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Maintain Yearn Docs and Written Content #69

Closed saltyfacu closed 1 year ago

saltyfacu commented 2 years ago


Maintain Yearn Docs and keep adding new content. is a key resource for developers and integrators. It's critical to maintain it and keep adding tutorials, new docs, and writing new articles.


The plan is to keep improving the site and add new content proactively.

This is recurrent but will ask for a 3 months grant. A stream is fine. The date is in September because June was already agreed before this new process.




Marco Worms: technical writer saltyfacu: helping out on the organization side


As a grant for Marco to continue maintaining the work he's been doing


15000 DAI

Wallet address



banteg commented 2 years ago

Marco has a 5000 DAI/month stream already, no additional action required if this is approved.

saltyfacu commented 2 years ago

Indeed. This proposal is to secure it until the end of september.

MarcoWorms commented 2 years ago

First weekly report, lmk whatever extra info might be needed!


I'm super open to receive input of what should be prioritized in our docs, but here is what I've done past week :

Next week I want to


2 articles were done before this week and were waiting for publication so I was communicating with farrah to get them published, I had to deal with some issues I had with the handover of the marketing flows so it wasn't the most productive week for writing new things but we got to reestablish the publishing flow so now things should run smooth:

And I have one draft I'm working on too:

Next week I want to

RestlessMike commented 2 years ago

Great job, this is the kind of energy, proactiveness and hard work that will make Yearn survive this turbulence.

MarcoWorms commented 2 years ago

weekly report time!


The direction of docs work is still quite open, I'm working on refactoring and upgrading the infrastructure files as I understand what needs to be added next (or how should we reorganize stuff). I talked a bit with Facu about finding some people that use the docs a frequently to give us input on what could be better, but this effort has not began yet

This week's infrastructure upgrade happened at:

And I should work on closing old open PRs to work towards zeroing PRs/issues:

Lastly, I made this guide to fork yearn UI that seems to be in the late stages of review, it's a complementary material to macarena's readme and it's a more extensive guide on the nuances of forking and editing the UI:


I chatted with Farrah about focusing on articles with more deepness and quality rather than trying to attend a number of articles in a monthly period or anything like this, also I gave more focus to docs/nftreasury this week, so the only tangible progress was absorbing the first batch of reviews in this article:

Did not progress on "Yearn and Stablecoins: Analyzing the risks" this week, should have something more on it on the next one!

MarcoWorms commented 2 years ago

Hello there!! So, this week I worked more on NFTreasury (#70) this week than on tasks from this scope, nonetheless, I managed to do something here :D

Both docs and articles are totally open to suggestions about what could be done!


Applied all review requests to the example guide to forking yearn's UI and waiting for new reviews:

Minor fix in our readme to remove broken links:


Finished reviewing and applied more corrections to the sustainable yield article before publishing to medium, now it's ready to be posted on social media (which is expected to be done by Monday!)

MarcoWorms commented 2 years ago


Hello!! So, this week (again)I worked more on NFTreasury (#70) than on tasks from this scope, no that the project is done I'm moving on to documenting our web-lib and will report about this endeavor in the frontend issue:

as always, both docs and articles are totally open to suggestions about what could be done! If you think there is something badly documented or you would like to see an article exploring any part of yearn feel free to reach out to me!

I did start to tackle this one though:


No progress in new articles this week (on nftreasury there was a twitter thread with a making-off, that was the closest to an article), the next article I'm working on is an exploration of the inherent risks of holding each stablecoin that we have a vault for at yearn, drafting here:

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago


There is some overlapping in "docs" scope since I'm doing web-lib docs over issue #70 and devdocs here, this week I've done docs over there so check that issue for the issues I worked on!

Also, working on this one:

Maybe would be nice to unify the reports in a single issue for future iterations


No progress in new articles this week, but in the "marketing" scope I sent a fix for the Portuguese version of bluepill that has the wrong pages order on yfistory website:

Besides the stablecoin-risks draft that I sent on the last report, I'm also thinking of writing an article around subgraph usage

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago


I polished the governance docs copy this week as well as updated the YIPs table to include them all:

Also I just did a small improvement to bring all token+contract addresses together in one page at the docs:


I'm not focusing much on articles right now, if anyone has an idea of something you want to see content about just let me know!

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago


The docs had a bunch of unused code that I think was a reminiscence of old homepages, so I tried to remove code and refactor some things to make it easier to maintain whenever we need to:


I wrote an article about what is and how to use a Subgraph using yearn's one as an example, Dark Ghosty is reviewing it and I should send to Farrah when we're done for one more review + publishing medium:

Subgraphs explained: Yearning for data:

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago


Open PRS:

Issues I'm tackling:


MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago


I'm on the same issues/PRs from last week, when facu comes back from afk we'll merge the PRs


MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago


I'm working on a PR at vault-descriptions repo that is also inside of scope of #70 to add OP and ARBI vaults and fix some UI parts

Waiting on Facu to come back to merge the PR queue on yearn-devdocs

I'm installing the exporter locally and should update the repo's readme with any implicit install instruction, I want to enrich the info we have around both the exporter and the subgraph (which already has a bit more info now


I started to write an article about how our top strategies work but it forked out into different efforts:

Also another article I want to write is about the github action that Major did to deploy our code on IPFS, I'd like to open up set-by-step how to reproduce this since it adds robustness to the FE decentralization and other protocols could copy/paste

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago

Docs & Articles

Facu came back and merged most things so I sent some other content to devdocs and worked on web-lib docs

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago

Docs & Articles

I'm gonna start 2 articles but nothing done around them yet: