yegor256 / blog

My blog about computers, written in Jekyll and deployed to GitHub Pages
115 stars 62 forks source link

webinar 46 #371

Closed yegor256 closed 4 years ago

yegor256 commented 5 years ago

@rultor deploy

rultor commented 5 years ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 OK, I'll try to deploy now. You can check the progress here

rultor commented 5 years ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 Oops, I failed. You can see the full log here (spent 6min)

YouTube video GozQCUH2D0I found: M22: Both full-time hiring and outsourcing will lead your project to failure, Zerocracy won't.
YouTube video rC17YwowURQ found: Synchronized Decorators for Thread-Safety (Webinar #32)
YouTube video vXUwE3FGfpg found: #NoAltruism
YouTube video -drZbHxydMc found: When do you validate your objects? (Webinar #35)
YouTube video FNWyN_Q10TI found: What's wrong with global variables? (Webinar #36)
YouTube video _ppWQCCT8zE found: M16: You either report bugs or implement features. You can't do any of that? You are out.
YouTube video RNRaVmbWZXI found: M7: Don't be afraid to ask difficult qstns before you get into a partnership, or get ready to lose
YouTube video oXj9UWm1134 found: Names of objects, methods and variables in OOP (Webinar #37)
YouTube video zljJpADEf_E found: M6: Keeping all source code in a single monolithic repository is a terrible idea!
YouTube video 9tC7p2UTLsU found: M5: Professional programmers always need a second opinion, to make sure their code is good enough
YouTube video Z70PMGaxGhY found: How to win $4096 in the next year Quality Award? (webinar #29)
YouTube video ezE0hRH9BnQ found: M54: Make sure you control your programmers and do it explicitly and openly
YouTube video fVMml2vpP-Y found: M13: A message without a context is unprofessional and very annoying for the listener; don't do it!
YouTube video 2oAW9LmYJI4 found: M8: Since most tech editors have no idea what they are doing, ignore them
\u001b[31m  Liquid Exception: file _posts/2018/nov/ doesn't exist in _posts/2018/dec/\u001b[0m
/home/r/repo/_plugins/pst.rb:26:in `initialize': file _posts/2018/nov/ doesn't exist (RuntimeError)
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/liquid-4.0.1/lib/liquid/tag.rb:9:in `new'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/liquid-4.0.1/lib/liquid/tag.rb:9:in `parse'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/liquid-4.0.1/lib/liquid/block_body.rb:34:in `parse'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/liquid-4.0.1/lib/liquid/document.rb:10:in `parse'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/liquid-4.0.1/lib/liquid/document.rb:5:in `parse'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/liquid-4.0.1/lib/liquid/template.rb:132:in `parse'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/liquid-4.0.1/lib/liquid/template.rb:116:in `parse'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/jekyll-3.6.3/lib/jekyll/liquid_renderer/file.rb:13:in `block in parse'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/jekyll-3.6.3/lib/jekyll/liquid_renderer/file.rb:49:in `measure_time'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/jekyll-3.6.3/lib/jekyll/liquid_renderer/file.rb:12:in `parse'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/jekyll-3.6.3/lib/jekyll/renderer.rb:118:in `render_liquid'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/jekyll-3.6.3/lib/jekyll/renderer.rb:76:in `render_document'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/jekyll-3.6.3/lib/jekyll/renderer.rb:62:in `run'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/jekyll-3.6.3/lib/jekyll/convertible.rb:213:in `do_layout'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/jekyll-3.6.3/lib/jekyll/page.rb:137:in `render'
    from /home/r/repo/_plugins/amp.rb:90:in `block in generate'
    from /home/r/repo/_plugins/amp.rb:77:in `each'
    from /home/r/repo/_plugins/amp.rb:77:in `generate'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/jekyll-3.6.3/lib/jekyll/site.rb:176:in `block in generate'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/jekyll-3.6.3/lib/jekyll/site.rb:174:in `each'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/jekyll-3.6.3/lib/jekyll/site.rb:174:in `generate'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/jekyll-3.6.3/lib/jekyll/site.rb:72:in `process'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/jekyll-3.6.3/lib/jekyll/command.rb:28:in `process_site'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/jekyll-3.6.3/lib/jekyll/commands/build.rb:65:in `build'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/jekyll-3.6.3/lib/jekyll/commands/build.rb:36:in `process'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/jekyll-3.6.3/lib/jekyll/commands/build.rb:18:in `block (2 levels) in init_with_program'
    from /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.3/gems/mercenary-0.3.6/lib/mercenary/command.rb:220:in `block in execute'
    from /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.3/gems/mercenary-0.3.6/lib/mercenary/command.rb:220:in `each'
    from /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.3/gems/mercenary-0.3.6/lib/mercenary/command.rb:220:in `execute'
    from /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.3/gems/mercenary-0.3.6/lib/mercenary/program.rb:42:in `go'
    from /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.3/gems/mercenary-0.3.6/lib/mercenary.rb:19:in `program'
    from /home/r/.ruby/gems/jekyll-3.6.3/exe/jekyll:15:in `<top (required)>'
    from /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.3/bin/jekyll:22:in `load'
    from /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.3/bin/jekyll:22:in `<main>'
    from /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.3/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `eval'
    from /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.3/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `<main>'
rake aborted!
Jekyll failed with pid 10794 exit 1
/home/r/repo/Rakefile:86:in `block in <top (required)>'
/home/r/.ruby/gems/rake-12.3.2/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => default => build
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
container 0fd46dfff287b45e122e506d095ca38c030eb17aa4337a1a490bcedba5a2b51a is dead
Tue Aug 20 16:06:19 CEST 2019
yegor256 commented 5 years ago

@rultor deploy

rultor commented 5 years ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 OK, I'll try to deploy now. You can check the progress here

rultor commented 5 years ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 Done! FYI, the full log is here (took me 12min)

yegor256 commented 5 years ago

@rultor deploy

rultor commented 5 years ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 OK, I'll try to deploy now. You can check the progress here

rultor commented 5 years ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 Done! FYI, the full log is here (took me 12min)

yegor256 commented 4 years ago

@rultor deploy

rultor commented 4 years ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 OK, I'll try to deploy now. You can check the progress here

rultor commented 4 years ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 Done! FYI, the full log is here (took me 12min)

yegor256 commented 4 years ago

@rultor deploy

rultor commented 4 years ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 OK, I'll try to deploy now. You can check the progress here

rultor commented 4 years ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 Done! FYI, the full log is here (took me 17min)

0crat commented 4 years ago

Job gh:yegor256/blog#371 is not assigned, can't get performer

0crat commented 4 years ago

This job is not in scope