yeatmanlab / roar-dashboard

A dashboard to administer ROAR assessments
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Resolve merge conflicts for TanStack composables #882

Closed maximilianoertel closed 2 days ago

maximilianoertel commented 2 days ago

Proposed changes

This PR updates the ref/318/query-composables branch from main and resolves the expected merge conflicts.

Types of changes


Justification of missing checklist items


Further comments



github-actions[bot] commented 2 days ago

Coverage Report

Status Category Percentage Covered / Total
šŸ”µ Lines 5.1% 390 / 7644
šŸ”µ Statements 4.99% 421 / 8430
šŸ”µ Functions 6.09% 115 / 1888
šŸ”µ Branches 2.43% 110 / 4519
File Coverage
File Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines Uncovered Lines
Changed Files
src/components/ListOrgs.vue 0% 0% 0% 0% 175-185, 187-192, 188-190, 189, 191, 194-199, 195-197, 196, 198, 201-202, 204-206, 208-209, 209, 211-238, 212-217, 219, 219, 221-226, 223-225, 227-230, 228-229, 231-233, 232, 234-236, 235, 237, 240-243, 242, 245, 245, 247-249, 251-253, 252, 255-257, 263-265, 268-285, 271-276, 279-284, 288-298, 289-297, 316-379, 317-378, 319, 321-329, 322-328, 331-339, 332-338, 342, 344-359, 344-359, 362, 364-369, 371-377, 381-437, 382-387, 389-394, 390-393, 396-399, 397-398, 401-434, 436, 439-452, 440, 440-451, 442-450, 454-460, 455-459, 457-458, 462-465, 463-464, 467-470, 468-469, 472-474, 473, 476-507, 477-506, 487-493, 496-502, 505, 510-513, 511, 511-512, 515-517, 516, 516, 519-521, 520, 520, 523-525, 524, 527-529, 528, 531-534, 533, 3-4, 1, 16, 21, 33, 37, 49, 71, 79, 81, 93, 96, 110, 113, 132, 1-14, 1-23, 1-39, 63-64, 1-73, 91, 108, 129
src/components/auth/RegisterStudent.vue 0% 0% 0% 0% 345-347, 349-353, 355, 360-361, 363-365, 364, 367-369, 368, 371-372, 374-399, 401-425, 428-451, 450, 454-458, 455-457, 456, 461-466, 462-465, 463-464, 470-471, 475-480, 476, 478-479, 483, 486, 488-528, 489, 491-496, 492-495, 498-506, 499-504, 501-503, 502, 505, 508, 510-513, 511-512, 515-527, 517-526, 518-524, 519-523, 525, 530-558, 532, 532, 534-557, 535, 537-543, 538-542, 545, 547-552, 548, 550-551, 554, 556, 560-572, 561, 563, 563, 565-569, 566, 568, 568, 571, 574-586, 575, 577, 577, 579-583, 580, 582, 582, 585, 588-604, 606-610, 612-619, 621, 623-628, 630-633, 635-638, 640-643, 646-667, 669, 671-682, 672-680, 673-679, 675-678, 681, 2-3, 6-7, 9, 16, 1, 49, 54-55, 64-65, 80, 84, 105, 127, 130, 132, 134, 160, 176, 178, 190, 194, 196, 207, 209-210, 220-221, 231, 233-234, 244-245, 255, 257-258, 268-269, 279, 281-282, 294, 305, 313, 1-11, 1-21, 32, 60, 1-68, 1-89, 1-115, 1-133, 1-139, 1-148, 1-165, 1-180, 1-191, 1-198, 1-212, 1-223, 1-236, 1-247, 1-260, 1-271, 1-284, 298, 308, 318, 1-321
src/constants/routes.js 100% 100% 100% 100%
src/pages/ScoreReport.vue 0% 0% 0% 0% 356, 313-315, 317, 332, 334-339, 335-337, 336, 338, 341-345, 347-350, 348-349, 352, 354, 357, 357, 359-408, 360-362, 365-368, 367, 371, 373-392, 374-375, 375, 378-379, 381-384, 383, 386-388, 387, 389-391, 390, 395-398, 397, 399-405, 407, 410-419, 421-426, 422-425, 428, 430-432, 434-436, 438, 440-443, 442, 445-447, 449-452, 451, 458-460, 462-469, 463-468, 465-466, 471-478, 472-477, 474-475, 482-513, 483-512, 484-512, 486-512, 488-512, 490-512, 495-501, 500, 502-512, 504-509, 506, 508, 510-512, 511, 514, 517-561, 529-532, 534-548, 539-545, 540-541, 543-544, 547, 550, 550-551, 551, 553-560, 563-583, 564, 564-582, 566-577, 567-573, 575-576, 578-581, 588-839, 589-838, 590, 593, 595, 597-803, 599, 601-605, 604, 607-609, 611, 613-633, 635-796, 639-646, 643, 645, 647-651, 648, 650, 653-660, 654-660, 657, 659, 662-664, 663, 667, 670-679, 681-687, 682-687, 684-687, 686, 689, 692-703, 705-739, 706-739, 715-716, 718-739, 727, 729-738, 740-758, 741-751, 749, 752, 754-757, 759-772, 760-764, 764-765, 765-766, 766-771, 775-789, 791-795, 792, 794, 799-800, 802, 806-831, 807-810, 809, 812-815, 814, 817-827, 819-824, 823, 825-827, 826, 829-830, 833-835, 834, 837, 842-843, 847-852, 848, 850, 854, 856-861, 887-988, 888-985, 889-895, 897-899, 898, 901-903, 902, 905-982, 906-907, 910-928, 911-928, 915-928, 919-928, 922, 924-927, 931-948, 932-945, 934-942, 935-937, 936, 938-939, 941, 944, 947, 951-981, 952, 952, 954-980, 955-969, 956, 959-968, 960, 963-967, 964, 966, 972-979, 973, 976-978, 977, 984, 987, 997-1055, 998-999, 1002-1007, 1004-1006, 1005, 1010, 1013, 1016-1020, 1018, 1018, 1023-1035, 1026-1028, 1027, 1029-1031, 1030, 1032, 1032-1033, 1038-1044, 1039-1042, 1041, 1043, 1047-1051, 1054, 1058-1059, 1062, 1064-1102, 1065-1071, 1073-1079, 1075-1078, 1076-1077, 1081, 1081, 1083-1084, 1086-1087, 1087, 1089-1100, 1090-1100, 1097-1100, 1099, 1101, 1106-1295, 1107, 1107-1132, 1122-1131, 1133-1142, 1133-1141, 1143-1156, 1143-1155, 1145-1152, 1154, 1157-1159, 1157-1158, 1161, 1163-1174, 1164-1173, 1176-1184, 1177-1183, 1186-1192, 1187-1191, 1188, 1190, 1194-1200, 1203-1209, 1204-1208, 1205-1207, 1206, 1212-1217, 1220-1224, 1221-1223, 1222, 1226-1293, 1228, 1231-1259, 1232-1259, 1239-1259, 1246, 1248-1258, 1249-1258, 1251-1258, 1253-1258, 1255, 1257, 1261, 1263-1273, 1270, 1272, 1275-1292, 1287-1289, 1288, 1290, 1294, 1297-1301, 1298-1300, 1299, 1299-1300, 1303-1314, 1304-1305, 1305-1306, 1306, 1308-1310, 1309, 1312-1313, 1316-1320, 1317-1319, 1318, 1323-1329, 1324-1325, 1325, 1327-1328, 1331-1333, 1332, 1332, 1335-1340, 1336-1339, 1339, 2-3, 8, 12-13, 15-16, 21-22, 27, 29, 63, 66-67, 69, 78-79, 82, 96-97, 103, 109, 116, 125, 1, 146, 159, 165, 171, 177, 194, 246-247, 1-31, 48, 139-140, 1-149
Generated in workflow #712 for commit 089e95f by the Vitest Coverage Report Action
github-actions[bot] commented 2 days ago

Visit the preview URL for this PR (updated for commit 089e95f):

(expires Mon, 21 Oct 2024 17:19:26 GMT)

šŸ”„ via Firebase Hosting GitHub Action šŸŒŽ

Sign: 2631e9c58fd0104ecbfddd72a62245ddac467460

cypress[bot] commented 2 days ago

roar-dashboard-e2e    Run #8278

Run Properties:  status check passed Passed #8278  •  git commit 089e95f2cb: E2E Tests for PR 882 "Resolve merge conflicts for TanStack composables" from com...
Project roar-dashboard-e2e
Run status status check passed Passed #8278
Run duration 03m 56s
Commit git commit 089e95f2cb: E2E Tests for PR 882 "Resolve merge conflicts for TanStack composables" from com...
Committer Maximilian Oertel
View all properties for this run ā†—ļøŽ

Test results
Tests that failed  Failures 0
Tests that were flaky  Flaky 0
Tests that did not run due to a developer annotating a test with .skip  Pending 0
Tests that did not run due to a failure in a mocha hook  Skipped 0
Tests that passed  Passing 14