yearn / budget

yearn budget requests and audits
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Fund the Frontend Team #70

Closed saltyfacu closed 1 year ago

saltyfacu commented 2 years ago


The frontend team has a series of projects under maintenance, others in active development, and some new projects to start. The scope of this request is to maintain the currently finished UI projects, continue improving the projects under active development, and start a new project called NFTreasury.

Below there's a list of the projects under the frontend team.

Done / Low Maintenance

Under active development



The plan is to focus on the projects under development and NFTreasury. is the main priority among the active projects. We will continue to improve its reliability. The lead YW developer has a previous grant. The team will fund additional contributors via bounties, using part of this grant.

The budget will only cover this month. We will reassess after the deadline and submit another request that is in line with the requirements of the team.

We don't want to do streams yet, but to send the funds to contributors at the end of the month. We will leverage bounties for small tasks. All the details will be shared in comments at the end of the month.




Gambito: senior dev leading some of the projects Major: senior dev leading some of the projects saltyfacu: helping out with the organizational part Chef: UI dev Marco Worms: UI dev will take care of NFTreasury

Other freelancers via bounties


We plan to distribute a grant for each person in charge of a project and use bounties to fund other contributions linked to projects in maintenance mode or isolated contributions.


25000 DAI

Wallet address



MarcoWorms commented 2 years ago

first weekly report!!!


My struggle atm is raising a ganache server and properly debug contracts like the weth contract. I was able to raise ganache and call the deposit function in the contract but I'm having difficulties understanding how to withdrawal from it and analyze in the local ganache chain since I have no etherscan there. Major is helping me with issues like this though and I think by the next week most of the app should be functional!

Just a quick preview (did not went through all screens here because I'm adding the onchain transactions and some mock navigations buttons are broken in this branch):

MarcoWorms commented 2 years ago


In the last episode of weekly report:

I think by the next week most of the app should be functional!



My ingenious self thought that interacting with contract was as easy as going to etherscan and pressing some buttons, turns out that applying the correct practices, debugging blockchains locally, and using our web-lib abstractions has a much steeper learning curve than I thought initially, so I asked for help to Major and we decided I will focus on UI elements while he will bootstrap the contract interactions (and we review each other stuff) because this division will be the best for optimizing to the project's "fast" delivery.

We also had some issues with "designed screen VS reality" and we raised them to the people helping out with design and product.

So we don't have a functional app this week, although many PRs were made to refactor some UI components and add initial web3 context! A list of PRs here would be cumbersome but it can all be followed at and the latest build is always at (please don't sign any transactions yet, it's still being built and might result in lost funds if tested in prod right now)

I will work in the responsive version until the next report, it's not contemplated in the initial design but since we are waiting on some things to advance the web3 parts I think it will be nice to make it fully responsive for proper mobile usage

MarcoWorms commented 2 years ago


This week we had great progress on the app!

Live preview:

Also the repo has a readme now:

I'm currently working on making the graph work, the app is functional right now (for the "happy path") and we should fix the exceptions and quirks by next week,

saltyfacu commented 2 years ago

Please send from the budget:

MarcoWorms commented 2 years ago


The app is live and we posted about it on social media! All issues from past week were fixed I also made a quick making-off thread:

Live Link: Yearn twitter thread: Making-off twitter thread:

I started working on the web-lib docs this week, added a page for a context and I intend to add more pages over this weekend:

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago


This week I started helping with web-lib docs:

And I'm also assisting Major in adapting the YFU repo for future projects usage by moving it from JS to TS and implementing the web-lib:

Also we had the merge of the UI forking guide with macarena finance so I made a twitter post for it (thanks banteg for the rt, it brings tons of engagement):

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago


This week I worked on porting yFu repo to typescript + add web-lib to it. We are gonna use this same website for claiming comic nfts, this task is now done and the repo is now in TS and web3 enabled!

So I started making the claiming UI:

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago


The claim UI is OK, will be further polished but it's functional and connecting with the user's wallet using yearn's web-lib, what we need to do now is create the campaign at project galaxy and make the claim button hit their API to claim the NFT

Here are the screenshots of the current UI connecting the wallet:

Screen Shot 2022-07-29 at 4 53 16 PM Screen Shot 2022-07-29 at 4 53 07 PM
xgambitox commented 1 year ago

Please send from this budget the following grants to contributors who have helped out in the past month of July:

Thanks all 💙

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago


This week I've dived into what needs to be done for this project with zemm, we decided that we will make our own NFT minting contract with openzeppelin instead of using Project Galaxy since we won't use any special feature they provide, my idea is to have a demo running in Fantom next week so we can test out clicking stuff "in prod" and then we remake the environment on ETH for real prod

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago


The contract for non-transferable-NFT emission is "done" but it needs reviews, I'm trying to find some peers to take a look at this repo:

I think the contract review is the largest bottleneck, I will work on making the yfu-temple website call the contract functions next week and most things are set for release :)

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago



The contract I did is still under review, I applied some peer review requests from Major:


I picked up to do the draft screen for

BobTheBuilder said we has P&L data on an extension of yearn-exporter, so I'm gonna run both locally (and see if I can improve the installation docs with any implicit info)

DarkGhost7 commented 1 year ago

@MarcoWorms Thanks for the great updates here

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago


This PR had a couple come and go's but it's now on final review stages, it updates vault-descriptions repo with the networks we didn't have (op and arb)


Made the docs for all util functions, now working on completing last details and make it consistent with docs from other folders


The contract I did is still under review, Zemm found some yAcademy members willing to make a community peer review on the contract:

Also until next week I will make a complimentary system to the yfu website that will be a form collecting minters addresses and keeping them safe (I'll probably use google forms + google drive) so we can ship the comic to them when it's done


I did not do anything around that draft screen I mentioned last week but I should do what I've mentioned until the next one!

0xMirim commented 1 year ago

This was my first month contributing to Yearn. I basically just jumped in and started submitting pull requests and reviewing code. This ended up being a good strategy to learn the repos / tech stack we use. I'm now more integrated with the front-end team (who have been amazing supporting my efforts) and am working to re-focus on higher priority yearn projects and tasks. Below is an overview of what I accomplished this month.


I'd say most of my effort this month went into the vault-descriptions repo. I took on on the task of migrating it to Typescript, and generally improving the codebase where I saw opportunities to do so. I also learned a good bit about yDaemon in the process and am planning to expand my efforts to contribute to that repo as well.




Code Review

I occasionally take the time to review / comment on pending pull requests if I have an understanding of the repo or if I feel that I can provide value. The reviews don't always find issues but sometimes they do uncover potential improvements which I document and share.

ktgnova commented 1 year ago

Hello! Here is my first report.


I started contributing to Yearn a few weeks ago. The first thing I did was learn the stack/docs and work on yearn-press-kit.

web-template / web-lib

Then switched to a series of tasks to implement a new design system into web-template. In this case, it has to be done through web-lib. As of now, this one is still a work in progress so you might see it in the next report as well.

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago



There are 2 things that needs to be done to put this in production:

1) Academy is helping us review the contract, I joined a discord with them this week and they started to take a look at it and we are chatting over there (Zemm is included). Once this is done we need to connect the frontend with the contract (the simplest part)

2) We need to setup a page that once the person has the NFT he/she can answer a form with the receiving physical address + wallet address (so we can validate payment)

Exporter + Trx History screen

saltyfacu commented 1 year ago

Please send from this budget the following grants to contributors who have helped out in the past month of August:

0xMirim -> 0x50F56B90a39219c534fa2F2e7A6758D3b182F9A4: 3000 DAI Marco -> 0xB1d693B77232D88a3C9467eD5619FfE79E80BCCc: 2500 DAI Nova -> 0xC1109238D925CFb355394F2055ab4f6c5732ceC0: 1500 DAI Chef -> 0x8CCc50Abf345f4CF5477F2E244DC33F7F0C5579E : 2500 DAI

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago


I wrote an article about what yDaemon does and how to run it locally, I talked with major and I should work this week on improving the yDaemon docs itself now since it has some undocumented things and "TODOs" laying around


Last week report still counts, this week I'm working on point 1 which is the contract review, Academy sent their audit review this week and I should change some things on the contract

Exporter + Trx History screen