yegappan / lsp

Language Server Protocol (LSP) plugin for Vim9
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LspDiagShow not present in :h lsp.txt and how to change the displayed format in the location list. #435

Open ubaldot opened 8 months ago

ubaldot commented 8 months ago

I am using clangd with --clang-tidy flag. I wish to display also the origin of the messages in the location list when I call :LspDiagShow. At the moment, I have something something like the following:

src/main.cpp|49 col 15-18 warning| 128 is a magic number; consider replacing it with a named constant

whereas I would like to have something like the following:

src/main.cpp|49 col 15-18 warning| 128 is a magic number; consider replacing it with a named constant [readability-magic-numbers]

How to do that?

I also noticed that the help file has some bugs. Ti cite few:

1) In 3. Usage the following commands are reported

:LspDiag current    
:LspDiag first      
:LspDiag here       

but the actual commands are:


2 ) :LspDiagShow is undocumented.

yegappan commented 8 months ago

I am using clangd with --clang-tidy flag. I wish to display also the origin of the messages in the location list when I call :LspDiagShow. At the moment, I have something something like the following:

src/main.cpp|49 col 15-18 warning| 128 is a magic number; consider replacing it with a named constant

whereas I would like to have something like the following:

src/main.cpp|49 col 15-18 warning| 128 is a magic number; consider replacing it with a named constant [readability-magic-numbers]

How to do that?

Does clang-tidy include the readability-magic-numbers tag in the output? Can you run clang-tidy from the command-line on a test file and see whether it can be configured to display this information?

I also noticed that the help file has some bugs. Ti cite few:

  1. In 3. Usage the following commands are reported
:LspDiag current  
:LspDiag first        
:LspDiag here     

but the actual commands are:


2 ) :LspDiagShow is undocumented.

The :LspDiagShow, :LspDiagCurrent and other :LspDiagxxx commands are deprecated. You should use the :LspDiag <arg> command instead.

ubaldot commented 8 months ago

Does clang-tidy include the readability-magic-numbers tag in the output? Can you run clang-tidy from the command-line on a test file and see whether it can be configured to display this information?

Yes, it does, here is an example:

Error while processing /Users/ubaldot/Documents/arduino/freeRTOS/hello_world/src/main.cpp.
/Users/ubaldot/.platformio/packages/toolchain-atmelavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/7.3.0/../../../../avr/include/stdlib.h:48:10: error: 'stddef.h' file not found [clang-diagnostic-error]
#include <stddef.h>
/Users/ubaldot/Documents/arduino/freeRTOS/hello_world/src/main.cpp:10:10: warning: inclusion of deprecated C++ header 'stdlib.h'; consider using 'cstdlib' instead [modernize-deprecated-headers]
#include <stdlib.h>
/Users/ubaldot/Documents/arduino/freeRTOS/hello_world/src/main.cpp:210:17: warning: 'atof' used to convert a string to a floating-point value, but function will not report conversion errors; consider using 'strtod' instead [cert-err34-c]
    c = (float) atof((char*);

The :LspDiagShow, :LspDiagCurrent and other :LspDiagxxx commands are deprecated. You should use the :LspDiag command instead.

Oh, that is interesting! I would have bet the other way around. Can they be removed then? It is fairly annoying when a user types :Lsp<tab> deprecated stuff is shown (other than being confusing for those who are not aware of such a deprecation). :)

ubaldot commented 8 months ago

UPDATE: Interestingly, if I display the diagnostic in the status line (var lspOpts = {'showDiagOnStatusLine': true}), then on the status line I have something like

[altera-unroll-loops] kernel performance can be improved by unrolling this loop .. 

which is very handy as it shows where the diagnostic come from.