Open yellowbean opened 1 year ago
prioritizing this as coming rating adjust for china. it's good to show the OC level for the senior tranches
def plot_bs(x, excludeItems=["FeeDue","IntAccrue","Account"]):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
dates = x.index.to_list()
liabilityItems = x['liability'].to_dict(orient='list')
assetItems = x['asset'].to_dict(orient='list')
highest_y1 = max([ max(v) for k,v in liabilityItems.items()])
highest_y2 = max([ max(v) for k,v in assetItems.items()])
if "FeeDue" in set(excludeItems):
liabilityItems = {k:v for (k,v) in liabilityItems.items() if (not k.startswith("Fee Due:"))}
if "IntAccrue" in set(excludeItems):
liabilityItems = {k:v for (k,v) in liabilityItems.items() if (not k.startswith("Accured Int:")) }
if "Account" in set(excludeItems):
assetItems = {k:v for (k,v) in assetItems.items() if k not in excludeItems }
balanceItems = {
'Asset': assetItems,
'Liability': liabilityItems,
x = np.arange(len(dates)) # the label locations
width = 0.40 # the width of the bars
multiplier = 0
fig, ax = plt.subplots(layout='constrained')
for assetClass, assetBreakdown in balanceItems.items():
offset = width * multiplier
# plot asset
bottom = np.zeros(len(dates))
for (breakdownsK,breakdowns) in assetBreakdown.items():
#print(f"plotting bar,data={breakdowns},offset={offset},bottom={bottom}")
rects = + offset, breakdowns, width, label=breakdownsK, bottom=bottom)
bottom += breakdowns
ax.bar_label(rects, padding=1,label_type="center")
multiplier += 1
# Add some text for labels, title and custom x-axis tick labels, etc.
ax.set_title('Projected Captial Structure')
ax.set_xticks(x + width/2, dates)
ax.legend(loc='upper right')
ax.set_ylim(0, max([highest_y1,highest_y2])*1.2)
y -> time line axis
x -> a pair of two stacks bars over the projection period x ->