yeoman / yo

CLI tool for running Yeoman generators
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update yeoman-environment to v4.0.0 #793

Closed mshima closed 7 months ago

mshima commented 7 months ago

Purpose of this pull request?

What changes did you make?

Is there anything you'd like reviewers to focus on?

ntucker commented 7 months ago

What's the point of yeoman-environment release without this updated? Can yeoman-environment be used without yo?

mshima commented 7 months ago

Yes it’s possible.

Would be nice if someone could convert yo to ESM.

mshima commented 7 months ago

What's the point of yeoman-environment release without this updated? Can yeoman-environment be used without yo?

@ntucker yes it's possible and I actually recommend. There a yeoman-environment built-in cli yoe (I consider experimental since I've never had a feedback about it and do not use it, generator-jhipster has a much more complex custom cli which yeoman-environment is based on). Since v3.0.0

You can build your own, yeoman-environment has helpers for that.

ntucker commented 7 months ago

Oh that's cool. Is there much difference than yoe? I actually have my own cli that I just proxy calls to yo with

Would it be as simple as replacing yo with yoe to run a generator?

ntucker commented 7 months ago

@mshima I don't get how to use yoe. the help says

run [options] <namespace> <namespace>  Run a generator

What are namespaces? What happened to specifying the generator? With yo I do yo [generator-filepath] [...args]

So where does [generator-filepath] go?

ntucker commented 7 months ago

Running npx --package=yeoman-environment yoe run @anansi/generator-js app temp:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'splice')
    at YeomanCommand.environmentAction (file:///home/ntucker/.npm/_npx/39f97afeb06609d2/node_modules/yeoman-environment/dist/cli/utils.js:33:57)

which associates with

export const environmentAction = async function (generatorNamespace, options, command) {
    debug('Handling operands %o', generatorNamespace);
    if (!generatorNamespace) {
    const env = createEnv({ ...options, command: this });
    this.env = env;
    await env.lookupLocalPackages();
    return env.execute(generatorNamespace, command.args.splice(1));

the return line here

console.log on command gives:

  skipInstall: false,
  skipCache: false,
  localConfigOnly: false,
  askAnswered: false,
  force: false,
  dryRun: false,
  whitespace: false,
  bail: false,
  skipYoResolve: false,
  skipLocalCache: true,
  skipParseOptions: false,
  experimental: false
mshima commented 7 months ago

It’s not designed to use paths, it relies on lookup and use namespaces. You can easily create your own using YeomanCommand and prepareCommand.

You can use yoe as reference implementation.

ntucker commented 7 months ago

Is require('./fixtures/generator-commands/generators/arguments') a generator?

mshima commented 7 months ago

Yes, Please open a new issue at environment repository to keep the discussion registered in the right repository.