yegappan / lsp

Language Server Protocol (LSP) plugin for Vim9
MIT License
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Ignore formatting errors for long loading language server #476

Open maximyurevich opened 5 months ago

maximyurevich commented 5 months ago

How can I ignore this errors? Screenshot from 2024-03-14 12-51-46

My svelteserver config:

if executable('svelteserver')
        name: 'svelteserver',
        filetype: ['svelte'],
        path: 'svelteserver',
        args: ['--stdio'],
        syncInit: v:true

My efm-langserver config:

if executable('efm-langserver')
        name: 'efm',
        filetype: [
        path: 'efm-langserver',
        args: [],
        initializationOptions: {
            'documentFormatting': v:true
        features: {
            'documentFormatting': v:true
        syncInit: v:true

LspAttached config:

def OnLspBufferAttached()
    augroup lsp_format
      autocmd! BufWritePre *.py,*.sh,*.svelte,*.toml,*.vue,*.rb,*.html,*.json,*.yaml,*.lua,*.css,*.js,*.jsx,*.ts,*.tsx,*.rs,*.go,*.dart,*.md,*.c,*.cpp :LspFormat
    augroup END

augroup lsp_attach
    au User LspAttached call s:OnLspBufferAttached()
augroup END
yegappan commented 5 months ago

When do you see this error message? Do you see this message after loading a new file or do you see this message every time after saving a file?

maximyurevich commented 5 months ago

When do you see this error message? Do you see this message after loading a new file or do you see this message every time after saving a file?

Every time after saving a file for about 30 seconds until prettier configured with efm formats my file

saccarosium commented 5 months ago

Hi, I've been having a similar issue when running efm-langserver that was trying to run mypy on save when it wasn't on my path. But it happened only when I've was trying to save a file with no modifications.