yeoman / generator-angular

Yeoman generator for AngularJS
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Problem using NPM #1398

Closed abtx closed 7 years ago

abtx commented 7 years ago

I've added a module npm by going npm install --save angular-bootstrap-datetimepicker for local npm and installed successfully. The module is there, but the import with <script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/moment/moment.js"></script> (moment.js is a dependency of the installd module) throws 404! I should be able to include the script like shown above, right? Any clue as to why does it throw a 404? Am I missing some grunt configuration, perhaps?

denis-andrikevich commented 7 years ago

I had same problem, didnt find any answer, so i include it via cdn.

eddiemonge commented 7 years ago

Right now this supports automatic inclusion using bower only. Install with bower and itll do it