yegappan / lsp

Language Server Protocol (LSP) plugin for Vim9
MIT License
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Can't work with `lexima` #454

Open beavailable opened 6 months ago

beavailable commented 6 months ago

Normally with lexima, in a python file, I have:

def foo|

And when I type ( I'll get:

def foo(|)

Unfortunately, after installing this lsp plugin, I can't get auto-closed parentheses anymore. I'm not sure what was wrong, but if I remove this plugin, lexima could work correctly.

beavailable commented 5 months ago

For anyone who face the same problem, I have a solution for delimitMate (thanks to @girishji ):

  1. Set showSignature: false
  2. Add this line to your vimrc:
    au BufEnter * inoremap <silent> <buffer> ( (<Plug>delimitMate(<C-R>=g:LspShowSignature()<CR><BS>

As you can guess, I've used delimitMate back instead of lexima, because of

Append: Here might be a more general solution:

au BufEnter * inoremap <silent> <buffer> ( ()<Left><C-R>=g:LspShowSignature()<CR>

It works for delimitMate too, but I haven't tried it with lexima.

Update: The autocmd above doesn't work perfectly, if you use this solution, you can't get current (after the first) parameter highlighted.

Here's the latest solution which doesn't require showSignature: false and works well enough:

au InsertEnter <buffer> ++once inoremap <silent> <buffer> ( ()<Left><C-R>=g:LspShowSignature()<CR>

The reason I use InsertEnter event is that this mapping should override the one from lsp plugin which is executed when BufNewFile,BufReadPost are triggered, so the event I use should be triggered later than that. Also, if I use BufNewFile,BufReadPost in my vimrc it won't work, because the mapping is always executed before the one from lsp plugin.

If you use lsp plugin only for certain filetypes (like me), you can write like this:

au FileType java,python {
    au InsertEnter ...

Again, I'm not using lexima, so I'm not sure if it works with lexima.