yemu1138178251 / FFCA-YOLO

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I encountered the following error while running the code #1

Open yuhua666 opened 4 months ago

yuhua666 commented 4 months ago

(base) root@autodl-container-504f119d52-750ad51a:~/FFCA-YOLO-main# python --weights '' --cfg your yaml address --data data/AITOD.yaml --hyp data/hyps/hyp.scratch-low.yaml --name your name --batch-size 32 --workers 0 --cache --epochs 300 --save-period 1 usage: [-h] [--weights WEIGHTS] [--cfg CFG] [--data DATA] [--hyp HYP] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--imgsz IMGSZ] [--rect] [--resume [RESUME]] [--nosave] [--noval] [--noautoanchor] [--noplots] [--evolve [EVOLVE]] [--bucket BUCKET] [--cache [CACHE]] [--image-weights] [--device DEVICE] [--multi-scale] [--single-cls] [--optimizer {SGD,Adam,AdamW}] [--sync-bn] [--workers WORKERS] [--project PROJECT] [--name NAME] [--exist-ok] [--quad] [--cos-lr] [--label-smoothing LABEL_SMOOTHING] [--patience PATIENCE] [--freeze FREEZE [FREEZE ...]] [--save-period SAVE_PERIOD] [--seed SEED] [--local_rank LOCAL_RANK] [--entity ENTITY] [--upload_dataset [UPLOAD_DATASET]] [--bbox_interval BBOX_INTERVAL] [--artifact_alias ARTIFACT_ALIAS] error: unrecognized arguments: yaml address name