yeelp / Scaling-Feast

A simple, balanced way to increase your maximum hunger in Minecraft over the course of a world.
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Wiki Page Corections #59

Open yeelp opened 4 years ago

yeelp commented 4 years ago

GitHub is being weird right now and not accepting my changes. So I don't forget for later, I'm opening this as an issue. (Which itself is an indication the problem is resolved, but whatever)

Gluttony actually increases foodvalues by 50% per level. So, level 3 is a 150% increase, not a 200% increase.

James103 commented 4 years ago

The wiki page for Fasting should include: "If a chestplate is cheated to have a higher level of Fasting than the expected maximum, the pattern continues. At level 10 or higher, the player receives zero exhaustion."

Additionally, on the wiki page for Fasting, "this enchantment reduces a player's exhaustion by 10% per level." should be "this enchantment reduces a player's exhaustion rate by 10% per level."

The wiki page for Gluttony should include: "If a chestplate is cheated to have a higher level of Gluttony than the expected maximum, each additional level increases the food values by 50%."

The wiki page for Metabolism (and for Spice of Life: Carrot Edition, Commands, and Config) appears to result in an access denied error, with "You do not have permission to update this wiki". Most likely this means the page either does not exist or has restricted read access privileges.

yeelp commented 4 years ago

Yes, some pages for the wiki I haven't gotten around to making yet, which I really ought to do.

These other changes are good though.

James103 commented 4 years ago

The wiki page for Famine (and other locations where applicable) should state that the effect durations are in seconds. Currently, it's hard to tell whether the duration is in ticks or in seconds.

yeelp commented 4 years ago

I'm going to save the Famine page for after 1.4, since it's receiving major changes.

Metabolism now has a wiki page Gluttony now has a much better page missing icons not related to saturation now exist. The corrections you mentioned have otherwise been made. The SoL:Carrot Edition, Commands and Config pages still don't exist yet. The config page in particular will be long and I'm not sure how I'm going to structure it yet.

James103 commented 4 years ago
Here are the rest of the values for the Metabolism potion effect's causes: Source Potency Duration
Splash Metabolic Potion (Extended) I 4:00
Splash Metabolic Potion II II 1:00
Lingering Metabolic Potion I 0:30
Lingering Metabolic Potion (Extended) I 1:00
Lingering Metabolic Potion II II 0:15
Metabolic Arrow I 0:15
Metabolic Arrow (Extended) I 0:30
Metabolic Arrow II II 0:07*

*One-half of the 15 seconds of Metabolic Arrow I, displayed rounded down. Exact value without rounding: 150 ticks (7.5 seconds).

yeelp commented 4 years ago

Excellent, I hadn't gotten around to hopping in game to check (I just kept forgetting lol). I'll update the wiki right now.

James103 commented 4 years ago

Here are some corrections that I would like to make to the Famine page. They update the page to the latest mod version (1.4).

The first paragraph should have any mentions of the Hunger effect removed and replaced with the fact that players get an instant deduction to their food level and that this penalty scales by the enchantment level.

The corrected table is as follows: Enchantment Level Hunger Loss Weakness Level
1 1.25 1
2 2.5 1
3 3.75 2
4 5 2
5 6.25 2

The second paragraph should also have any mentions of the Hunger effect removed. "the Hunger effect duration scales by level" should be replaced with "the amount of food points lost scales by level, up to a maximum of 10 food points per hit.".

Additionally, the fact that a full charge is required to activate the Famine enchantment should be mentioned there as well.

Outside of the Famine wiki page, there are some more errors that need to be corrected:

yeelp commented 4 years ago

Done! Thanks for pointing this out!

James103 commented 4 years ago

On the Metabolism wiki page, where it says "Tick per [food point]" should say "Ticks per [food point]".

James103 commented 4 years ago

The following Wiki pages have not been created yet, but the corresponding features are still in the mod:


Additionally, the page "spiceoflifemodule" should be moved (renamed) to "Spice of Life Module" or "The Spice of Life (Module)".

yeelp commented 4 years ago

Enchantments are written now, I'll get to the potion effects in the next couple of days.

The GUI page actually shouldn't be there. Instead, whatever content would've been there should be on the HUD page instead (which is more technically correct. Scaling Feast doesn't add any GUI's of its own, it just alters the HUD).

James103 commented 4 years ago

Additionally, the page "spiceoflifemodule" should be moved (renamed) to "Spice of Life Module" or "The Spice of Life (Module)".

This has broken the corresponding link on your custom wiki navigation sidebar. The internal link still points to the old name (spiceoflifemodule) instead of the new name (Spice-of-Life-Module).

yeelp commented 4 years ago

Right, should've checked that. Thanks.

James103 commented 4 years ago

Are you still working on the potion effect pages? It's been a week since your last contribution, and the potion effect/attribute pages still have not been written.

yeelp commented 4 years ago

Yes I'm still working on them. I've been busy finishing some summer exams the past couple of days. I've been writing the general text offline which I'll stylize with Markdown when I update the wiki pages.

James103 commented 4 years ago

The config page in particular will be long and I'm not sure how I'm going to structure it yet.

I think there first should be a table of contents to jump to a particular config option (or a config section thereof), and then the config options should be placed in the same order and directory tree as they appear in-game (or on the config files). Each config option should have at the very least all of the same info as it appear in game (so name, accepted values, default value, what it does, etc).

yeelp commented 4 years ago

This is a good idea. I was thinking about also putting some suggested configurations in there too, for those curious about the kind of gameplay they can get from Scaling Feast. Putting said list together may be time consuming, so I may omit it.