yearn / budget

yearn budget requests and audits
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Vault Management Budget Proposal v2 #93

Closed newmickymousse closed 1 year ago

newmickymousse commented 1 year ago


Vault Management Team has been tracking key performance indicators of vaults, to reduce unallocated funds, control, and push for more automated vault operations. The end actionable result of this is a list of tasks, or actions, that tackle each of the previous aspects. All of them are reviewed by experienced strategists and we execute the ones that we all agree are the best path forward. The main goal is to incentivize user investment and generate greater revenue.

With the first grant, besides producing the weekly report and monitoring vault key indicators, we were also able to automate most of the report. With this second grant, we want to further automate the remaining tasks and make it available online without the need for any manual labor. For instance, we are still working on new ways to automate the list of potential weekly tasks to change vault allocations based on risk, APR and liquidity.

The new grant will be used to keep supporting the team to achieve our goal: automate vault operations and make the report automated and public. In addition to this general goal, we have a few others that include: migrating our key strategy and vault metrics to Seafood so it is readily available for users, and working on how harvests happen. Right now, harvests are optimized to focus on profit and gas costs. Understanding harvests affect published APR is key to showing consistent and useful information for users and partners. Thus, we want to improve how we handle harvests to also include the vault's APR as a variable to consider.


Vault Management Team's main purpose is to optimize vault operations and incentivize user investments through more clear information about how our vaults operate. For this second grant, our deliverables will be the following:




List of team members:



Detailed Budget: $17,000/mo for 3 months. After these three months, another proposal will be presented for recurring and new tasks.



Wallet address

