yegor256 / blog

My blog about computers, written in Jekyll and deployed to GitHub Pages
115 stars 62 forks source link

method #630

Closed yegor256 closed 11 months ago

yegor256 commented 11 months ago

@rultor deploy

rultor commented 11 months ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 OK, I'll try to deploy now. You can check the progress here

rultor commented 11 months ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 Oops, I failed. You can see the full log here (spent 11min)

..YouTube video eeXdDvIVu-Y found: What Is Cohesion in OOP? (Webinar #49)
.....YouTube video CmUzNPqCF4s found: M120: Don't wait for your manager to tell you what to do, do what you think is right (open source)
..File /home/r/repo/uml/b9cc42a8e5ed92f94f4362cfd328fb0d.svg already exists (13461 bytes)
File /home/r/repo/uml/930f06f36724929287c1ee82fd95c77b.svg already exists (8545 bytes)
YouTube video rsWrgxm8ktU found: Fat and Skinny Design (Webinar #51)
.File /home/r/repo/uml/c415b43f6d14c18e66db32e9d5d6e8b2.svg already exists (17878 bytes)
.YouTube video D12gi1x6Cdw found: M105: Open source developers inevitably have better soft and tech skills
..YouTube video nErn5G_JHhE found: Veil Objects to Replace DTOs (Webinar #50)
.YouTube video jjeW1hTtRh0 found: M114: The performance of programmers can be measured, with the right metrics
....YouTube video fJvUTlPHSvU found: Encapsulation Is Dead, Let's Use Distance of Coupling Instead (Webinar #55)
.YouTube video Yj1VFGK9vqc found: M143: Daily reports are a perfect guilt-triggering instrument for a lazy team
..YouTube video Z70PMGaxGhY found: How to win $4096 in the next year Quality Award? (webinar #29)
...YouTube video WZlIb5oxDBQ found: M152: There is no management without personal responsibility
.YouTube video TmAJPeM4UlE found: M153: How managers in self-managing orgs judge your performance?
.YouTube video vaFPNdNaOAY found: M160: Traditional top-down planning doesn't work, try better alternative
.YouTube video QaKIw1Bh3Oc found: EOLANG: Basics
.YouTube video ulrMXmIcC4w found: M167: Sometimes you have to be an imposter, either you like it or not
.YouTube video 65baOBHeVMI found: Yegor Bugayenko: Opening
.YouTube video dlPk1AE2aQk found: M170: recruiters may do a better job if listen to us programmers
...YouTube video 939ntzufGB0 found: M178: Try to focus your team on artifacts and their delivery status
YouTube video 2IwBc9UI4Sg found: SIMBA: Simplified Management by Artifacts (at Merge Conf)
.YouTube video Qii3yrQJdHs found: M179: Calibrated Achievement Points (CAP) to measure R&D productivity
..YouTube video 8qfd93SyXpM found: SSD 13/16: Test-Driven Development
.YouTube video 4I8BflW7EpU found: M188: I don't think ML will ever be able to write code
.YouTube video jiEJnLBowHc found: M190: Make sure the bugs you report explain the simplest possible scenarios
...YouTube video Y0Zx_sdVG48 found: M199: Unit tests are the Safety Net that you can't afford to not use
...YouTube video C6CQWzOKEJs found: Object Thinking #7: Yegor Bugayenko / Immutability + Generics
...........YouTube video gHznfuhRR60 found: AIIN'23: Robots vs. Programmers, How soon will computers fire us?
..........................................................331,015 words in the entire blog, 13,415 uniques
\u001b[33m          Conflict: The following destination is shared by multiple files.\u001b[0m
\u001b[33m                    The written file may end up with unexpected contents.\u001b[0m
\u001b[33m                    \u001b[36m/home/r/repo/_site/rss.xml\u001b[0m\u001b[0m
\u001b[33m                     - rss.xml\u001b[0m
\u001b[33m                     - /home/r/repo/_site/rss.xml\u001b[0m
\u001b[33m                    \u001b[0m
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/home/r/repo/_site/tags.txt created (792 bytes)
/home/r/repo/_site/stats.svg created (56806 bytes)
/home/r/repo/_site/words.txt created (89036 bytes)
                    done in 164.134 seconds.
 Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.
Jekyll site generated without issues

All files are in place

There is no garbage

\u001b[36m_sass/_post.scss\u001b[0m:\u001b[35m6\u001b[0m:\u001b[35m1\u001b[0m \u001b[33m[W]\u001b[0m \u001b[32mEmptyLineBetweenBlocks: \u001b[0mRule declaration should be preceded by an empty line
\u001b[36m_sass/_post.scss\u001b[0m:\u001b[35m7\u001b[0m:\u001b[35m14\u001b[0m \u001b[33m[W]\u001b[0m \u001b[32mHexNotation: \u001b[0mColor `#CF021B` should be written as `#cf021b`

scss-lint found one or more lints
container 9f9313a37fcfa9d236cf7d2e52dce736e17de4fbfa19e43f645df8514156c6c0 is dead
Thu Oct 12 05:23:08 PM CEST 2023
yegor256 commented 11 months ago

@rultor deploy

rultor commented 11 months ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 OK, I'll try to deploy now. You can check the progress here

rultor commented 11 months ago

@rultor deploy

@yegor256 Done! FYI, the full log is here (took me 1hr)

0crat commented 11 months ago

Job gh:yegor256/blog#630 is not assigned, can't get performer