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[Team] DATA Analytics Q3 Funding #87

Closed bluewillow870 closed 1 year ago

bluewillow870 commented 1 year ago


The purpose of this request is to fund the DATA Analytics team's work for the next three months.

The DATA Analytics team in Q2 focused on 1) net-new product development (risk score & metrics framework and API), 2) R&D into updating APY calculations, gas fee optimization, and automating YFI buybacks, and lastly dashboard development to support TVL and partner analysis.

Summary of completed work:

In Q3 (July - September '22), the team will continue to support data engineering efforts (eg./ enhancing exporter data pipeline and infrastructure), dashboard development (e.g./ partner dashboard), partnering with other teams like yearn watch and front-end on API development.

As the team continues to mature, we will become more efficient at creating insights, finding patterns and proactively collaborating with other teams across yearn. Being able to take advantage of big data puts yearn ahead of its competitors with the right knowledge and insights, which leads to higher profits. A core data culture cross-team allows everyone to have a common understanding of what data is available and how it can be used to drive decisions.

While the vault management team is also focused on dashboard development and analytics, our area of focus is complimentary and we intend to collaborate with that team on some of the projects listed below.

The team currently consists of 3 data engineers, one analyst/PM as well as contributors completing one-off bounties.


Areas of Focus:

Active Q3 Projects:

**Additional projects that span dashboard development, data science and new product development are still being scoped for Q3.




Core team + responsibilities

we have no leader but we have included the roles and responsibilities of current team members here:

Additional Contributors

One off bounties will be issued to contributors working on ad-hoc projects.

July Allocation of Funds:


Funding will be streamed to the team members noted above as well as contributors supporting projects within the data analytics team's portfolio. We are requesting 10-12k per month for the next three months.



Wallet address

streamed to contributors


0x7171 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the request @bluewillow870, I have some follow up questions:

  1. How does kofee fit into this budget request? I see they are allocated 25% of the requested funds but are not mentioned in the team?

  2. What's the period of the request? The title and the description suggests it's for the entire Q3, but "July allocation of funds" seems to allocate 100% of the amount for the first month of Q3. Could you advise?

  3. You write One off bounties will be issued to contributors working on ad-hoc projects. At the same time 100% of funds seems to be allocated to 3 contributors. How will you be funding the one off bounties?

bluewillow870 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reviewing the request and for the thoughtful questions.

1- How does kofee fit into this budget request? Each month the team will issue bounties to contributors working on a one- off projects. Kofee is one of those contributors driving the following Q3 project: "Centralized exporter db: Replacing Victoria db with Postgres timescale db to unify data into one database."_ It is important to note that this request is to fund the data team for the next three months, however the amount each month will range between 9-12k max depending on contributors outside of the core team working on key projects.

2- What's the period of the request? The title and the description suggests it's for the entire Q3, but "July allocation of funds" seems to allocate 100% of the amount for the first month of Q3. Could you advise? This request is to fund the data team for the next three months, however the amount each month will range between 9-12k max depending on contributors outside of the core team working on key projects. Borrito and hugginbot will receive 9k combined per month for the next three months and we are budgeting an additional 3k for bounties. If the budget team prefers, we can submit a separate request each month.

3- You write One off bounties will be issued to contributors working on ad-hoc projects. At the same time 100% of funds seems to be allocated to 3 contributors. How will you be funding the one off bounties? Please see responses to the previous questions.