calling "open in other editor" for gvim leads to the following error message in the console
run cmd err: Error: Command failed: cd /d C:/Users/holst/Insync/ && gvim ./"01 Arbeit/02 📚 Produkte/xSuite Interface 5/Interface 5 als Dienst"
Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.
, , Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.
eval @ plugin:obsidian-open-in-other-editor:39
exithandler @ node:child_process:413
emit @ node:events:390
maybeClose @ node:internal/child_process:1064
ChildProcess._handle.onexit @ node:internal/child_process:301
"Das System kann den angebenen Pfad nicht finden" is german for "The system cannot find the specified path"
Running it manually in the command prompt from the vaults starting directory works fine.
Looks like the "...%20..." in the "cd /d ..." part is causing the problem. When using a space instead of "%20" it works fine.
"Das System kann den angebenen Pfad nicht finden" is german for "The system cannot find the specified path"
Running it manually in the command prompt from the vaults starting directory works fine.
Looks like the "...%20..." in the "cd /d ..." part is causing the problem. When using a space instead of "%20" it works fine.