yegor256 / qulice

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Qulice fails with unintuitive message on Log4j2 configuration #639

Open mkordas opened 8 years ago

mkordas commented 8 years ago

When Qulice tries to validate XML without schema attached, e.g. Log4j2 configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Console name="CONSOLE" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
            <PatternLayout pattern="[%p] %t %c: %m%n"/>
        <Root level="WARN">
            <AppenderRef ref="CONSOLE"/>

it fails with the following message:

[WARNING] 1 XML validation error(s):
  -1:-1: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'Configuration'.

Qulice should not fail during analysis of XML files without schema.

krzyk commented 8 years ago

@mkordas well, it is there to validate the document against a schema (and style), so if there is none it fails, although it needs a better message

mkordas commented 8 years ago

@krzyk My point is that Qulice should not start XML schema validation if it doesn't have schema for that file, because there might be valid XML files like non-strict Log4j2 configuration for which schema doesn't even exist.

krzyk commented 8 years ago

@davvd valid bug

krzyk commented 8 years ago

@davvd this is postponed

davvd commented 8 years ago

@davvd valid bug

@krzyk tag "bug" added

davvd commented 8 years ago

@davvd this is postponed

@krzyk OK, I put "postponed" label here

davvd commented 8 years ago

@davvd this is postponed

@krzyk someone else will help in this task, no problem at all

krzyk commented 8 years ago

@davvd assing @jrdalpra

davvd commented 8 years ago

@mkordas thanks for the report, I topped your acc for 15 mins, payment ID 56a759c9171e7b555200025a

jrdalpra commented 8 years ago

@krzyk Still not assigned to me.

krzyk commented 8 years ago

@davvd assign @jrdalpra please

krzyk commented 8 years ago

@davvd this is not postponed

davvd commented 8 years ago

@davvd assign @jrdalpra please

@krzyk yep, done. @jrdalpra it is your task now

davvd commented 8 years ago

@davvd this is not postponed

@krzyk thanks, I removed the "postponed" tag

krzyk commented 8 years ago

@jrdalpra how is the work going, need any help?

jrdalpra commented 8 years ago

@krzyk I was working on another issue. I'll work on this one tomorrow. Thanks.

krzyk commented 8 years ago

@jrdalpra there is a more important issue (#676) could I switch you to that one?

krzyk commented 8 years ago

@davvd this is postponed

jrdalpra commented 8 years ago

@krzyk sure. Give to me.

davvd commented 8 years ago

@davvd this is postponed

@krzyk got it, "postponed" label here

davvd commented 8 years ago

@davvd this is postponed

@krzyk right, I will find someone else, no problem

jrdalpra commented 8 years ago

@davvd @krzyk Is the task mine or not? Thanks.

José Volmei Dal Prá Junior - (49) 9112 9359 Bacharel em Ciência da Computação - UnoChapecó Pós-Graduado em Desenvolvimento de Software Com Java - Unoesc Xxe Consultor Java e TotalCross msn: skype: jrdalpra e-mail:

krzyk commented 8 years ago

@jrdalpra this one no, it's a minor one. Let's wait for new assignment

mkordas commented 8 years ago


I was working on another issue. I'll work on this one tomorrow. Thanks.

Please update your comment with a name tag.

driver733 commented 7 years ago

The bug is still present... Are there any updates on when it will be fixed? v. 0.17.1