet address


