yegappan / lsp

Language Server Protocol (LSP) plugin for Vim9
MIT License
461 stars 54 forks source link

useQuickfixForLocations has no effect #414

Closed dvogel closed 7 months ago

dvogel commented 10 months ago

Thank you for the excellent Lsp plugin!

Using this set of option, the LspDiag show command populates the location list window instead of the quickfix window as requested with useQuickfixForLocations: v:true.

    call LspOptionsSet(#{
                \   aleSupport: v:false,
                \   autoComplete: v:false,
                \   autoHighlight: v:false,
                \   autoHighlightDiags: v:true,
                \   autoPopulateDiags: v:true,
                \   completionMatcher: 'case',
                \   completionTextEdit: v:true,
                \   completionKinds: {},
                \   customCompletionKinds: v:false,
                \   diagSignErrorText: 'E>',
                \   diagSignInfoText: 'I>',
                \   diagSignHintText: 'H>',
                \   diagSignWarningText: 'W>',
                \   diagVirtualTextAlign: 'above',
                \   echoSignature: v:true,
                \   hideDisabledCodeActions: v:false,
                \   highlightDiagInline: v:true,
                \   hoverInPreview: v:false,
                \   ignoreMissingServer: v:false,
                \   keepFocusInReferences: v:false,
                \   noNewlineInCompletion: v:false,
                \   outlineOnRight: v:false,
                \   outlineWinSize: 20,
                \   showDiagInBalloon: v:true,
                \   showDiagInPopup: v:true,
                \   showDiagOnStatusLine: v:false,
                \   showDiagWithSign: v:true,
                \   showDiagWithVirtualText: v:false,
                \   showInlayHints: v:false,
                \   showSignature: v:true,
                \   snippetSupport: v:false,
                \   ultisnipsSupport: v:false,
                \   usePopupInCodeAction: v:true,
                \   useQuickfixForLocations: v:true,
                \   useBufferCompletion: v:true,
                \ })

Here is a video showing what I see:

yegappan commented 10 months ago

The useQuickfixForLocations option is used only by the :LspShowReferences command currently. This is described in the help. But it makes sense to use this option for the diagnostic also.

dvogel commented 10 months ago

Ah, thanks for the correction. I see the distinction in the docs now.