yegappan / lsp

Language Server Protocol (LSP) plugin for Vim9
MIT License
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Gitgutter seems to have the priority over Lsp on signs #385

Open guildem opened 1 year ago

guildem commented 1 year ago

When editing files with modified unstaged lines visible with gitgutter and code errors noticed by Lsp, only gitgutters signs are shown. I think errors are more important than unstaged lines and should have priority.

Of course we can toggle LspDiags ang Gitgutter signs, but getting all of them, with a good priority would be better.

ALE had the same issue years ago, and fixed it here :

It would be great to implement a similar behavior. What do you think ?

kedodrill commented 11 months ago

Getting all of them would be better for sure, but I have "fixed" this for myself by setting the priority.

let g:gitgutter_sign_priority = 0

I am using vim-signify so I have to set it like this let g:signify_priority = 0

This effectively allows lsp errors to have priority over git signs which I prefer. If you have other plugins that make use of the sign column you may need to play around with priorities for a bit.

guildem commented 11 months ago

@kedodrill thanks I will try that !