yellowbean / Hastructure

ABS/MBS cashflow engine written in Haskell, with API to Python and C/Java (on the way)
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New Asset Class : Invoice #157

Closed yellowbean closed 5 months ago

yellowbean commented 5 months ago


There is a quite popular asset class for SME business,

Cashflow Attributes

All of these asset types has a common attributes


At last payment date, all balance shall be paid off by once.


Asset performance metrics

Default behavior

CDR way

For all the assets in the pool, given a constant default rate 12%. if the asset has a term of 6 months, then it shall default around 6% of it's balance. The longer the term , then the larger default rate will be occurred. i.e. face value 100$ with 12 month, if CDR = 10%,the after 12 month, only get 90$ back. if it is 6 month term, then it will get around 95$ back

100% default way.

User can select a subset of assets in the pool, and flag them as defaulted. then during the cashflow projection, the engine won't get any cash at the payment date from such assets.


User can supply with delinquency assumption like :

Default by borrowers?

I'm assuming the invoice may have concentrate risk, so , the default assumption may be applied on borrower level instead of asset level . if a borrower defaulted, then all the assets under such borrower should be flag as default as well.

The default may look like a CDR way ,or 100% Default way for a borrower.

Revolving ?



yellowbean commented 5 months ago

Release in Alpha:


Sample code: