yeesian / ArchGDAL.jl

A high level API for GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
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Error debugging basic geometries #346

Open juliohm opened 1 year ago

juliohm commented 1 year ago

Paste the following code inside a function and execute in debug mode in VSCode:

import ArchGDAL as AG
import GeoInterface as GI
import Tables

function test()
  data ="test1.gpkg")
  table = AG.getlayer(data, 0)
  cols = Tables.columns(table)
  geoms = Tables.getcolumn(cols, :geom)

@enter test()

Step through the code until the line GI.geomtrait and the following cryptic error will be shown:

Error while running the debugger (consider adding a breakpoint for uncaught exceptions):
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching namemap(::Type{ArchGDAL.OGRwkbGeometryType})
The applicable method may be too new: running in world age 32436, while current world is 32543.
Closest candidates are:
  namemap(::Type{ArchGDAL.OGRwkbGeometryType}) at Enums.jl:201 (method too new to be called from this world context.)
  namemap(::Type{LibGit2.Consts.GIT_CREDTYPE}) at Enums.jl:201
  namemap(::Type{Pkg.Types.PreserveLevel}) at Enums.jl:201
  [1] _symbol(x::ArchGDAL.OGRwkbGeometryType)
    @ Base.Enums ./Enums.jl:29
  [2] show(io::IOContext{IOBuffer}, x::ArchGDAL.OGRwkbGeometryType)
    @ Base.Enums ./Enums.jl:37
  [3] show_typeparams(io::IOContext{IOBuffer}, env::Core.SimpleVector, orig::Core.SimpleVector, wheres::Vector{TypeVar})
    @ Base ./show.jl:638
  [4] show_datatype(io::IOContext{IOBuffer}, x::DataType, wheres::Vector{TypeVar})
    @ Base ./show.jl:1011
  [5] show_datatype
    @ ./show.jl:989 [inlined]
  [6] _show_type(io::IOContext{IOBuffer}, x::Type)
    @ Base ./show.jl:889
  [7] show(io::IOContext{IOBuffer}, x::Type)
    @ Base ./show.jl:881
  [8] show_typeparams(io::IOContext{IOBuffer}, env::Core.SimpleVector, orig::Core.SimpleVector, wheres::Vector{TypeVar})
    @ Base ./show.jl:638
  [9] show_typealias(io::IOBuffer, name::GlobalRef, x::Type, env::Core.SimpleVector, wheres::Vector{TypeVar})
    @ Base ./show.jl:671
 [10] show_typealias(io::IOBuffer, x::Type)
    @ Base ./show.jl:724
 [11] _show_type(io::IOBuffer, x::Type)
    @ Base ./show.jl:886
 [12] show(io::IOBuffer, x::Type)
    @ Base ./show.jl:881
 [13] print(io::IOBuffer, x::Type)
    @ Base ./strings/io.jl:35
 [14] print_to_string(xs::Type)
    @ Base ./strings/io.jl:144
 [15] string
    @ ./strings/io.jl:185 [inlined]
 [16] construct_return_msg_for_var(state::VSCodeServer.DebugAdapter.DebuggerState, name::String, value::

The dataset to reproduce the error is here:

The code above used to work just fine in previous versions of ArchGDAL.jl

visr commented 1 year ago

Which version of ArchGDAL does this still work on? Or could it be due to the new GDAL 3.6 build that comes with GDAL.jl v1.5, which was released recently?

juliohm commented 1 year ago

Just to clarify, it works fine in execution mode. It is in debug mode that it fails. I don't recall running debug mode before, so maybe this never worked. I am using the latest stable release of the packages.

juliohm commented 1 year ago

This attempt to debug the function came up because code that used to work fine in the previous version of ArchGDAL.jl stopped working. In particular, this geometry conversion is not working anymore:

The function hangs whenever I try to convert simple points in this data set.

You can reproduce with the master branch:

] add GeoTables#master
using GeoTables

# hangs with ArchGDAL v0.9.3 and GeoInterface v1.0.1
visr commented 1 year ago

Ok for this hang it's still useful to know the extra information I asked for, to know whether it's ArchGDAL.jl or the GDAL build we ship.

juliohm commented 1 year ago

From the output of ] st -m:

[c9ce4bd3] ArchGDAL v0.9.3 [add2ef01] GDAL v1.5.0 [a7073274] GDAL_jll v301.600.0+0 [cf35fbd7] GeoInterface v1.0.1

visr commented 1 year ago

Can you try GDAL.jl v1.4, and otherwise the previous ArchGDAL release?

juliohm commented 1 year ago

Tried with GDAL.jl v1.4 and the same error occurs. Can you reproduce or is it only in my machine?

juliohm commented 1 year ago

Also happens with ArchGDAL.jl v0.8 (the previous version) if I replace GI.geomtrait (which didn't exist) by GI.coordinates.

visr commented 1 year ago

I see the same thing I think, though a bit of a different stacktrace. I see you removed the test file, so here is a permalink:

import ArchGDAL as AG
import GeoTables
data ="test1.gpkg")
table = AG.getlayer(data, 0)

This works fine if I put a semicolon after the last line to stop it from showing. But if not, I get this:

ERROR: KeyError: key GDAL.wkbPoint not found
  [1] getindex
    @ .\dict.jl:819 [inlined]
  [2] convert
    @ D:\visser_mn\.julia\dev\ArchGDAL\src\utils.jl:164 [inlined]
  [3] _infergeomtype(ptr::Ptr{Nothing})
    @ ArchGDAL D:\visser_mn\.julia\dev\ArchGDAL\src\types.jl:228
  [4] ArchGDAL.IGeometry(ptr::Ptr{Nothing})
    @ ArchGDAL D:\visser_mn\.julia\dev\ArchGDAL\src\types.jl:257
  [5] getgeom(feature::ArchGDAL.IFeature, i::Int32)
    @ ArchGDAL D:\visser_mn\.julia\dev\ArchGDAL\src\ogr\feature.jl:789
  [6] getgeom(feature::ArchGDAL.IFeature, name::Symbol)
    @ ArchGDAL D:\visser_mn\.julia\dev\ArchGDAL\src\ogr\feature.jl:810
  [7] getcolumn
    @ D:\visser_mn\.julia\dev\ArchGDAL\src\tables.jl:27 [inlined]
  [8] eachcolumns
    @ d:\visser_mn\.julia\packages\Tables\T7rHm\src\utils.jl:127 [inlined]
  [9] _buildcolumns(rowitr::ArchGDAL.IFeatureLayer, row::ArchGDAL.IFeature, st::Int64, sch::Tables.Schema{(:geom, :id, :x, :y, :z), nothing}, columns::NTuple{5, Tables.EmptyVector}, updated::Base.RefValue{Any})
    @ Tables d:\visser_mn\.julia\packages\Tables\T7rHm\src\fallbacks.jl:190
 [10] buildcolumns
    @ d:\visser_mn\.julia\packages\Tables\T7rHm\src\fallbacks.jl:220 [inlined]
 [11] columns
    @ d:\visser_mn\.julia\packages\Tables\T7rHm\src\fallbacks.jl:256 [inlined]
 [12] domain(t::GeoTables.GeoTable{ArchGDAL.IFeatureLayer})
    @ GeoTables d:\visser_mn\.julia\dev\GeoTables\src\geotable.jl:21
 [13] show(io::IOContext{Base.TTY}, #unused#::MIME{Symbol("text/plain")}, data::GeoTables.GeoTable{ArchGDAL.IFeatureLayer})
    @ Meshes d:\visser_mn\.julia\packages\Meshes\1bpiW\src\traits\data.jl:273

This looks like an issue in the enum mapping from ArchGDAL to GDAL, pointing to this line. It's a bit hard to follow though.

The debug issue might be the same, since the debugger tries to show more things.