yegor256 / sixnines

Website Availability Monitor: add your website to our dashboard and get 24x7 monitoring of its availability (and a badge!)
MIT License
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pulse #36

Closed yegor256 closed 7 years ago

yegor256 commented 7 years ago

Let's show our current rate of pinging endpoints, to make sure we're alive. Let's just increment some global counter and show that counter on the front page. Let's update it via JavaScript, every second.

yegor256 commented 7 years ago

@0crat assign @pdacostaporto

0crat commented 7 years ago

@0crat assign @pdacostaporto (here)

@yegor256 Job gh:yegor256/sixnines#36 assigned to @pdacostaporto, please go ahead (policy).

0crat commented 7 years ago

+15 points just awarded to @yegor256, total is +1560.

pdacostaporto commented 7 years ago

@yegor256 check #85

pdacostaporto commented 7 years ago

@yegor256 close this if you think it's done

yegor256 commented 7 years ago

@pdacostaporto thanks!

0crat commented 7 years ago

Job gh:yegor256/sixnines#36 is now out of scope.

0crat commented 7 years ago

+30 points just awarded to @pdacostaporto, total is +225.