yearn / yearn-vaults-v2-subgraph

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ETH Subgraph Failed Syncing #176

Closed rareweasel closed 2 years ago

rareweasel commented 2 years ago

Error: Mapping aborted at ~lib/@graphprotocol/graph-ts/chain/ethereum.ts, line 440, column 7, with message: Call reverted, probably because an assert or require in the contract failed, consider using try_totalAssets to handle this in the mapping. wasm backtrace: 0: 0x252b - !~lib/@graphprotocol/graph-ts/chain/ethereum/ethereum.SmartContract#call 1: 0x5cc5 - !src/utils/vault/vault/getBalancePosition 2: 0x99b7 - !src/utils/vault/vault/deposit 3: 0xa579 - !src/mappings/vaultMappings/handleDepositWithAmount in handler handleDepositWithAmount at block #15034797 (593bf764088ddd0481805f4e04383b293e32b5f27d018fe9335e2f8d64d8a806)

rareweasel commented 2 years ago

Already fixed #179