yegor256 / blog

My blog about computers, written in Jekyll and deployed to GitHub Pages
115 stars 62 forks source link

robots vs programmers #619

Closed yegor256 closed 10 months ago

yegor256 commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

rultor commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 OK, I'll try to deploy now. You can check the progress here

rultor commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 Oops, I failed. You can see the full log here (spent 10min)

.YouTube video dlPk1AE2aQk found: M170: recruiters may do a better job if listen to us programmers
...YouTube video 939ntzufGB0 found: M178: Try to focus your team on artifacts and their delivery status
YouTube video 2IwBc9UI4Sg found: SIMBA: Simplified Management by Artifacts (at Merge Conf)
.YouTube video Qii3yrQJdHs found: M179: Calibrated Achievement Points (CAP) to measure R&D productivity
..YouTube video 8qfd93SyXpM found: SSD 13/16: Test-Driven Development
.YouTube video 4I8BflW7EpU found: M188: I don't think ML will ever be able to write code
.YouTube video jiEJnLBowHc found: M190: Make sure the bugs you report explain the simplest possible scenarios
...YouTube video Y0Zx_sdVG48 found: M199: Unit tests are the Safety Net that you can't afford to not use
...YouTube video C6CQWzOKEJs found: Object Thinking #7: Yegor Bugayenko / Immutability + Generics
.................................................................328,480 words in the entire blog, 13,281 uniques
\u001b[33m          Conflict: The following destination is shared by multiple files.\u001b[0m
\u001b[33m                    The written file may end up with unexpected contents.\u001b[0m
\u001b[33m                    \u001b[36m/home/r/repo/_site/rss.xml\u001b[0m\u001b[0m
\u001b[33m                     - rss.xml\u001b[0m
\u001b[33m                     - /home/r/repo/_site/rss.xml\u001b[0m
\u001b[33m                    \u001b[0m
/home/r/repo/_site/css/icons.svg created (25072 bytes)
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/home/r/repo/_site/css/icons.eot created (10278 bytes)
/home/r/repo/_site/css/icons.css created (3356 bytes)
/home/r/repo/_site/places.txt created (965 bytes)
/home/r/repo/_site/tags.txt created (792 bytes)
/home/r/repo/_site/stats.svg created (56240 bytes)
/home/r/repo/_site/words.txt created (88187 bytes)
/home/r/repo/_site/gnuplot/2014/11/hoc-vs-loc.svg created (89739 bytes)
/home/r/repo/_site/buffer.rss created (177244 bytes)
                    done in 168.4 seconds.
 Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.
Jekyll site generated without issues

All files are in place

There is no garbage

scss-lint found no lints
2 typos in _site/index.html: ChatGPT, GitHubNext
& ChatGPT 12 15: Chat GPT, Chat-GPT, Chatbot, Catgut, Capt, Charged, Carpet, Chapati, Capet, Chatted, Changed, Chapter
& GitHubNext 11 537: GitHub Next, GitHub-Next, Grungiest, Jinxed, Conquest, Kinkiest, Junkiest, Congest, Gangsta, Gangster, Clunkiest
5 typos in _site/2023/08/29/ai-for-software-engineering.html: ChatGPT, GitHubNext, refactorings, Doxia, ChatGPT
& ChatGPT 12 15: Chat GPT, Chat-GPT, Chatbot, Catgut, Capt, Charged, Carpet, Chapati, Capet, Chatted, Changed, Chapter
& GitHubNext 11 537: GitHub Next, GitHub-Next, Grungiest, Jinxed, Conquest, Kinkiest, Junkiest, Congest, Gangsta, Gangster, Clunkiest
& refactorings 11 1692: refactoring, refectories, factoring, refactors, refractories, refectory's, recordings, factories, rectories, refractory's, recording's
& Doxia 93 5065: Dixie, Do xia, Do-xia, Dox ia, Dox-ia, Docs, Dix, Doc's, Docks, Dogies, Dogs, Dioxin, Doris, Dorcas, Dog's, Doges, Dorks, Taxa, Taxi, Digs, Dogie, Toxic, Toxin, Dogra, Roxie, Dock's, Doggies, Dogma, Moxie, DC's, DOS, Dias, Dis, Doc, Dos, Doz, Fox, Dix's, Dioxide, Dozier, Dogie's, Codexia, Doug, Doug's, Dais, Dig's, Do's, Dock, Does, Doge's, Dork's, Doss, Doze, Dozy, Donas, Cox, Degas, Dig, Dog, Togas, Toxemia, Box, Lox, Lxi, Pox, Xix, Xxi, DOS's, Doe's, Dow's, Dogmas, TWX, TeX, Tex, Tax, Tux, Doge, Dork, Dose, Toga, Di's, Dixie's, Ataxia, Tosca, Doric's, Jodi's, Doha's, Dona's, Dora's, Dorcas's, Dopa's, Toga's, Dogma's
& ChatGPT 12 6731: Chat GPT, Chat-GPT, Chatbot, Catgut, Capt, Charged, Carpet, Chapati, Capet, Chatted, Changed, Chapter
All typos:
rake aborted!
8 typo(s) in 2 pages
/home/r/repo/Rakefile:230:in `block in <top (required)>'
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.6/gems/rake-13.0.6/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>'
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.6/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:22:in `eval'
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.6/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:22:in `<main>'
Tasks: TOP => default => spell
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
container 3c24caf9e6fcb27318f646427b2a2ff8e847c689b8458d28a3267e03683dd041 is dead
Tue 29 Aug 2023 05:40:06 PM CEST
yegor256 commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

rultor commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 OK, I'll try to deploy now. You can check the progress here

rultor commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 Done! FYI, the full log is here (took me 1hr)

yegor256 commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

rultor commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 OK, I'll try to deploy now. You can check the progress here

rultor commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 Done! FYI, the full log is here (took me 1hr)

yegor256 commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

rultor commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 OK, I'll try to deploy now. You can check the progress here

rultor commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 Oops, I failed. You can see the full log here (spent 49s)

+ set -e
+ set -o pipefail
++ dirname ./
+ cd .
+ echo 3325829
+ echo '1.75.1 50eb0c708'
1.75.1 50eb0c708
+ date
Wed 30 Aug 2023 10:25:01 AM CEST
+ uptime
 10:25:01 up 279 days, 15:03,  0 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.03, 0.01
+ ff=default
+ image=yegor256/blog-image:0.0.5
+ rebase=false
+ squash=false
+ head_branch=master
+ author=yegor256
+ vars=('' '--env=scripts=( '\''export '\''\'\'''\'''\''\'\'''\'''\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export '\''\'\'''\''head_branch=master'\''\'\'''\'''\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export '\''\'\'''\''author=yegor256'\''\'\'''\'''\'' '\'';'\'' '\''sudo bundle install --no-color "--gemfile=$(pwd)/Gemfile"'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''sudo npm install -g eslint@8.44.0'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''export JEKYLL_ENV=production'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 bundle exec rake'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''mkdir ~/.ssh'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''mv ../id_rsa ../ ~/.ssh'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''chmod -R 600 ~/.ssh/*'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''echo -e "Host *\n  StrictHostKeyChecking no\n  UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" > ~/.ssh/config'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''git config --global ""'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''git config --global "Rultor"'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''echo -e "chatgpt-translate:\n  api_key_file: $(pwd)/../chatgpt-key.txt" > _config-deploy.yml'\'' '\'';'\'' '\''LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 jgd'\'' '\'';'\'' )' '--env=head_branch=master' '--env=author=yegor256')
+ scripts=('export '\'''\''' ';' 'export '\''head_branch=master'\''' ';' 'export '\''author=yegor256'\''' ';' 'sudo bundle install --no-color "--gemfile=$(pwd)/Gemfile"' ';' 'sudo npm install -g eslint@8.44.0' ';' 'export JEKYLL_ENV=production' ';' 'LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 bundle exec rake' ';' 'mkdir ~/.ssh' ';' 'mv ../id_rsa ../ ~/.ssh' ';' 'chmod -R 600 ~/.ssh/*' ';' 'echo -e "Host *\n  StrictHostKeyChecking no\n  UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" > ~/.ssh/config' ';' 'git config --global ""' ';' 'git config --global "Rultor"' ';' 'echo -e "chatgpt-translate:\n  api_key_file: $(pwd)/../chatgpt-key.txt" > _config-deploy.yml' ';' 'LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 jgd' ';')
+ directory=
+ container=yegor256_blog_619
+ as_root=false
+ hostname
+ git --version
git version 2.25.1
+ docker --version
Docker version 24.0.5, build ced0996
+ mkdir -p /home/rultor/.ssh
+ echo -e 'Host\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n'
+ chmod 600 /home/rultor/.ssh/config
+ git clone repo
fatal: destination path 'repo' already exists and is not an empty directory.
'cid' file is absent, most probably the Docker container wasn't started correctly
yegor256 commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

rultor commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 OK, I'll try to deploy now. You can check the progress here

rultor commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 Done! FYI, the full log is here (took me 2hr)

yegor256 commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

rultor commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 OK, I'll try to deploy now. You can check the progress here

rultor commented 10 months ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 Done! FYI, the full log is here (took me 2hr)