yeelp / Scaling-Feast

A simple, balanced way to increase your maximum hunger in Minecraft over the course of a world.
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[Mod Conflict] Saturation recognition issue. #48

Closed border999 closed 4 years ago

border999 commented 4 years ago

Mod Version: (scalingfeast-1.3.1) Minecraft Version: (1.12.2) Describe the bug It would appear that unless I die, my hud never shows what my saturation is at if it's over 1x on the saturation bar. Also it doesn't appear to recognize if the saturation goes any higher than that. So if I start healing, it assumes I only have the one extra bar.

yeelp commented 4 years ago

A few questions:

  1. Can this be replicated with only Forge, AppleCore and Scaling Feast (and maybe HarvestCraft, as Miner's Stew was used in the screenshots)?

  2. Under options for Scaling Feast, there is an option to change the info display from SIMPLE to ADVANCED. With this set to ADVANCED, you should see your hunger and saturation information displayed numerically next to your hunger bar, as opposed to the simpler 'x/', with saturation in yellow on top, and hunger on the bottom. When holding Miner's Stew while not at max hunger (supposed to work no matter what for Miner's Stew, as outlined in #47), the advanced info should show how your hunger and saturation will change from eating this item. At most, the Miner's stew restores 25 hunger and (I believe) 60 saturation (by default). Using this advanced info display, you should be able to see exactly how these values change. Are these values changing the way you expect? If not, what's wrong?

This should hopefully help me narrow down this issue.

border999 commented 4 years ago

2020-05-06_16 20 08

James103 commented 4 years ago

@border999 Do you know what modpack you're playing, or at least the full list of mods? Also, what is your discord name?

border999 commented 4 years ago

@James103 custom modpack, massive. do you have discord?

border999 commented 4 years ago

would Galacticraft affect this in any way?

yeelp commented 4 years ago

I haven't fiddled with Galacticraft before, so I'm not sure. Does Scaling Feast 1.3.3 still cause issues?

border999 commented 4 years ago


yeelp commented 4 years ago

Scaling Feast is syncing saturation to the client so I'm not too sure. Try using AppleSkin, which also does the same thing. Maybe that'll work?

border999 commented 4 years ago

nope still not recognizing when the saturation goes past the basic limit

border999 commented 4 years ago

also tested Scaling feast 1.4.0. Still not helping

yeelp commented 4 years ago

This is definitely a mod conflict issue, although I'm not sure what mod. Can you post a list of your installed mods? (Just a list of names is fine, I don't need the mod files yet.)

border999 commented 4 years ago

Screenshot (244) Screenshot (245) Screenshot (246) Screenshot (247) Screenshot (248) Screenshot (249) Screenshot (250) Screenshot (251) Screenshot (252) Screenshot (253) Screenshot (254) Screenshot (255) Screenshot (256) Screenshot (257) Screenshot (258)

border999 commented 4 years ago

this is most likely the largest melting pot of mods you've ever seen that run together.

yeelp commented 4 years ago

Massive respect for being able to build a pack that large that actually functions. Probably takes quite a beast to get it to run.

That aside, referencing a modpack that I'm developing, I can say for sure that the following mods do NOT cause problems, from what I've been able to notice. Of course, I have no idea how many of these mods are in you massive collection, but even a single mod ruled out helps a ton.

Mod List AppleCore (by squeek502) Serene Seasons (by TheAdubbz) Bed Patch (by Mordenkainen3141) Simple Corn (by cleverpanda714) BetterNether (by paulevs) Thermal Cultivation (by TeamCoFH) Just Enough HarvestCraft (JEHC) (by mrAppleXZ) Colytra (by TheIllusiveC4) Shadowfacts' Forgelin (by ShadowfactsDev) Natura (by mDiyo) Morpheus (by Quetzi) Armory Expansion (by AshuraNoYami) Tinkered Hegemony (by asiekierka) MrTJPCore (by MrTJP) Thermal Foundation (by TeamCoFH) Redstone Flux (by TeamCoFH) CoFH Core (by TeamCoFH) Ender Storage 1.8.+ (by covers1624) Thermal Expansion (by TeamCoFH) LootTableTweaker (by DarkhaxDev) Project Red - World (by MrTJP) Project Red - Compat (by MrTJP) CoFH World (by TeamCoFH) Placebo (by Shadows_of_Fire) The One Probe (by McJty) Armor Underwear Mod [FORGE] (by The_Wabbit0101) ItemPhysic Full (by CreativeMD) Tool Belt (by gigaherz) Silent Lib (by SilentChaos512) LootTweaker (by Daomephsta) Bookshelf (by DarkhaxDev) Scaling Health (by SilentChaos512) Cursed Mobs (by razakma15) Pam's HarvestCraft (by pamharvestcraft) Bloodmoon (by Lumien231) Dynamic Surroundings: HUDs (by OreCruncher) Thermal Dynamics (by TeamCoFH) Tough As Nails (by TheAdubbz) Spartan Weaponry (by ObliviousSpartan) The Aether (by GildedGames) The Midnight (by cipher_zero_x) Phosphor (Forge) (by jellysquid_) PlusTiC - Rejected (by landmaster_phuong0429) Ice and Fire: Dragons in a whole new light! (by alex1the1666) BiblioCraft (by Nuchaz) Stygian End: Biome Expansion (by super_fluke) Tweakers Construct (by RCXcrafter) Armor Toughness Bar (by tfarecnim) Large Ore Deposits (by EnderLanky) Spice of Life: Carrot Edition (by lordcazsius) Immersive Engineering (by BluSunrize) The Spice of Life (by squeek502) ConnectedTexturesMod (by tterrag1098) CraftTweaker (by Jaredlll08) B.A.S.E (by lanse505) Crafting Tweaks (by BlayTheNinth) DimensionalDoors (by DimensionalDevelopment) Wolf Armor and Storage (by satyrnidae) Familiar Fauna (by Forstride) Custom Main Menu (by Lumien231) Charm (by svenhjol) Quark (by Vazkii) AutoRegLib (by Vazkii) Construct's Armory (by TheIllusiveC4) Food Expansion (by Lellson8) Torchmaster (by xalcon) Hunting Dimension (by DarkhaxDev) EnhancedVisuals (by CreativeMD) Mantle (by mDiyo) Trinkets and Baubles (by XzeroAir) Inventory Tweaks (by JimeoWan) Lycanites Mobs (by Lycanite) Controlling (by Jaredlll08) Resource Loader (by Lumien231) Tinkers' Tool Leveling (by bonusboni) Tinkers Aether (by Shnupbups) XP From Harvest (by ReaIGecko) ForgeEndertech (by EnderLanky) Cooking for Blockheads (by BlayTheNinth) Project Red - Base (by MrTJP) MTLib (by Jaredlll08) SwingThroughGrass (by exidex) AttributeFix (by DarkhaxDev) ContentTweaker (by Jaredlll08) OreLib (by OreCruncher) Corpse Complex (by TheIllusiveC4) FastWorkbench (by Shadows_of_Fire) VanillaFix (by Runemoro) AppleSkin (by squeek502) Better Questing - Quest Book (by Drethic) Craftable Horse Armour & Saddle [CHA&S] (by EwyBoy) AlcatrazCore (by AlcatrazEscapee) Fast Leaf Decay (by olafskiii) ModTweaker (by Jaredlll08) The Twilight Forest (by Benimatic) Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz) Baubles (by Azanor13) BetterFps (by Guichaguri) Overloaded Armor Bar (by tfarecnim) Nether Chest (by mangoose3039) Rough Mobs Revamped (by p1ut0nium_94) Spartan and Fire (by cbkovak) ReAuth (by TechnicianLP) Respawnable Pets (by MoriyaShiine) Thermal Innovation (by TeamCoFH) Login Shield (by Glasspelican) Aquaculture 2 (by Shadowclaimer) FastFurnace (by Shadows_of_Fire) Bad Mobs (by DarkhaxDev) LLibrary (by _ForgeUser11902522) Better Questing - Standard Expansion (by Funwayguy) Rough Tweaks (by Lellson8) Tinker's JEI (by Possible_triangle) Spartan Shields (by ObliviousSpartan) CreativeCore (by CreativeMD) Toast Control (by Shadows_of_Fire) HungerTweaker (by CoolSquid) Level Up! Reloaded (by BeetoGuy) Unloader (by Unnoen) Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR) Dynamic Surroundings (by OreCruncher) Clumps (by Jaredlll08) BountifulBaubles (by Cursed1nferno) No Tree Punching (by AlcatrazEscapee) Carrots Library [FORGE] (by The_Wabbit0101) It's the little things (by Zlepper) CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (by covers1624) JourneyMap (by techbrew) Nature's Compass (by Chaosyr) Forge MultiPart CBE (by covers1624) Sound Filters (by Tmtravlr) Subterranean Switcheroo (by Lordepos) Tinkers Construct (by mDiyo) Foam​Fix (by asiekierka)

Here's something you can do that would help a ton with this. If you make your mod pack as a private pack on the Twitch launcher, you can export it to a .zip file. If you're not familiar with this process, I've outlined it below.

Steps To Create and Export a Twitch Minecraft Profile - Make sure Minecraft is closed, sometimes Twitch doesn't do anything modpack related if Minecraft is open. If you haven't already, download and install the Twitch launcher, then open it. - After logging in, you should see a Mods tab near the top of the window. Click that. - Twitch will list all the compatible games you have installed. Find Minecraft in that list (it's in alphabetical order). - Under the Minecraft banner, click Create Custom Profile. Name it whatever you want, then click Create. - After the profile creates, right click it -> Open Folder - In the explorer window that appears, browse to the mods folder and copy over your massive list of mods. - When that's done, go back to Twitch and left click your profile. This should bring up a detailed view of the profile, including a list of mods installed. - A gear icon should be present on the right side of the window. Click that -> Export Profile - In the window that pops up, ensure mods is checked, then click Export. - A save window will pop up. It doesn't matter where you save it, just so long as you can find the exported .zip later (So somewhere like your Desktop would be easiest.)

Opening this exported .zip file should present you with three items. An overrides folder, a manifest.json and a modlist.html. If you open the modlist.html, you can copy paste the entire mod list in a new comment on this issue and it will be formatted exactly the same as the list I pasted in the first spoiler above. I can write a Python script to parse through both lists and remove whatever is in common. I doubt it'll remove a lot, but like I said, any bit helps.

border999 commented 4 years ago

Not Enough Roofs (by blenderfan) ET Lunar [Environmental Tech Addon] (by ValkyrieofNight) Spartan Weaponry (by ObliviousSpartan) Better Than Mending (by legobmw99) Botania (by Vazkii) The Narrow Gate (by Noobanidus) MrTJPCore (by MrTJP) Path Under Gates (by cyberslas) AromaBackup (by Aroma1997) Netherending Ores (by ic_trab) TESLA (by DarkhaxDev) Improved Mobs (by flemmli97) Save My Stronghold! (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Familiar Fauna (by Forstride) Flux Networks (by sonar_sonic) Reliquary v1.3 (by P3pp3rF1y) Mutant Beasts (by Chumbanotz) EIORecipesTEInductionSmelter (by XFactHD) Real Filing Cabinet (by BlueNeenja) bspkrsCore Updated (by ZenCoder) Immersive Engineering Tweaks (by SimonMeskens) Extreme Reactors (by ZeroNoRyouki) JEI Integration (by SnowShock35) So Many Enchantments (by ShelterRin) Dartcraft Reloaded (by BURN447) iChunUtil (by ohaiiChun) Treecapitator Updated (by ZenCoder) Spartan Weaponry Arcana (by ObliviousSpartan) TheDragonLib (by sokratis12GR) Thaumic Inventory Scanning (Thaumcraft Addon) (by BlayTheNinth) Refined Exchange (by Bartz24) Surge (by DarkhaxDev) Mystcraft (by XCompWiz) Mantle (by mDiyo) Gravity Gun (by ohaiiChun) Hats (by ohaiiChun) Converting Industrial Wires (by AnvilcraftMC) Morph (by ohaiiChun) Portal Gun (by ohaiiChun) MmmMmmMmmMmm (by bonusboni) Sync (by ohaiiChun) Wither Skeleton Tweaks (by Shadows_of_Fire) Botanic Additions (by Zeitheron) VeinMiner (by Portablejim) Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (by ohaiiChun) Solar Flux Reborn (by Zeitheron) Gendustry (by bdew) RFTools (by McJty) BdLib (by bdew) Overloaded Armor Bar (by tfarecnim) Binnie's Mods (by ForgeUser9116757) Tinkers Mechworks Fork (by crankysupertoon) Aetherworks (by v0idwa1k3r) BetterPortals (by Johni0702) Improved Backpacks (by DreenDexTwitch) AttributeFix (by DarkhaxDev) Common Capabilities (by kroeser) Scaling Feast (by TheRealYeelp) AutoRegLib (by Vazkii) BiblioCraft (by Nuchaz) Brandon's Core (by brandon3055) Progressive Bosses (by InsaneGames) Draconic Evolution (by brandon3055) Melon Golem (by Tamaized) Immersive Petroleum (by Flaxbeard) RandomTweaks (by TheRandomLabs) Clay Bucket (by abecderic) EnhancedSnowman (by maxanier) Realistic Cobwebs (by UpcraftLP) Just Enough Petroleum (by BordListian) Thermal Innovation (by TeamCoFH) stimmedcow : NoMoreRecipeConflict (by GotoLink) Enchantment Descriptions (by DarkhaxDev) Enchanting Plus (by DarkhaxDev) Immersive Energy (by CrimsonDragonRider) Advanced Generators (by bdew) Botania Tweaks (by quat1024) Thaumcraft (by Azanor13) Thaumic Additions: Reconstructed (by Zeitheron) ValkyrieCompat (by ValkyrieofNight) Engineered Golems (by Voxel_Friend) ExtraCells2 (by Destroyer7128) Pretty Beaches (by BlayTheNinth) Not Enough Keys - Voice Commands (by HialusFX) Thaumic Terminal (by ロ_ロ) Tinker's JEI (by Possible_triangle) Industrial Craft (by sfPlayer1) MoreEndGame (by LoloElSupremo) Redstone Arsenal (by TeamCoFH) Item Filters (by LatvianModder) Cooking for Blockheads (by BlayTheNinth) Thaumic Energistics (by nividica) Blood Magic (by WayofTime) Burn Zombies (by thedarkcolour) Immersive Cables (by SanAndreasP) Unlimited Chisel Works - Botany (by asiekierka) Unloader (by Unnoen) Just Enough Energistics (JEE) (by TheRealp455w0rd) Lapis Stays in the Enchanting Table (by csb987) Just Enough Reactors (by BrainStone) Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz) Embers Rekindled (by BordListian) Immersive Intelligence (by Pabilo8) Toast Control (by Shadows_of_Fire) GunpowderLib (by Jackyy) Total Tinkers (by uvmidnight) Mining, Metals and Melting (by javisel) Baubles (by Azanor13) Expanded Equivalence (by Zeitheron) Aroma1997Core (by Aroma1997) Tinkers' Evolution (by phantamanta44) Zetta Industries (by marcin212a) Tinkers Construct (by mDiyo) Extra Utilities Fixes (by quat1024) Rainbow Oak Trees (by csb987) Unlimited Chisel Works (by asiekierka) Foam​Fix (by asiekierka) Bed Patch (by Mordenkainen3141) PneumaticCraft: Repressurized (by desht08) TATW (by Aroma1997) Storage Tech (by LithimzTV) Akashic Tome (by Vazkii) ☃ Snow! Real Magic! (by Snownee) WrapUp (by TheLMiffy1111) Buildcraft (by Covert_Jaguar) TamedRespawn (by Lothrazar) Chicken Chunks 1.8.+ (by covers1624) Sonar Core (by sonarsonic) Unique Enchantments (by Speiger) Thermal Tinkering (by samboy063) MCMultiPart (by amadornes) Applied Energistics 2 (by AlgorithmX2) Chameleon (by Texelsaur) JEI Bees (by bdew) TenshiLib (by flemmli97) Natura (by mDiyo) Forge MultiPart CBE (by covers1624) Thermal Cultivation (by TeamCoFH) Actually Recycling (by KenyMylankca) Homing Exp Orbs (by BlackoutRoulette) Light The Night (by MrCyberdragon) Just Enough Throwing In Fluids (JETIF) (by Lykrast) Metallurgy 4: Reforged (by ItHurtsLikeHell) Cyclops Core (by kroeser) CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (by covers1624) Angel Ring To Bauble (by Portablejim) Beyond The Veil (by Valeriotor) MinersAdvantage (by o_DuelMonstero) In Control! (by McJty) Sophisticated wolves (by nightkosh) AOBD/JAOPCA ore chunks (by RCXcrafter) Mercurius (by TamasHenning) Storage Drawers (by Texelsaur) Mystical Agradditions (by BlakeBr0) Treasure2! (by gottsch) Smaller Nether Portals (by Serilum) Better Burning (by DarkhaxDev) Simply Jetpacks 2 (by Tomson124) LibrarianLib (by wiresegal) Redstone Flux (by TeamCoFH) Just Enough Resources (JER) (by way2muchnoise) Shadowfacts' Forgelin (by ShadowfactsDev) Mekanism (by bradyaidanc) Better Builder's Wands (by Portablejim) Mekanism Generators (by bradyaidanc) Mekanism Tools (by bradyaidanc) MalisisDoors (by Ordinastie) MalisisCore (by Ordinastie) Orechid Endium (by TheRealp455w0rd) Buildcraft Fuels for IC2 (by xxTFxx) Behgameon RPG Additions (by DEMMERS) Avaritia IO (by tfarecnim) FlameLib (by Cursed1nferno) Cube Loader (by Cursed1nferno) Deep Mob Learning (by IterationFunk) Mine and Slash (by mcrobertx22) DivineRPG (Official) (by NicosaurusRex99) Tinker I/O (by GKBm2011) Growthcraft Community Edition (by Alatyami) Crimson Warfare (by Ta6e) Space Ambient [Addon for GalactiCraft] (by graciaplus9) Actually Additions (by Ellpeck) NotEnoughIDs (by fewizz) Zombie Horse Spawn (by Serilum) Iron Tanks (by SolderIO) RandomPatches Integration (by TheRandomLabs) Hammer (Lib) Core (by Zeitheron) Drugs and Pills (by notraffic) project-256343 (by EdgarAllen) Forestry (by _ForgeUser7678633) Dude! Where's my Horse? (by Noobanidus) Ender Storage 1.8.+ (by covers1624) Mythical Monsters and Dangerous Dungeons (by Therandommidget) Headcrumbs (by ganymedes01) p455w0rd's Library (by TheRealp455w0rd) Double Slabs (by CJMinecraft01) Too Many Efficiency Losses (by jamiebrassel__) Inventory Totem (by Serilum) Armory Expansion - Bits And Pieces (by AshuraNoYami) SignEdit (by ToroCraft) Persistent Cake (by HeckinChloe) Flex Tape (by MoriyaShiine) Essences of The Worlds (by mrfrozen_craft) MekanismOres (by phantamanta44) The One Probe (by McJty) Thaumic Arcana (by thefrontrider) JAOPCAAgriculture (by TheLMiffy1111) Thermal Foundation (by TeamCoFH) Deep Mob Learning - Blood Magic Addon (by IterationFunk) WanionLib (by WanionCane) MJRLegends Lib (by MJRLegends) Construct's Armory (by TheIllusiveC4) Random Things (by Lumien231) No Auto Jump (by Jackyy) Sulfur And Potassium - More Gunpowder (by br4nder5) Ice and Fire: Dragons in a whole new light! (by alex1the1666) Integrated Dynamics (by kroeser) NuclearCraft (by tomdodd4598) Survival Systems (by mallrat208) Mine and Slash Auto Compatibility (by AzureDoomC) Anvil Patch - lawful (by Lumber_Wizard) Hunting Dimension (by DarkhaxDev) Draconic Additions (by FoxMcloud5655) ConnectedTexturesMod (by tterrag1098) ElecCore (by Elec332) DEUF - Duplicate Entity UUID Fix (by CAS_ual_TY) LibNine (by phantamanta44) EnderCore (by tterrag1098) Trinkets and Baubles (by XzeroAir) Future MC (by thedarkcolour) Thaumic JEI (by Buuz135) Bookshelf (by DarkhaxDev) Wearable Backpacks (by HeckinChloe) Myst Library (by Veovis_Muaddib) Zollern Galaxy (by ZollernWolf) Bitcoin (by bonusboni) Industrial Foregoing (by Buuz135) Custom Stuff 4 (by cubex2) Culinary Construct (by TheIllusiveC4) Block Drops (JEI Addon) (by KidsDontPlay) AE2 Stuff (by bdew) Animus (by TeamDman) Refined Storage (by raoulvdberge) Exponential Power (by MoSadie) Pam's HarvestCraft (by pamharvestcraft) Environmental Materials (by ValkyrieofNight) Thermal Dynamics (by TeamCoFH) Ex Compressum (by BlayTheNinth) Roost (by timrwood) MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod (by MrCrayfish) ReGenCWG (by Foghrye4) Chisel (by tterrag1098) Anvil Enchantments (by lazerzes) Torchmaster (by xalcon) Upsizer Mod [FORGE] (by The_Wabbit0101) Patchouli (by Vazkii) ReWIRED (by mallrat208) Pillagers (by DarkhaxDev) Spartan and Fire (by cbkovak) AntiGhost (by thorgeig) Immersive Engineering (by BluSunrize) Quark (by Vazkii) Permafrost (by Virtuoel) Totemic (by ljfa2) QuantumFlux (by FantasyTeddy) SwingThroughGrass (by exidex) Tinkers' Tool Leveling (by bonusboni) Reap Mod (by henkelmax) UniDict (by WanionCane) BurnBabyBurn (by Sewef13) Universal Bestiary (by Lykrast) NoDamI (No Damage Immunity) (by ProfHug0) Just Enough Dimensions (by masady) Thaumic Tinkerer (by Nekosune) JER Ore Integration (by Ax1eum) Immersive Posts (by TwistedGate) McJtyLib (by McJty) Alchemistry (by al132) A Lib (by al132) Just Enough Buttons (by niversal) ProjectE (by SinKillerJ) Robotic Parts (by Aun_Sar) RandomPatches (by TheRandomLabs) RetroBees (by TheSledgeHammer) Shut Up, Model Loader! (by phantamanta44) Stray Spawn (by Serilum) Husk Spawn (by Serilum) Ex Nihilo: Creatio (by BloodWorkXGaming) PlaneFix (by Shadows_of_Fire) Tinkering with Blood Magic (by terrapin47) RFTools Dimensions (by McJty) Horse Tweaks (by BlayTheNinth) TAIGA (Tinkers alloying addon) (by zkafaceTV) Inventory Tweaks (by JimeoWan) AppleSkin (by squeek502) Enchanted Golden Apple Crafting (by betathunder1) Mod Name Tooltip (by mezz) Environmental Tech (by ValkyrieofNight) Structural Relocation (by bright_spark) Immersive Recipes (by LaikaIvanova) Proportional Destruction Particles (by Phylogeny) Thaumic Restoration (by Zoko061602) Mystical Adaptations (by Focamacho) ExtraBotany (by ExtraMeteorP) Storage Drawers Unlimited (by raptor4694) Immersive Technology (by tgstyle0) Thaumic Periphery (by mangoose3039) Project EX (by LatvianModder) Cloche Profit Peripheral (by phantamanta44) ValkyrieLib (by ValkyrieofNight) Embers' Construct (by Peatral) Botania Needs These Things! (by workbench61) LemonLib (by Lemonszz) Numina (by machinemuse) Draconic Drip (by CoolUnicorn322) Fast Leaf Decay (by olafskiii) Equivalent Additions (by Zeitheron) Actually Baubles (by Jackyy) The Twilight Forest (by Benimatic) Iron Chests (by ProgWML6) More Plates (by PanSzelescik) Nature Overhaul (by clintonio) Aroma1997s Dimensional World (by Aroma1997) ReAuth (by TechnicianLP) Mystical Agriculture (by BlakeBr0) Cucumber Library (by BlakeBr0) RFTools Power (by McJty) LLibrary (by _ForgeUser11902522) Aetherium Ashen Armor (by tyon2006) Industrial Expansion [TE Addon] (by brforgers) Immersive IO (by Lador) Integration Foregoing (by Jackyy) SuperTiC (by Zoko061602) Dark Utilities (by DarkhaxDev) Clumps (by Jaredlll08) Tinkers' Addons (by oitsjustjose) Railcraft (by Covert_Jaguar) Magical Crops: Core - 1.12 BETA! (by Mark719) The Magic Mirror (by tboshoven) Overpowered Mending (by RakSrinaNa) Tesslocator (by LatvianModder) Crimson Revelations (by mobiusflip) BetterGolem (by baguchan) ICBM - Classic (by DarkGuardsman) OpenModsLib (by OpenMods) OpenBlocks (by OpenMods) Armory Expansion (by AshuraNoYami) Colytra (by TheIllusiveC4) Born in a Barn (by Speiger) Blood Arsenal (by Arcaratus) Project MMO (by FishSound) Guide-API (by TehNut) Wild Netherwart (by DelirusCrux) Just Enough HarvestCraft (JEHC) (by mrAppleXZ) Magic Bees (by MysteriousAges) Additional Pipes for Buildcraft (by MultipleMonomials) Mod-Fix (by modmuss50) Exchangers (by Jackyy) IE Cloche Compat (by senilepenguin) Keyboard Wizard (by mrnerdy42) Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded (by Kreezxil) Bauble of Undying (by HeckinChloe) JourneyMap (by techbrew) CraftableCreativeModifier (by DaveyL2013) NetherPortalFix (by BlayTheNinth) Hwyla (by TehNut) Named Enchantments (by Dyonovan) BeeBetterAtBees (by HellFirePvP) YUNG's Better Caves (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) GottschCore (by gottsch) MeeCreeps (by McJty) Not Enough Wands (by romelo333) CoFH Core (by TeamCoFH) Thermal Expansion (by TeamCoFH) Pages (by IAmTheFloydman) Sneaky Magic (by Fuzs) Placebo (by Shadows_of_Fire) Tesla Core Lib (by face_ofcat) Extra Utilities (by RWTema) FPS Reducer (by bre2el) Infinity & Mending Unnerf (by csb987) Sampler (by sfPlayer1) The Monk Mod (by RWTema) Deep Resonance (by McJty) Repurpose (by wuestman) ZeroCore (by ZeroNoRyouki) Building Gadgets (by Direwolf20) Skeleton Horse Spawn (by Serilum) Statues: Rechiseled (by Lemonszz) Let Me Sleep (by Fuzs) CoFH World (by TeamCoFH) AppleCore (by squeek502) Grimoire of Gaia (by Silentine_) Azure RPG Items (by AzureDoomC) /dank/null (by TheRealp455w0rd) Better Advancements (by way2muchnoise) Avaritia 1.1x (by brandon3055) Project Intelligence (by brandon3055) JAOPCA (by TheLMiffy1111) Version Checker (by Dynious) Twerk Sim 2K16 (by Funwayguy) Thaumic Augmentation (by TheCodex6824) More Libs (by PanSzelescik) Thaumic Equivalence (by Lilyliciously) Waila Harvestability (by squeek502) EDX Multipart (by HRZNStudio) Reborn Core (by modmuss50) Advancement Book (by ParkerMc01) Torcherino (by sci4me) Smeltery IO (by tgstyle0) The Magic Doorknob (by tboshoven)

border999 commented 4 years ago

alright, I think it's all there

yeelp commented 4 years ago

56 mods were in common, so that's pretty sweet. Assuming everything was counted correctly, that shaves your 411 mods down to 354 (As we exclude Scaling Feast itself obviously).

This is the list of mods in common:

Common Mods Spartan Weaponry (by ObliviousSpartan) MrTJPCore (by MrTJP) Familiar Fauna (by Forstride) Mantle (by mDiyo) Overloaded Armor Bar (by tfarecnim) AttributeFix (by DarkhaxDev) AutoRegLib (by Vazkii) BiblioCraft (by Nuchaz) Thermal Innovation (by TeamCoFH) Tinker's JEI (by Possible_triangle) Cooking for Blockheads (by BlayTheNinth) Unloader (by Unnoen) Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz) Toast Control (by Shadows_of_Fire) Baubles (by Azanor13) Tinkers Construct (by mDiyo) Foam​Fix (by asiekierka) Bed Patch (by Mordenkainen3141) Natura (by mDiyo) Forge MultiPart CBE (by covers1624) Thermal Cultivation (by TeamCoFH) CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (by covers1624) Redstone Flux (by TeamCoFH) Shadowfacts' Forgelin (by ShadowfactsDev) Ender Storage 1.8.+ (by covers1624) The One Probe (by McJty) Thermal Foundation (by TeamCoFH) Construct's Armory (by TheIllusiveC4) Ice and Fire: Dragons in a whole new light! (by alex1the1666) Hunting Dimension (by DarkhaxDev) ConnectedTexturesMod (by tterrag1098) Trinkets and Baubles (by XzeroAir) Bookshelf (by DarkhaxDev) Pam's HarvestCraft (by pamharvestcraft) Thermal Dynamics (by TeamCoFH) Torchmaster (by xalcon) Spartan and Fire (by cbkovak) Immersive Engineering (by BluSunrize) Quark (by Vazkii) SwingThroughGrass (by exidex) Tinkers' Tool Leveling (by bonusboni) Inventory Tweaks (by JimeoWan) AppleSkin (by squeek502) Fast Leaf Decay (by olafskiii) The Twilight Forest (by Benimatic) ReAuth (by TechnicianLP) Clumps (by Jaredlll08) Armory Expansion (by AshuraNoYami) Colytra (by TheIllusiveC4) Just Enough HarvestCraft (JEHC) (by mrAppleXZ) JourneyMap (by techbrew) CoFH Core (by TeamCoFH) Thermal Expansion (by TeamCoFH) Placebo (by Shadows_of_Fire) CoFH World (by TeamCoFH) AppleCore (by squeek502)

And this is the list of literally everything else

All the other mods Not Enough Roofs (by blenderfan) ET Lunar [Environmental Tech Addon] (by ValkyrieofNight) Better Than Mending (by legobmw99) Botania (by Vazkii) The Narrow Gate (by Noobanidus) Path Under Gates (by cyberslas) AromaBackup (by Aroma1997) Netherending Ores (by ic_trab) TESLA (by DarkhaxDev) Improved Mobs (by flemmli97) Save My Stronghold! (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Flux Networks (by sonar_sonic) Reliquary v1.3 (by P3pp3rF1y) Mutant Beasts (by Chumbanotz) EIORecipesTEInductionSmelter (by XFactHD) Real Filing Cabinet (by BlueNeenja) bspkrsCore Updated (by ZenCoder) Immersive Engineering Tweaks (by SimonMeskens) Extreme Reactors (by ZeroNoRyouki) JEI Integration (by SnowShock35) So Many Enchantments (by ShelterRin) Dartcraft Reloaded (by BURN447) iChunUtil (by ohaiiChun) Treecapitator Updated (by ZenCoder) Spartan Weaponry Arcana (by ObliviousSpartan) TheDragonLib (by sokratis12GR) Thaumic Inventory Scanning (Thaumcraft Addon) (by BlayTheNinth) Refined Exchange (by Bartz24) Surge (by DarkhaxDev) Mystcraft (by XCompWiz) Gravity Gun (by ohaiiChun) Hats (by ohaiiChun) Converting Industrial Wires (by AnvilcraftMC) Morph (by ohaiiChun) Portal Gun (by ohaiiChun) MmmMmmMmmMmm (by bonusboni) Sync (by ohaiiChun) Wither Skeleton Tweaks (by Shadows_of_Fire) Botanic Additions (by Zeitheron) VeinMiner (by Portablejim) Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (by ohaiiChun) Solar Flux Reborn (by Zeitheron) Gendustry (by bdew) RFTools (by McJty) BdLib (by bdew) Binnie's Mods (by ForgeUser9116757) Tinkers Mechworks Fork (by crankysupertoon) Aetherworks (by v0idwa1k3r) BetterPortals (by Johni0702) Improved Backpacks (by DreenDexTwitch) Common Capabilities (by kroeser) Scaling Feast (by TheRealYeelp) Brandon's Core (by brandon3055) Progressive Bosses (by InsaneGames) Draconic Evolution (by brandon3055) Melon Golem (by Tamaized) Immersive Petroleum (by Flaxbeard) RandomTweaks (by TheRandomLabs) Clay Bucket (by abecderic) EnhancedSnowman (by maxanier) Realistic Cobwebs (by UpcraftLP) Just Enough Petroleum (by BordListian) stimmedcow : NoMoreRecipeConflict (by GotoLink) Enchantment Descriptions (by DarkhaxDev) Enchanting Plus (by DarkhaxDev) Immersive Energy (by CrimsonDragonRider) Advanced Generators (by bdew) Botania Tweaks (by quat1024) Thaumcraft (by Azanor13) Thaumic Additions: Reconstructed (by Zeitheron) ValkyrieCompat (by ValkyrieofNight) Engineered Golems (by Voxel_Friend) ExtraCells2 (by Destroyer7128) Pretty Beaches (by BlayTheNinth) Not Enough Keys - Voice Commands (by HialusFX) Thaumic Terminal (by ロ_ロ) Industrial Craft (by sfPlayer1) MoreEndGame (by LoloElSupremo) Redstone Arsenal (by TeamCoFH) Item Filters (by LatvianModder) Thaumic Energistics (by nividica) Blood Magic (by WayofTime) Burn Zombies (by thedarkcolour) Immersive Cables (by SanAndreasP) Unlimited Chisel Works - Botany (by asiekierka) Just Enough Energistics (JEE) (by TheRealp455w0rd) Lapis Stays in the Enchanting Table (by csb987) Just Enough Reactors (by BrainStone) Embers Rekindled (by BordListian) Immersive Intelligence (by Pabilo8) GunpowderLib (by Jackyy) Total Tinkers (by uvmidnight) Mining, Metals and Melting (by javisel) Expanded Equivalence (by Zeitheron) Aroma1997Core (by Aroma1997) Tinkers' Evolution (by phantamanta44) Zetta Industries (by marcin212a) Extra Utilities Fixes (by quat1024) Rainbow Oak Trees (by csb987) Unlimited Chisel Works (by asiekierka) PneumaticCraft: Repressurized (by desht_08) TATW (by Aroma1997) Storage Tech (by LithimzTV) Akashic Tome (by Vazkii) ☃ Snow! Real Magic! (by Snownee_) WrapUp (by TheLMiffy1111) Buildcraft (by Covert_Jaguar) TamedRespawn (by Lothrazar) Chicken Chunks 1.8.+ (by covers1624) Sonar Core (by sonar_sonic) Unique Enchantments (by Speiger) Thermal Tinkering (by samboy063) MCMultiPart (by amadornes) Applied Energistics 2 (by AlgorithmX2) Chameleon (by Texelsaur) JEI Bees (by bdew) TenshiLib (by flemmli97) Actually Recycling (by KenyMylankca) Homing Exp Orbs (by BlackoutRoulette) Light The Night (by MrCyberdragon) Just Enough Throwing In Fluids (JETIF) (by Lykrast) Metallurgy 4: Reforged (by ItHurtsLikeHell_) Cyclops Core (by kroeser) Angel Ring To Bauble (by Portablejim) Beyond The Veil (by Valeriotor) MinersAdvantage (by o_DuelMonster_o) In Control! (by McJty) Sophisticated wolves (by nightkosh) AOBD/JAOPCA ore chunks (by RCXcrafter) Mercurius (by TamasHenning) Storage Drawers (by Texelsaur) Mystical Agradditions (by BlakeBr0) Treasure2! (by gottsch) Smaller Nether Portals (by Serilum) Better Burning (by DarkhaxDev) Simply Jetpacks 2 (by Tomson124) LibrarianLib (by wiresegal) Just Enough Resources (JER) (by way2muchnoise) Mekanism (by bradyaidanc) Better Builder's Wands (by Portablejim) Mekanism Generators (by bradyaidanc) Mekanism Tools (by bradyaidanc) MalisisDoors (by Ordinastie) MalisisCore (by Ordinastie) Orechid Endium (by TheRealp455w0rd) Buildcraft Fuels for IC2 (by xxTFxx) Behgameon RPG Additions (by DEMMERS) Avaritia IO (by tfarecnim) FlameLib (by Cursed1nferno) Cube Loader (by Cursed1nferno) Deep Mob Learning (by IterationFunk) Mine and Slash (by mcrobertx22) DivineRPG (Official) (by NicosaurusRex99) Tinker I/O (by GKBm2011) Growthcraft Community Edition (by Alatyami) Crimson Warfare (by Ta6e) Space Ambient [Addon for GalactiCraft] (by graciaplus9) Actually Additions (by Ellpeck) NotEnoughIDs (by fewizz_) Zombie Horse Spawn (by Serilum) Iron Tanks (by SolderIO) RandomPatches Integration (by TheRandomLabs) Hammer (Lib) Core (by Zeitheron) Drugs and Pills (by notraffic) project-256343 (by EdgarAllen) Forestry (by ForgeUser7678633) Dude! Where's my Horse? (by Noobanidus) Mythical Monsters and Dangerous Dungeons (by Therandommidget) Headcrumbs (by ganymedes01) p455w0rd's Library (by TheRealp455w0rd) Double Slabs (by CJMinecraft01) Too Many Efficiency Losses (by jamiebrassel_) Inventory Totem (by Serilum) Armory Expansion - Bits And Pieces (by AshuraNoYami) SignEdit (by ToroCraft) Persistent Cake (by HeckinChloe) Flex Tape (by MoriyaShiine) Essences of The Worlds (by mrfrozen_craft) MekanismOres (by phantamanta44) Thaumic Arcana (by thefrontrider) JAOPCAAgriculture (by TheLMiffy1111) Deep Mob Learning - Blood Magic Addon (by IterationFunk) WanionLib (by WanionCane) MJRLegends Lib (by MJRLegends) Random Things (by Lumien231) No Auto Jump (by Jackyy) Sulfur And Potassium - More Gunpowder (by br4nder5) Integrated Dynamics (by kroeser) NuclearCraft (by tomdodd4598) Survival Systems (by mallrat208) Mine and Slash Auto Compatibility (by AzureDoomC) Anvil Patch - lawful (by Lumber_Wizard) Draconic Additions (by FoxMcloud5655) ElecCore (by Elec332) DEUF - Duplicate Entity UUID Fix (by CAS_ual_TY) LibNine (by phantamanta44) EnderCore (by tterrag1098) Future MC (by thedarkcolour) Thaumic JEI (by Buuz135) Wearable Backpacks (by HeckinChloe) Myst Library (by Veovis_Muaddib) Zollern Galaxy (by ZollernWolf) Bitcoin (by bonusboni) Industrial Foregoing (by Buuz135) Custom Stuff 4 (by cubex2) Culinary Construct (by TheIllusiveC4) Block Drops (JEI Addon) (by KidsDontPlay) AE2 Stuff (by bdew) Animus (by TeamDman) Refined Storage (by raoulvdberge) Exponential Power (by MoSadie) Environmental Materials (by ValkyrieofNight) Ex Compressum (by BlayTheNinth) Roost (by timrwood) MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod (by MrCrayfish) ReGenCWG (by Foghrye4) Chisel (by tterrag1098) Anvil Enchantments (by lazerzes) Upsizer Mod [FORGE] (by The_Wabbit0101) Patchouli (by Vazkii) ReWIRED (by mallrat208) Pillagers (by DarkhaxDev) AntiGhost (by thorgeig) Permafrost (by Virtuoel) Totemic (by ljfa2) QuantumFlux (by FantasyTeddy) Reap Mod (by henkelmax) UniDict (by WanionCane) BurnBabyBurn (by Sewef13) Universal Bestiary (by Lykrast) NoDamI (No Damage Immunity) (by ProfHug0) Just Enough Dimensions (by masady) Thaumic Tinkerer (by Nekosune) JER Ore Integration (by Ax1eum) Immersive Posts (by TwistedGate) McJtyLib (by McJty) Alchemistry (by al132) A Lib (by al132) Just Enough Buttons (by niversal) ProjectE (by SinKillerJ) Robotic Parts (by Aun_Sar) RandomPatches (by TheRandomLabs) RetroBees (by TheSledgeHammer) Shut Up, Model Loader! (by phantamanta44) Stray Spawn (by Serilum) Husk Spawn (by Serilum) Ex Nihilo: Creatio (by BloodWorkXGaming) PlaneFix (by Shadows_of_Fire) Tinkering with Blood Magic (by terrapin47) RFTools Dimensions (by McJty) Horse Tweaks (by BlayTheNinth) TAIGA (Tinkers alloying addon) (by zkafaceTV) Enchanted Golden Apple Crafting (by betathunder1) Mod Name Tooltip (by mezz) Environmental Tech (by ValkyrieofNight) Structural Relocation (by bright_spark) Immersive Recipes (by LaikaIvanova) Proportional Destruction Particles (by Phylogeny) Thaumic Restoration (by Zoko061602) Mystical Adaptations (by Focamacho) ExtraBotany (by ExtraMeteorP) Storage Drawers Unlimited (by raptor4694) Immersive Technology (by tgstyle0) Thaumic Periphery (by mangoose3039) Project EX (by LatvianModder) Cloche Profit Peripheral (by phantamanta44) ValkyrieLib (by ValkyrieofNight) Embers' Construct (by Peatral) Botania Needs These Things! (by workbench61) LemonLib (by Lemonszz) Numina (by machinemuse) Draconic Drip (by CoolUnicorn322) Equivalent Additions (by Zeitheron) Actually Baubles (by Jackyy) Iron Chests (by ProgWML6) More Plates (by PanSzelescik) Nature Overhaul (by clintonio) Aroma1997s Dimensional World (by Aroma1997) Mystical Agriculture (by BlakeBr0) Cucumber Library (by BlakeBr0) RFTools Power (by McJty) LLibrary (by ForgeUser11902522) Aetherium Ashen Armor (by tyon2006) Industrial Expansion [TE Addon] (by brforgers) Immersive IO (by Lador) Integration Foregoing (by Jackyy) SuperTiC (by Zoko061602) Dark Utilities (by DarkhaxDev) Tinkers' Addons (by oitsjustjose) Railcraft (by Covert_Jaguar) Magical Crops: Core - 1.12 BETA! (by Mark719) The Magic Mirror (by tboshoven) Overpowered Mending (by RakSrinaNa) Tesslocator (by LatvianModder) Crimson Revelations (by mobiusflip) BetterGolem (by bagu_chan) ICBM - Classic (by DarkGuardsman) OpenModsLib (by OpenMods) OpenBlocks (by OpenMods) Born in a Barn (by Speiger) Blood Arsenal (by Arcaratus) Project MMO (by FishSound) Guide-API (by TehNut) Wild Netherwart (by DelirusCrux) Magic Bees (by MysteriousAges) Additional Pipes for Buildcraft (by MultipleMonomials) Mod-Fix (by modmuss50) Exchangers (by Jackyy) IE Cloche Compat (by senilepenguin) Keyboard Wizard (by mrnerdy42) Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded (by Kreezxil) Bauble of Undying (by HeckinChloe) CraftableCreativeModifier (by DaveyL2013) NetherPortalFix (by BlayTheNinth) Hwyla (by TehNut) Named Enchantments (by Dyonovan) BeeBetterAtBees (by HellFirePvP) YUNG's Better Caves (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) GottschCore (by gottsch) MeeCreeps (by McJty) Not Enough Wands (by romelo333) Pages (by IAmTheFloydman) Sneaky Magic (by Fuzs) Tesla Core Lib (by face_of_cat) Extra Utilities (by RWTema) FPS Reducer (by bre2el) Infinity & Mending Unnerf (by csb987) Sampler (by sfPlayer1) The Monk Mod (by RWTema) Deep Resonance (by McJty) Repurpose (by wuestman) ZeroCore (by ZeroNoRyouki) Building Gadgets (by Direwolf20) Skeleton Horse Spawn (by Serilum) Statues: Rechiseled (by Lemonszz) Let Me Sleep (by Fuzs_) Grimoire of Gaia (by Silentine_) Azure RPG Items (by AzureDoomC) /dank/null (by TheRealp455w0rd) Better Advancements (by way2muchnoise) Avaritia 1.1x (by brandon3055) Project Intelligence (by brandon3055) JAOPCA (by TheLMiffy1111) Version Checker (by Dynious) Twerk Sim 2K16 (by Funwayguy) Thaumic Augmentation (by TheCodex6824) More Libs (by PanSzelescik) Thaumic Equivalence (by Lilyliciously) Waila Harvestability (by squeek502) EDX Multipart (by HRZNStudio) Reborn Core (by modmuss50) Advancement Book (by ParkerMc01) Torcherino (by sci4me) Smeltery IO (by tgstyle0) The Magic Doorknob (by tboshoven)

From this giant list, something is preventing AppleCore from giving the player more than 20 saturation. Mods that specifically alter hunger mechanics should be the first to check. You know this list better than I do. Which ones are potential suspects (or which ones almost certainly are not the cause)? It may turn out that I can't fix the issue on my end, as from the information given, it seems that some mod is preventing either AppleCore or Scaling Feast from behaving normally. If I can't fix it on my end, we can at least open an issue on the conflicting mod's issue tracker, if it exists.

yeelp commented 4 years ago

So... something I probably should have thought of the first time this issue opened... I was more focused on the problems in the HUD at the time.

So the issue most likely isn't Scaling Feast. The 'problem' is AppleCore. I say 'problem' because AppleCore is incompatible with mods that overload FoodStats.

And after browsing AppleCore's issue tracker (Which is what I should've done a while ago) I came across squeek502/AppleCore/#134 which references problems with RandomTweaks, but they seemed to have fixed it. I guess make sure you're using the latest version of RandomTweaks.

I'm still looking through AppleCore's issue tracker. I'll post the rest of my findings if I come across anything that involves something related to your mod list.

EDIT: There doesn't seem to be anything else for mod incompatibilities for 1.12.2. Mods that modify foodstats are should be the culprits here.

SonicX8000 commented 4 years ago

RandomTweaks does actually have a config option that messes with hunger stuff.

Try setting 'Enables hunger tweaks' to false in it's config.

Off-Topic border999, if you don't mind. What mod adds in that hud stuff in the upper left corner of the screen in the image? The LVL23 & red, blue, green & yellow bars.

border999 commented 4 years ago

@Z-Tunic MineandSlash if memory serves

yeelp commented 4 years ago

RandomTweaks does actually have a config option that messes with hunger stuff.

Try setting 'Enables hunger tweaks' to false in it's config.

This may fix things, but I'm pretty sure Random Tweaks fixed incompatibility issues with AppleCore on their end, so I'm not sure if it will actually work. Give it a shot though.

border999 commented 4 years ago

@yeelp success, disabling hunger tweaks seems to have removed that limit.

border999 commented 4 years ago

Screenshot (259)

yeelp commented 4 years ago

Excellent! I'll post an issue on RandomTweaks about it.

yeelp commented 4 years ago

Actually, there should be a hunger cap in the config settings for RandomTweaks. Try re-enabling hunger tweaks and setting this value to some high value and see if that also works.

RandomTweaks seems to be taking control of food stats modifications which makes it hard for me to do much about it.

I'm going to list a section on the curse forge page and on the wiki about mod incompatibilities.