yegappan / lsp

Language Server Protocol (LSP) plugin for Vim9
MIT License
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fix: omnicompl may no completeItems yet #438

Open Shane-XB-Qian opened 8 months ago

Shane-XB-Qian commented 8 months ago

lspserver may have no completeItems yet, then omnicompl will be 'err'.

Shane-XB-Qian commented 8 months ago
  • if lspserver.omniCompletePending || !lspserver->has_key('completeItems')

The lspserver.completeItems field is set to an empty List in line 488 above, when the omni-completion function is called with findstart' set to true. Under what conditions, thecompleteItemskey will not be present inlspserver`?

somehow if omniCompletePending is false, then lspserver maybe no completeItems yet.

-- shane.xb.qian

yegappan commented 8 months ago
  • if lspserver.omniCompletePending || !lspserver->has_key('completeItems') The lspserver.completeItems field is set to an empty List in line 488 above, when the omni-completion function is called with findstart' set to true. Under what conditions, thecompleteItemskey will not be present inlspserver`?

somehow if omniCompletePending is false, then lspserver maybe no completeItems yet.

Under what conditions did you see this problem?

Shane-XB-Qian commented 8 months ago
  • if lspserver.omniCompletePending || !lspserver->has_key('completeItems') The lspserver.completeItems field is set to an empty List in line 488 above, when the omni-completion function is called with findstart' set to true. Under what conditions, thecompleteItemskey will not be present inlspserver`?

somehow if omniCompletePending is false, then lspserver maybe no completeItems yet.

Under what conditions did you see this problem?

Under when if omniCompletePending is false, there is no 'lspserver.completeItems = []'

-- shane.xb.qian

yegappan commented 8 months ago
  • if lspserver.omniCompletePending || !lspserver->has_key('completeItems') The lspserver.completeItems field is set to an empty List in line 488 above, when the omni-completion function is called with findstart' set to true. Under what conditions, thecompleteItemskey will not be present inlspserver`? > > somehow if omniCompletePending is false, then lspserver maybe no completeItems yet. Under what conditions did you see this problem?

Under when if omniCompletePending is false, there is no 'lspserver.completeItems = []'

In the two places where omniCompletePending is set to false, lspserver.completeItems is initialized. So I don't see a condition where omniCompletePending is false but completeItems is missing from lspserver.

Can you use describe the steps to reproduce this problem (e.g. LSP server, plugin configuration and the keys pressed)?

Shane-XB-Qian commented 8 months ago
  • if lspserver.omniCompletePending || !lspserver->has_key('completeItems') The lspserver.completeItems field is set to an empty List in line 488 above, when the omni-completion function is called with findstart' set to true. Under what conditions, thecompleteItemskey will not be present inlspserver`? > > somehow if omniCompletePending is false, then lspserver maybe no completeItems yet. Under what conditions did you see this problem?

Under when if omniCompletePending is false, there is no 'lspserver.completeItems = []'

In the two places where omniCompletePending is set to false, lspserver.completeItems is initialized. So I don't see a condition where omniCompletePending is false but completeItems is missing from lspserver.

what if 'omniCompletePending' itself was 'false', where did 'lspserver.completeItems = []'?

-- shane.xb.qian

techntools commented 6 months ago

Screenshot from 2024-02-22 03-07-02

My cursor is between { }

After this fix, error is gone. No completions though. Should I expect completions ?

@Shane-XB-Qian @yegappan

yegappan commented 6 months ago

Which language server are you using? Can you include the LSP plugin settings? It will also be useful to include a sample code that reproduces the problem.

Shane-XB-Qian commented 6 months ago

After this fix, error is gone. No completions though. Should I expect completions ?

i donot know, to me, it should be "searching", // then later (somehow?) it showed the completions, or "failure", maybe more make sense.

Shane-XB-Qian commented 6 months ago

this PR shoud be helping such flow, but i donot know why it is showing "searching" forever... :shrug: // vs #462 which just to cancel the compl.

Shane-XB-Qian commented 6 months ago

or it was quickly enough to "cancel"? but later somehow it may get the completions (of/at that) anyway. // so i donot know, it is up to yegappan, and #462

yegappan commented 6 months ago

This is a regression caused by the PR I have committed to address this issue.

Shane-XB-Qian commented 6 months ago

I have committed 0b9bba0 to address this issue.

i think it became worse, tho logically maybe you were right if -2, but it would be no message about the status? 'cancel' meant you passed [] then no result, or here this PR let it be showing "searching", tho not sure why it was showing forever, vs [] made it be failed directly.

so i donot know your first commit at #462 was better or here mine this one was preferred. // anyway, personally i donot like your second commit for #462, but up to you, i am not going to argue too much.

techntools commented 6 months ago

Which language server are you using? Can you include the LSP plugin settings? It will also be useful to include a sample code that reproduces the problem.

Apologies for the late reply

I am using

My settings

hi Err ctermfg=Red      ctermbg=NONE cterm=bold
hi Wrn ctermfg=Yellow   ctermbg=NONE cterm=bold
hi Hnt ctermfg=Blue     ctermbg=NONE cterm=bold
hi Inf ctermfg=White    ctermbg=NONE cterm=bold

au BufWinEnter * sign define LspDiagError     text=E   texthl=Err numhl=Err linehl=
au BufWinEnter * sign define LspDiagWarning   text=W   texthl=Wrn numhl=Wrn linehl=
au BufWinEnter * sign define LspDiagHint      text=H   texthl=Hnt numhl=Hnt linehl=
au BufWinEnter * sign define LspDiagInfo      text=I   texthl=Inf numhl=Inf linehl=

call LspOptionsSet(
            \ {
            \    'showSignature': v:false,
            \    'autoComplete': v:false,
            \    'showDiagOnStatusLine': v:true,
            \    'noNewlineInCompletion': v:true,
            \    'completionMatcher': 'icase',
            \    'keepFocusInReferences': v:true,
            \    'highlightDiagInline': v:false,
            \ }
            \ )

let lspServers = [
            \ {
            \    'name': 'clangd',
            \    'filetype': ['c', 'cpp'],
            \    'path': '/usr/bin/clangd',
            \    'args': ['--background-index']
            \ },
            \ {
            \    'filetype': ['javascript', 'typescript'],
            \    'path': 'typescript-language-server',
            \    'args': ['--stdio']
            \ },
            \ {
            \    'filetype': 'python',
            \    'path': '/home/santosh/.local/bin/pylsp',
            \    'args': ['--check-parent-process', '-v']
            \ },
            \ {
            \    'filetype': 'vim',
            \    'path': 'vim-language-server',
            \    'args': ['--stdio']
            \ },
            \ ]

call LspAddServer(lspServers)

au FileType c,python,javascript,typescript,vim,sh nnoremap <buffer> <silent> gd :LspGotoDefinition<CR>

au FileType javascriptreact,typescriptreact nnoremap <buffer> <silent> gd :LspGotoDefinition<CR>

au User LspAttached set keywordprg=:LspHover
yegappan commented 6 months ago

Which language server are you using? Can you include the LSP plugin settings? It will also be useful to include a sample code that reproduces the problem.

Apologies for the late reply

I am using

Thanks for the details. This problem should be addressed by Can you try the latest version of the plugin?

techntools commented 6 months ago

No error anymore.