yearn / budget

yearn budget requests and audits
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Continue Funding the Frontend Team #91

Closed saltyfacu closed 1 year ago

saltyfacu commented 1 year ago


The frontend team continues to have a series of projects in different statuses and with different requirements. The scope of this request is to maintain the currently finished UI projects, continue improving the projects under active development, and start new ones as we finish the ones we are working on.

NFT Treasury was a new project during last request, and now is finished. Yearn World, Yearn Brand and Macarena, were started and finished also. A few new projects popped up with high priority and we are already working on them.

Below there's a list of the projects under the frontend team.

Done / Low Maintenance

Under active development



The plan is to focus on the projects under development and NFTreasury. veYFI and the Curve related project are the main priorities right now, followed by We will continue to improve its reliability and get the projects to the finish line. The team will fund contributors via bounties, using part of this grant.

Stretching the last budget of 25.000 DAI, we made it last 3 months instead of one, with a residual amount of almost 9.000 DAI. This time, with more data, we are asking for a budget that will cover three months.

We don't want to do streams yet, but to send the funds to contributors at the end of the month. We will leverage bounties for small tasks. All the details will be shared in comments at the end of the month, as we've been doing in #70




Gambito: leading some of the projects - no funding from this budget Major: leading some of the projects - no funding from this budget saltyfacu: helping out with the organizational part - no funding from this budget Chef: UI dev Marco Worms: UI dev 0xMirim: UI dev Nova: UI dev

Other freelancers via bounties


We plan to distribute a grant for each person in charge of a project and use bounties to fund other contributions linked to projects in maintenance mode or isolated contributions.


30000 DAI

Wallet address



0x7171 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the request!

Reading the post, it looks like you spent (25k-9k)/3 = 5.33k DAI/mo the previous quarter.

For this quarter, you are now requesting a budget of 30k DAI, making the total amount available to spend (30k+9k)/3 = 13k DAI/mo, a 143% increase.

What's the motivation and rationale behind this increase?

saltyfacu commented 1 year ago

Great question. Sorry that this was not clear in my request. The 30k is the total amount asked for, including the pending ~9k.

Without those 9k, it still seems to be ~100% increase. But the previous budget request was not the whole funding that the team was receiving. Additional 15k per month were paid to a contractor. That deal was done before this new process and we kept our word. He's no longer with us.

The first few months we spent less, because of the lack of contributors. We believe that if the amount of work to be done doesn't change, we are going to be around last month's level (9.5K). We are asking for a 5% buffer in case we have any minor deviation.

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago

weekly report


Fixed grammar/typos over the docs:


Applied all audit reviews about the code itself

The missing issues now to be tackled are about raising a Foundry/Hardhat environment in order to make a deployer script and not rely on remix so we can add a couple of checks like "IPFS link should have / in the end on deploy", also make part of the checklist become automated tests


Working on documenting CSS features, found a small blocker where we don't have a simple place to show all themes examples so I should make one at codesandbox

Dev branch at:

yearn vaults balance UI

I was not able to focus on this this week because I'm more afk then usual due to an event, but I should have an UI mock by next week and I got y-e to run locally already for the data and bobthebuilder said he can help me if I have any issues with yrs-backend (which has the data we need)

MarcoWorms commented 1 year ago

yearn vaults balance UI


because the above uses web-lib I'm tidying up the docs with all the hurdles I had trying to set it up from scratch


I did not progress much on this scope, but I asked for Major's help this week and I didn't follow up to see if he tackled it, will report with more details next week

karelianpie commented 1 year ago

Monthly Report 09.2022


Substancial amount of work on ySync this month, mainly detecting the absence of files and translations in yearn-meta


Small PR to add a PR template to make reviewing PRs a bit more effective


Subgraph link should point to the currently selected network's active subgraph


Closed the last two remaining issues, start making use of Yearn's subgraph


Spike/discovery on a potential electron desktop app for the FE

0xMirim commented 1 year ago

Not as much to report for September as I wasn't able to dedicate as much time as usual. Most of the effort I was able put in was invested in getting up to speed and making small to moderate impact updates to yVempire. I also reviewed the code diff for a dependency update in the yearn-vault-descriptions repo, and continued cleaning up miscellaneous small issues. More details below.


I decided to shift my focus on yVempire after hearing it would be a priority moving forward.


I submitted the following pull request at the end of August but spent a couple of hours on Sept 1st on a follow-up task to review the code diff (which ended up being large) between the versions to ensure nothing unusual was present.


ktgnova commented 1 year ago

This month has been crazy, and I didn't have much free time to work on the project. However, I still worked on implementing the design system to web-lib and did research, trial and error, and a lot of figuring out how things work under the web-lib hood. I need to spend more time with it, and I will continue this work next month.

Majorfi commented 1 year ago

I re-open this issue for our mighty contributors to be able to write down the monthly reports!

karelianpie commented 1 year ago

Monthly Report 10.2022


Continue the work from the previous month, adding protocol data and the pending state for incoming Ledger plugins

Yearn Vaults Descriptions

Update the site to only pull in current strategies and not all strategies that are active.

Yearn V3

Helped solve compilation errors in the FE repo


The bulk of the work towards the end of the month was the Wido discovery/integration where a new box was added to be able to enter yCRV, st-yCRV and lp-yCRV from any (supported) asset from the user wallet (by zapping).

A few PR reviews as welll

0xMirim commented 1 year ago

October was a good month I'm pleased with the overall progress and momentum. I started the month working on YVempire before shifting focus to implementing UI and charts demos for the Partner Dashboard (since it had a higher priority).


Early in the month I spent time on yVempire since it was a priority which carried over from September. My efforts were focused improving how the app organized and passed around data. This involved planning to break up the large existing useYVempire context into smaller more focused sub-contexts. While I did make progress in planning the organization of the new sub-contexts I wasn't able to implement the ideas I settled on before being asked to switch to the Partner dashboard. I will resume these efforts where I left off once the partner dashboard is completed.

Partner Dashboard

This is where I spend the bulk of my time this month. The basic home page UI was implemented already but a dashboard showing visuals for key metrics was missing. The code was a bit out of date so I started by reviewing and updating dependencies and solving issued associated with bringing the repo up-to-date. From there I focused on dashboard demos I encourage you to view the pull requests below to see the visuals and more details of the recent changes.

Moving forward my focus will continue to be the dashboard. The November goal is to make it "real" now that the demo (with many placeholders and limited functionality) was implemented successfully.

saltyfacu commented 1 year ago

Total spent: 22,693.75 DAI