yegappan / lsp

Language Server Protocol (LSP) plugin for Vim9
MIT License
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Adding lsp servers through VimEnter autocmd with Plug fails for files loaded from command line #98

Closed normen closed 7 months ago

normen commented 1 year ago

For files that are opened from command line (e.g. vim src/main.cpp) the LSP isn't properly loaded when using Plug and the VimEnter autocommand. After vim is opened the LSP isn't active. When re-loading the file with :e the LSP is activated. I suppose the VimEnter autocommand is executed too late in this case.

Edit: Adding through lsp#lsp#AddServer() works btw.

yegappan commented 1 year ago

I have committed 13219be58dfbf6a676eccab48eee16a193ada97b to address this issue. Let me know if this addresses the problem.

normen commented 1 year ago

Hm, no it still doesn't work when using the VimEnter hook 🤔

yegappan commented 1 year ago

Which language server are you using? Can you attach the VimEnter command that you are using?

normen commented 1 year ago

Theres two that I manually add through the hook. The rest are added through my own lsp-settings-adapter plugin which also uses the lsp#lsp#Addserver directly.

    let lspServers = [
          \     #{
          \  filetype: ['c', 'cpp'],
          \  path: 'ccls',
          \      }
          \   ]
    "autocmd VimEnter * call LspAddServer(lspServers)
    call lsp#lsp#AddServer(lspServers)

  let lspServers = [
        \     #{
        \  filetype: ['openscad'],
        \  path: $HOME.'/.cargo/bin/openscad-lsp',
        \  args: ['--stdio']
        \      }
        \   ]
  "autocmd VimEnter * call LspAddServer(lspServers)
  call lsp#lsp#AddServer(lspServers)
normen commented 1 year ago

By the way the vim-lsp plugin solves this by having its own Hook for the autocommand, you add LSPs like this:

    au User lsp_setup call lsp#register_server({
          \ 'name': 'ccls',
          \ })
Shane-XB-Qian commented 1 year ago

1, maybe that lsp server could not startup in 10m (10/1000s), that's the default/hardcode value in this lsp client. 2, to check if that lsp server was using async or not, sometime: cInfo.items[cInfo.selected].user_data.label != cItem.label in CompletionResolveReply() would be err e715. update: #112

// perhaps you can try to debug a bit to get more detail information.

saccarosium commented 8 months ago

Very late, but I do this by using a timer:

let s:lsp_settings = {
      \ 'autoComplete': v:false,
      \ 'completionMatcher': 'icase',
      \ 'ignoreMissingServer': v:true,
      \ 'showSignature': v:false,

let s:lsp_servers = [
      \ 'filetype': ['c', 'cpp', 'objc', 'objcpp'],
      \ 'path': 'clangd',
      \ 'args': ['--background-index']
      \ 'filetype': 'python',
      \ 'path': 'jedi-language-server',
      \ 'args': [],
      \ 'filetype': 'python',
      \ 'path': 'ruff-lsp',
      \ 'args': [],
      \ 'filetype': 'rust',
      \ 'path': 'rust-analyzer',
      \ 'args': [],
      \ 'syncInit': v:true,

function! s:LspSetup(...) abort
  packadd lsp
  call LspOptionsSet(s:lsp_settings)
  call LspAddServer(s:lsp_servers)

function! s:OnLspBuffer() abort
  setlocal signcolumn=yes
  nmap <buffer> gd :LspGotoDefinition<CR>
  nmap <buffer> gl :LspDiagCurrent<CR>
  nmap <buffer> gr :LspShowReferences<CR>
  nmap <buffer> K :LspHover<CR>
  nmap <buffer> <leader>r :LspRename<CR>
  nmap <buffer> <leader>a :LspCodeAction<CR>

augroup lsp_init
  autocmd VimEnter * ++once call timer_start(0, 's:LspSetup')
  autocmd User LspAttached call s:OnLspBuffer()
augroup END

But probably using something like what is used in vim-lsp would be more user friendly.

yegappan commented 7 months ago

Very late, but I do this by using a timer:

let s:lsp_settings = {
      \ 'autoComplete': v:false,
      \ 'completionMatcher': 'icase',
      \ 'ignoreMissingServer': v:true,
      \ 'showSignature': v:false,

let s:lsp_servers = [
      \ 'filetype': ['c', 'cpp', 'objc', 'objcpp'],
      \ 'path': 'clangd',
      \ 'args': ['--background-index']
      \ 'filetype': 'python',
      \ 'path': 'jedi-language-server',
      \ 'args': [],
      \ 'filetype': 'python',
      \ 'path': 'ruff-lsp',
      \ 'args': [],
      \ 'filetype': 'rust',
      \ 'path': 'rust-analyzer',
      \ 'args': [],
      \ 'syncInit': v:true,

function! s:LspSetup(...) abort
  packadd lsp
  call LspOptionsSet(s:lsp_settings)
  call LspAddServer(s:lsp_servers)

function! s:OnLspBuffer() abort
  setlocal signcolumn=yes
  nmap <buffer> gd :LspGotoDefinition<CR>
  nmap <buffer> gl :LspDiagCurrent<CR>
  nmap <buffer> gr :LspShowReferences<CR>
  nmap <buffer> K :LspHover<CR>
  nmap <buffer> <leader>r :LspRename<CR>
  nmap <buffer> <leader>a :LspCodeAction<CR>

augroup lsp_init
  autocmd VimEnter * ++once call timer_start(0, 's:LspSetup')
  autocmd User LspAttached call s:OnLspBuffer()
augroup END

But probably using something like what is used in vim-lsp would be more user friendly.

I tried reproducing this problem by using "Plug" to load the LSP plugin and registering the Rust language server. When I opened a file from the command line, the language server was started properly for the file and the functionality worked. Do you have a list of steps to reproduce this issue (include the name of the language server used, any related .vimrc settings/configuration and the command line used to start Vim)?

saccarosium commented 7 months ago

Sorry, it wasn't a bug report. Was a possible solution.

yegappan commented 7 months ago

I have committed to add support for the LspSetup User autocmd. Can you try using that instead of VimEnter?

saccarosium commented 7 months ago

On my end works great.