yeoman / generator-angular

Yeoman generator for AngularJS
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Feature: generator prompt for html5mode support #433

Open jjt opened 10 years ago

jjt commented 10 years ago

Anyone who wants to use html5mode with generator-angular has three problems to solve after yo angular is used to create a project:

  1. Refreshing any page other than / results in 404 (index.html is only served from /)
  2. Relative script tags cause 404s upon a refresh of pages other than /
  3. Build blocks in index.html use relative scripts/ path, and the built index.html has relative script tags, as above

I think that having a prompt for html5mode and having the generator configure the project to support this out of the gate would be beneficial. I'm using Angular 1.2.0-8336b3a and generator-angular 0.4.0.

Solution to 1: Rewrite rule to index.html

This is solved by configuring a server with rewrite rules. This can be nginx/apache in front of grunt server, but that would mean setting up and/or configuring a server outside of ones project.

I prefer adding connect middleware as in #132, or this gist:

NOTE: This code is for v0.4.0. For v0.5.0+, try this instead this, as of 0.6.0-rc1

livereload: {
    options: {
      port: 9000,
      // Change this to '' to access the server from outside.
      hostname: '',
      middleware: function (connect) {
        return [
            '!(\\..+)$ / [L]'
          mountFolder(connect, '.tmp'),

From the discussion surrounding #132, it sounds like there were some cases to consider and some errors that weren't resolved. That was 3 months ago though, so things might have changed.

This is working for me, deep link refreshing and all.

Solutions to 2 and 3

These are related. Three solutions that work:

  1. Reference script and css tags with an absolute url for both the script tags in the markup: <script src="/scripts/controller/myController.js"></script>, and the build comments: <!-- build:js /scripts/... -->. I've been doing this manually every time I generate a new component, and it works.
  2. Add <base href="/"> to the head, making all relative urls into absolute urls. This works, but there are some issues with the tag. Plus, it changes the behaviour of all relative urls and anchor links, which seems overbearing.
  3. Change the build scripts to reference /scripts/ as in 1. which takes care of production builds. For development and testing, add another rewrite rule like ^(.+)scripts/(.*) scripts/$1. This would also work, but I think solution 1. is the cleanest.


eddiemonge commented 10 years ago

after thinking about it more, using absolute (relative to domain root) paths does seem the best solution for problems 2 and 3 which would mean

Problem 1 is an ongoing issue that probably does need to be addressed at some point.

jjt commented 10 years ago

Hmm... I can see where using absolute paths relative to the domain root wouldn't be the best default, such as someone serving an ng app from But I still think that an absolute url is the way to go here. Maybe what's needed is an app base url config option that people like me can set to / and the people of can set to /path/ng-app/. I don't count the <base> tag as a good solution, as it causes problems with anchor links. That would break any page that has a ToC, like Wiki articles.

Either we use absolute urls, or we force people to do more production server configuration (rewrite anything with ^(.+)scripts/(.*) to scripts_path/$1, etc). Can you see a way around that?

szimek commented 10 years ago


It's really annoying that I have to modify my Gruntfile.js so much to have HTML5 mode support. It also makes keeping it up to date with the latest changes in Gruntfile.js created by this generator really complicated.

BTW. I use this workaround that I found somewhere on Stack Overflow for the issue with <base href="/"> tag and anchor links:

.directive 'scrollTo', ($location, $anchorScroll) ->
  restrict: 'A'
  link: (scope, element, attrs) ->
    element.on 'click', (event) ->

      location = attrs.scrollTo
      previousHash = $location.hash()

      # Reset to the previous hash to keep any additional routing logic from kicking in

In HTML use the directive instead:

<a scroll-to='anchor'>Anchor link</a>
pgilad commented 10 years ago

My solution for this is as follows:

  1. in app.js (routing) add the following: $locationProvider.html5Mode(true);
  2. in index.html add the following:

<base href="/"> in <head> tag

  1. in server.js add the following general catch-all routing (to prevent that refresh problem)
//general routing
app.use(function (req, res) {
    res.sendfile(__dirname + '/app/index.html');

That way all my routing is handled in AngularJs RouteProvider... and Express only gets Ajax request (or if your have specific routing that you catch)

saamalik commented 10 years ago

@jjt Your snippet for Solution 1 is out-of-date, I believe. lrSnippet, and mountFolder variables can't be found. Using generator-angular-0.6.0-rc1

szimek commented 10 years ago

@saamalik Something like this should work with 0.6.0-rc1:

module.exports = function (grunt) {

  var modRewrite = require('connect-modrewrite')([
    '!\\.ttf|\\.woff|\\.ttf|\\.eot|\\.html|\\.js|\\.coffee|\\.css|\\.png|\\.jpg|\\.gif|\\.svg$ /index.html [L]'
  var yeoman = {
    app: require('./bower.json').appPath || 'app',
    dist: 'dist'

    yeoman: yeoman,
    connect: {
      options: {
        port: 9000,
        // Change this to '' to access the server from outside.
        hostname: 'localhost',
        livereload: 35729
      livereload: {
        options: {
          open: true,
          middleware: function (connect, options) {
            return [
saamalik commented 10 years ago

@szimek Thanks! I removed the require('connect-livereload')() line and everything worked.

jjt commented 10 years ago

Yeah, my snippet targeted v0.4.0. Thanks for the updated code!

jjt commented 10 years ago

I've found that this solution has the least impact on the Gruntfile. It changes nothing and adds code in one place and one place only, connect.livereload.options:

  // ...
  connect: {
    // ...
    livereload: {
      options: {
        open: true,
        base: [
          '<%= %>'
        // Add this middleware function
        middleware: function (connect, options) {
          return [
            require('connect-modrewrite')(['!(\\..+)$ / [L]']),
            // One can also use something like this:
            // '!\\.ttf|\\.woff|\\.ttf|\\.eot|\\.html|\\.js|\\.coffee|\\.css|\\.png|\\.jpg|\\.gif|\\.svg$ /index.html [L]'
  // ...
}); // End grunt.initConfig()
szimek commented 10 years ago

@jjt You don't really need base section if you provide your own middleware stack. Of course if you want to make minimum amount of changes you can just leave it there, but it's quite confusing to specify paths in 2 places. You probably could do something like this (untested):

livereload: {
  options: {
    base: [
      '<%= %>'
    middleware: function (connect, options) {
      return [
        [require('connect-modrewrite')(['!(\\..+)$ / [L]'])], (path) { return connect.static(path); })
      ].reduce(function (a, b) { return a.concat(b); }); // flatten array

This should allow to set paths using base options. I created an issue for grunt-contrib-connect ( to be able to add middlewares to an existing stack (this way we wouldn't have to define connect.static at all), but it wasn't accepted. If the code above works, it's probably even shorter than adding your middleware to an existing stack.

Don't you need this custom middleware stack with modrewrite also for test and dist servers? If it's always the same maybe one could just put it in a function at the top:

var html5stack =  function (connect, options) {
  return [
    [require('connect-modrewrite')(['!(\\..+)$ / [L]'])], (path) { return connect.static(path); })
  ].reduce(function (a, b) { return a.concat(b); }); // flatten array

and then just:

livereload: {
  options: {
    base: [...],
    middleware: html5stack

BTW. Thanks for the tip with shorter rewrite rule.

jjt commented 10 years ago

My only change to the generated Gruntfile is to add that 9-line middleware function to connect.options.livereload. I use the same variable as in base, which is so I don't think it violates DRY.

But, the other server targets need the middleware as well. I'd just been testing it on the dev server up until this point. I like the direction you're going though at the bottom of your post, I'll try something along those lines.

Np! I yanked it from this gist.

szimek commented 10 years ago

My only concern with calling connect.static for every path manually is that if generator adds a new path to base option, you'll have to update middleware function as well. Using options.base inside middleware function should handle it automatically.

jjt commented 10 years ago

Yeah, as long as when the middleware function gets called the value of options.base is set to the correct target then everything should be fine.

jjt commented 10 years ago

Okay, this is what I ended up with in the connect.options task config. Seems to work.

connect: {
  options: {
    // ...
    // Modrewrite rule, connect.static(path) for each path in target's base
    middleware: function (connect, options) {
      var optBase = (typeof options.base === 'string') ? [options.base] : options.base;
      return [require('connect-modrewrite')(['!(\\..+)$ / [L]'])].concat({ return connect.static(path); }));
szimek commented 10 years ago

It will be hard to make it any shorter than this :)

jjt commented 10 years ago

I don't think I want it any shorter! As is, this almost feels too "clever".

eddiemonge commented 10 years ago

started thinking about how to implement this. added a note in

jjt commented 10 years ago

Yup, gotta have enough interest in order to justify adding it.

I've been thinking about options for configurable asset path prefixes in both development and production, and I've come to think that a configurable asset prefix would be beneficial for production, in the case of an Angular app and its assets being stored somewhere other than the root (ex. The dev server doesn't have that problem, as it's served out of the root of a domain by default ( and so / should work as a prefix for most people.

So with that in mind, here's how I picture it working:

$ Use html5Mode (/foo/bar) instead of hashMode (/#/foo/bar)? (y/N)
   # if y...
$ Asset base path for production (default: /)

We'll add a config var, assetSrcPrefix (str, default "") and have two config prompts assetBasePathProd (str, default:"/"), and html5mode (bool, default:false)

  1. If html5Mode, assetSrcPrefix = "/"
  2. Prepend assetSrcPrefix to all asset paths (js, css) in various files (wherever src="script/..." or href="styles/..." would be output)
  3. Prepend assetBasePathProd to all build targets (ex. build:js <%= assetBasePathProd %>scripts...)
  4. If html5Mode, add connect-rewrite in package.json
  5. If html5Mode, add rewrite rule to Gruntfile

I've done some testing on a freshly generated Angular project with the above changes (to the created index.html/Gruntfile, not the gen itself) and I've got a dev server that serves html5Mode properly, and a build that can reference any root-relative path.

One feature that I'd like to see is an absolute asset url base in the build targets. This naive attempt <!-- build:js http://my.static.server/scripts/plugins.js --> results in the correct script tag being output, but the file ends up at ng-gen-project/dist/http:/my.static.server/scripts/plugins.js.

AlJohri commented 10 years ago

just dropping a +1 here for "have enough interest in order to justify adding it" !

chatman-media commented 10 years ago

Thanks guys!

alexpeattie commented 10 years ago

+1, this would be fantastic to have

shea256 commented 10 years ago


karin-n commented 10 years ago

+1 - would be fantastic to have it included

logstown commented 10 years ago

+1 from me as well.

On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 4:40 PM, proactivity-nz notifications@github.comwrote:

+1 - would be fantastic to have it included

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

dansowter commented 10 years ago

Looks wonderful. Yes please

jjt commented 10 years ago

Well, looks like a fair bit of interest in this.

Ping @sindresorhus @passy @eddiemonge. I'd be willing to work on a PR for this as described in my comment. If you guys think it's a good approach, let me know and I'll get to it.

jeongwooklee commented 10 years ago

+1 (v0.6.0)

zakdances commented 10 years ago


chatman-media commented 10 years ago

Excellent, not working again.

benjamingr commented 10 years ago

:+1: really want to see this done.

giosakti commented 10 years ago

encounter this issue and resolve it manually using this discussion as the guide.. +1

lifeisfoo commented 10 years ago

:dart: working with the latest angular-generator :+1:

chatman-media commented 10 years ago

Not for latest version. Grunt file is heavily modified unlike in that commit

lifeisfoo commented 10 years ago

@zishe the @jjt solution worked for me with generator-angular 0.7.1, the latest stable version available.

chatman-media commented 10 years ago

Can you show your solution, because it's not working for me with just created app with the same version.

lifeisfoo commented 10 years ago

Yes, I hope this help.

peta commented 10 years ago

It works as long as our path is flat ... e.g. mydir works, whereas mydir/mysubdir doesn't work anymore – until I manually add a <base href="/"> tag into the head.

ghachey commented 10 years ago

I can confirm what @peta says above. I created a basic app generated with generator-angular version 0.7.1 (running on Linux Mint, Node 0.10.26, npm 1.4.3) and followed the suggested steps in with the addition of the middleware in It works only for flat paths. For example, I can access /level1, but if I try to access /level1/:id (say /level1/12) I get the following error in the console: GET http://localhost:9000/level1/views/level1-details.html 404 (Not Found) And if I try to access /level1/:id/:foo (say /level1/13/foo) I get: GET http://localhost:9000/level1/13/views/level1-details-foo.html 404 (Not Found)

If I add <base href="/">, in addition to the steps followed as desribed, then it all seems to work.

A few things:

stereokai commented 10 years ago

So, here's my latest solution (a small mod of @jjt's snippet). It accounts for both *nix and Windows and it allows rewriting/aliasing directories too (to support v0.9.5 config layout). And it supports sourcemaps too. I have tested it with the latest version (0.9.5) and latest connect-modrewrite (0.7.6). Just replace your connect config object in your Gruntfile with the following. Of course it requires <base href="/">.

    // The actual grunt server settings
    connect: {
      options: {
        port: 9000,
        // Change this to '' to access the server from outside.
        hostname: 'localhost',
        livereload: 35729,
        // Modrewrite rule, connect.static(path) for each path in target's base
        middleware: function (connect, options) {
          var optBase = (typeof options.base === 'string') ? [options.base] : options.base,
              middleware = [require('connect-modrewrite')(['!(\\..+)$ / [L]'])]
                .concat( (path) { 
                  if (path.indexOf('rewrite|') === -1) {
                    return connect.static(path);
                  } else {
                    path = path.replace(/\\/g, '/').split('|');
                    return  connect().use(path[1], connect.static(path[2]))

          return middleware;
      livereload: {
        options: {
          open: true,
          base: [
            'rewrite|/app/styles|./app/styles', // for sourcemaps
            '<%= %>'
      test: {
        options: {
          port: 9001,
          base: [
            '<%= %>'
      dist: {
        options: {
          base: '<%= yeoman.dist %>'
bjacobel commented 10 years ago

@stereokai's snippet worked for me after scratching my head on this problem for quite a while. Thanks!

stereokai commented 10 years ago

@bjacobel Glad I could help!

ghost commented 10 years ago

Well @stereokai last snippet almost works for me. But I'm using ui-router and its adding a trailing '/' which makes the URL not valid to the state, so it brings me back to home. Almost there just need to get rid of that '/'.

I feel like this moving the bower_components folder out of app is kinda a PITA.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Sadly, I think this may be chrome adding the slash when the page is reloaded or something. I tried this, but did nothing for me. Any ideas?

    middleware: function (connect, options) {
      var optBase = (typeof options.base === 'string') ? [options.base] : options.base,
          middleware = [require('connect-modrewrite')(['!(\\..+)$ / [L]'])]
            .concat( (path) { 
              if (path.indexOf('rewrite|') === -1) {
                if (path.charAt(path.length-1) === '/') path = path.slice(0,-1);
                return connect.static(path);
              } else {
                path = path.replace(/\\/g, '/').split('|');
                return  connect().use(path[1], connect.static(path[2]))

      return middleware;
stereokai commented 10 years ago

May I bring into discussion the reasoning behind moving bower_components out of the app directory?

I can relate to the notion that these are dependencies that are installed in the same manner as node_modules, but at the same time they are also browser assets that are served with the rest of the app contents, and node_modules aren't. (My impression is that the common setup is having bower_components inside app).

I used the force source

ghost commented 10 years ago

Well, I was directed to a fix for my trailing slash issue that was the last thing preventing this modrewrite livereload/refresh fix to work and angular ui-route. I simple have added a trailing slash to all my routes... and I added a little rule to append one if there isn't:

    .rule(function ($injector, $location) {
      // This rule forces all URLs to have a trailing '/'
      var path = $location.url();

      if (path[path.length - 1] === '/' || path.indexOf('/?') > -1)
      if (path.indexOf('?') > -1)
        return path.replace('?', '/?');

      return path + '/';

Finally I can say my dev server handles reload/refreshes correctly, definitely a big bonus.

stereokai commented 10 years ago

@bobmash Did you have to use your middleware snippet? Just for reference.

mangrish commented 10 years ago

I don't know if this is still relevant or will help anyone but if you run the generator and want html5 push mode to work, this is how i did it:

  1. Install modrewrite: npm install connect-modrewrite --save-dev. At the time of writing I'm using 0.7.7 and grunt-contrib-connect 0.8.0
  2. Update your Gruntfile (I'm using Less and I've added my fonts to show how i get them served as well
        connect: {
            options: {
                port: 9000,
                // Change this to '' to access the server from outside.
                hostname: 'localhost',
                livereload: 35729

            livereload: {
                options: {
                    open: true,
                    middleware: function (connect) {
                        return [
                            require('connect-modrewrite') (['!(\\..+)$ / [L]']),
                            connect().use('/fonts', connect.static('./bower_components/bootstrap/dist/fonts')),
                            connect().use('/fonts', connect.static('./bower_components/font-awesome/fonts')),
            dist: {
                options: {
                    open: true,
                    base: '<%= yeoman.dist %>'
  1. You may need html <base href="/"/> in your index.html.

That's it!

If you are having trailing / issues try the following regexp: '!(\\..+)$ /index.html [L]'.

I hope this may be of use to somebody :)

stereokai commented 10 years ago

@mangrish You shouldn't need to manually include the fonts, they should already be served (they are automatically included via bower,json)

mangrish commented 10 years ago

@stereokai In step 2 i mentioned I'm using Less. I exclude the the css in the wiredep task (otherwise it gets added as a build artifact when deploying to production) and import the bootstrap and font-awesome less files in my own main less file. To get around the fonts not being in the right spot for font awesome i modify the @fonts variable which results in needing them served up in a particular spot! You can see a similar technique used by another generator: My version isn't exactly the same but it works.

stereokai commented 10 years ago

@mangrish Thanks for sharing. I'm not using Less, but others who do might find it useful for sure.