yegappan / lsp

Language Server Protocol (LSP) plugin for Vim9
MIT License
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E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi #473

Open DanielViberg opened 5 months ago

DanielViberg commented 5 months ago

With useBufferCompletion: true

Screenshot from 2024-03-12 09-22-11

VIM - Vi IMproved 9.1 (2024 Jan 02, compiled Mar 7 2024 15:56:47) Included patches: 1-155

yegappan commented 5 months ago

I assume you are referring to the 'useBufferCompletion' option. Do you have a sample file that shows the problem? Can you try removing the \C from line 335 in completion.vim (

DanielViberg commented 5 months ago

I'm trying to replicate it, will post when i find a good example.

DanielViberg commented 5 months ago

Try changing line 11, writing another number than 15px. This is without \C

<script setup>

<style scoped>
.drag-cont {
  display: grid;
  position: relative;

.list {
  display: grid;
  gap: 15px;



var lspOpts = {
  autoHighlight: true,
  omniComplete: true,
  useBufferCompletion: true,
  snippetSupport: true,
  ultisnipsSupport: true,
  showDiagWithVirtualText: true,
  diagVirtualTextAlign: 'after',
  showDiagOnStatusLine: true,
  showInlayHints: true,
  noNewlineInCompletion: true,
  outlineOnRight: true,
  ignoreMissingServer: true, 
  highlightDiagInline: true,
  showDiagWithSign: false,
  diagSignErrorText: "▶",
  diagSignInfoText: "⏺",
  diagSignHintText: "⏺",
  diagSignWarningText: "⏹",
  filterCompletionDuplicates: true,
DanielViberg commented 5 months ago

It seems like removing \C prompts the second error.