yeoman / generator-mobile

Scaffold out a mobile project based on Web Starter Kit
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grunt fails due to warnings #18

Closed fionnbharra closed 10 years ago

fionnbharra commented 10 years ago

When I try to perform an initial build, after running 'yo mobile', I get the following -

Warning: Task "jshint:all" failed. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
timelf123 commented 10 years ago


Fixed by commenting '<%= %>/scripts/{,*/}*.js', but then you aren't validating any of your scripts, just tests...

 jshint: {
            options: {
                jshintrc: '.jshintrc'
            all: [
                //'<%= %>/scripts/{,*/}*.js',
                '!<%= %>/scripts/vendor/*',
tim@tim:~/dev/mobile$ grunt
Running "jshint:all" (jshint) task
>> 2 files lint free.
addyosmani commented 10 years ago

Going to take a look at this on Monday. Thanks for flagging it!

addyosmani commented 10 years ago

Looked into this. The current issue is that we're writing files which should be in vendor directly into /scripts and they're getting linted. We could also do a better job of not linting bower_components.

oak-tree commented 10 years ago

"grunt fails due to warnings" still here. many warnings. doesnt work with out -f how can i edit grunt file to skip checking some of the files?

timelf123 commented 10 years ago

@oak-tree see my previous comment for a hack

addyosmani commented 10 years ago

Pushed a workaround to master. We'll get out a new release in the next week.

christianromney commented 10 years ago

Any update on this? Updated my generator and this issue persists... TIA

DanielTate commented 10 years ago

Any updates? Just tied yeoman with backbone and getting the same problem.

napstercake commented 8 years ago

check this link: