yeatse / KingfisherWebP

Elegantly handle WebP format with Kingfisher.
MIT License
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Can't build KingfisherWebP.framework with prebuilded libwebp.framework #37

Closed EldarShayahmetov closed 4 years ago

EldarShayahmetov commented 4 years ago

I built libwebp framework via and imported using cocoapods as vendored framework to project. But i having problems with import paths in CGImage+WebP.m:

Compile error Pods directory

If i change imports to:

import "webp/demux.h" -> #import "webpdemux/demux.h"

import "webp/mux.h" -> #import "webpmux/mux.h"

the error goes away, but i have problem with symbols for different archs (libwebp was build for all archs):

Undefined symbols error
yeatse commented 4 years ago

Hi, the libwebp depended by KingfisherWebP comes from SDWebImage project, which produces a single libwebp.framework instead of several separated frameworks. I assume prebuilding the libwebp.framework from that project could fix this issue.