yeatmanlab / AFQ

Automated Fiber Quantification
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dtiMakeDt6FromFsl error #16

Closed mairaspinto closed 7 years ago

mairaspinto commented 7 years ago

Hello everyone,

I have wholebrain.tck files from mrtrix and T1 image corregistered to the dw images. I am trying to segment my fiber tracts using AFQ_SegmentFiberGroups, for that I need the dt6.mat file, and I am having some problems in getting this when I use dtiMakeDt6FromFsl, the following error occurs:

G1_001_dt6 = dtiMakeDt6FromFsl('G1_001_b0.nii.gz','G1_001_T1coreg.nii.gz') Data will be saved in G1_001_dt6.mat... Coregistering (using spm tools)...

SPM12: spm_coreg (v6435) 14:47:03 - 20/07/2017 Completed : 14:47:07 - 20/07/2017 **Undefined function or variable 'r'.

Error in niftiRead (line 46) [~,n,e] = fileparts(r);

Error in dtiMakeDt6FromFsl (line 158) tmp = niftiRead(fullfile(datapath, [basename 'L' num2str(ii) '.nii.gz']));**

Does anybody know what could be wrong? Thank you in advance,

Maíra Pinto