yegor256 / qulice

Quality Police for Java projects: aggregator of Checkstyle and PMD
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Please explain why ++ and -- operators are prohibited #942

Open golszewski86 opened 5 years ago

golszewski86 commented 5 years ago

Please see qulice-checkstyle/src/main/resources/com/qulice/checkstyle/checks.xml

<module name="IllegalToken">
   <property name="tokens" value="POST_INC, POST_DEC"/>

It prohibits usage of the post increment and decrement operators(like idx++ or idx--), however there is no justification for it. I wasn't able to find one on the intenet except people saying it's more efficient in C/C++.

Could you please provide justification, and maybe include it in the checks.xml file?

0crat commented 5 years ago

@krzyk/z please, pay attention to this issue

0crat commented 5 years ago

@golszewski86/z this project will fix the problem faster if you donate a few dollars to it; just click here and pay via Stripe, it's very fast, convenient and appreciated; thanks a lot!

krzyk commented 5 years ago

@golszewski86 Yeah, you are right. And in most cases many devs hack it by using ++idx and --idx.

@yegor256 Can this rule go away? Or is there a justification for it?

llorllale commented 5 years ago

@krzyk a possible reason is to avoid this mistake:

    int x = 1;
    int y = x++;
    System.out.println(x);  // prints 2
    System.out.println(y);  // prints 1

Someone may mistakenly expect y == 2.

golszewski86 commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry @llorllale but this reason doesn't make sense to me. I understand some people may not know how do the post-increment and pre-increment work, but this is not the reason to disable these constructions for everyone.

yegor256 commented 5 years ago

@krzyk just use ++i and that's it. I don't see why the rule should go away.

krzyk commented 5 years ago

@yegor256 yeah, but both postfix and prefix increment /decrement in my opinion is equally bad. So why discourage just one? (or at all?). I think we should either prohibit both or none.

llorllale commented 5 years ago

@krzyk why do you think the preincrement is bad?

krzyk commented 5 years ago

@llorllale it 8s in the same group as postincrement, so if we discourage one, we should do the same with the other.

Personally I don't have anything against either one if the result of the expression is not used.

yegor256 commented 5 years ago

@krzyk I don't think that pre-increment is bad. Post-increment is bad for a very specific reason -- it returns the value before the increment, which makes code less readable. Pre-increment is side-effect free, so to speak. So, I vote for ++i but against i++.

golszewski86 commented 5 years ago

Post-increment is bad for a very specific reason -- it returns the value before the increment, which makes code less readable

That's just an opinion @yegor256, maybe it's less readable for you but not for everyone. I'd expect code quality rules to be based on generally acknowledged rules, not personal opinions about readability.

krzyk commented 5 years ago

@golszewski86 rules in qulice are generally decided by generally acknowledged rules but in some cases our PO (Yegor) decides about them in more personal way, look at for explanations why some of the rules are configured the way they are. You can see some good arguments against i++ from at least two people.

golszewski86 commented 5 years ago

@krzyk yep there are two arguments:

So there's actually only one argument, and it's not a good one.