yeoman / generator-webapp_DEPRECATED

Yeoman generator that scaffolds out a front-end web app
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unable to run grunt serve with the following error on win7 #588

Closed calidion closed 9 years ago

calidion commented 9 years ago

Warning: PhantomJS unable to load "" URI.

calidion commented 9 years ago

it would be ok to change hostname from '' to 'localhost'

silvenon commented 9 years ago

It should be serving from localhost, I don't see why it's suddenly on Windows. Also, why is it running PhantomJS on grunt serve, shouldn't that be running on grunt test? Could you poke around the issue some more and post a stack trace?

calidion commented 9 years ago

sorrry, grunt not grunt serve

eddiemonge commented 9 years ago

Its specifically to listen on all addresses, not just localhost, so you can test from other computers and VMs as well as your machine. When you open a browser or specify what to open on your local machine, you can change it to localhost or